Monday, May 27, 2013

Vaccine's: Don't Worry About Them

Vaccines: Vac-Gen/Some Misconceptions:

'via Blog this'

"One myth that won't seem to go away is that DTaP vaccine causes sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). This belief came about because a moderate proportion of children who die of SIDS have recently been vaccinated with DTaP; and on the surface, this seems to point toward a causal connection.

If you consider that most SIDS deaths occur during the age range when 3 shots of DTaP are given, you would expect DTaP shots to precede a fair number of SIDS deaths simply by chance. 

(But what causes SIDS? And don't cases of SIDS rise with the amount of vaccinations given? Yes.)

As for vaccines causing death, again so few deaths can plausibly be attributed to vaccines that it is hard to assess the risk statistically.
(Why don't you try?)

 The American public would not tolerate vaccines if they did not have to conform to the most rigorous safety standards. 
(Seriously!???? The American public ISN'T tolerating them!! The more people resist, the more mandates the drug companies try to push. Only people who don't read the package inserts or about the possible side effects are not resisting. Granted, that's a lot of people. Think how many people didn't read their rigged mortgage paperwork, and what kinds of problems THAT caused. Lack of resistance to something doesn't mean it's safe! The educated WANT more safety tests! We would love a magic shot to protect our kids!)

If the number and type of VAERS reports for a particular vaccine lot suggested that it was associated with more serious adverse events or deaths than are expected by chance, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the legal authority to immediately recall that lot. To date, no vaccine lot in the modern era has been found to be unsafe on the basis of VAERS reports.
(And that proves nothing.)

VAERS reports have many limitations since they often lack important information, such as laboratory results, used to establish a true association with the vaccine.
(Why not get that info? How hard could it be? Everything is computerized.)

A certain number of VAERS reports of serious illnesses or death do occur by chance alone among persons who have been recently vaccinated.
(Why report it to VAERS, then?)

A report made to VAERS does not mean that the vaccine, or other vaccines from the same group or lot caused the event.
(Shouldn't you err on the side of safety, though?)

 Most routine childhood vaccines are effective for 85% to 95% of recipients. For reasons related to the individual, some will not develop immunity. is true that in an outbreak those who have been vaccinated often outnumber those who have not - even with vaccines such as measles, which we know to be about 98% effective when used as recommended.
No vaccine is 100% effective. 

...But of the 995 who have been vaccinated, we would expect several not to respond to the vaccine."

Eighteen babies and toddlers have died following childhood vaccinations in just four years, a secret Government report reveals.
Four deaths have been linked to suspected adverse reactions to the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) triple jab, according to documents prepared for the Government's expert advisers on immunisation.

 Vaccine deaths are always denied as 'coincidental' and suppressed by being hidden under terms such as cot deathMSbP & SBS. See here for 40 vaccine/SIDS deaths in 2 years in one city.  Officially, as compensated by the NVICP over 100 children are killed every year by vaccines in the USA.  VAERS reports list over 300 from just 4 vaccines, bearing in mind only 1-5% of vaccine reactions are reported 1.

(It's funny how the so-called conspiracy theory sites are so full of factual information, and the vaccine pushing sites just tell you to not worry about all the "coincidences." They admit the coincidences happen, and normally science would hop on those coincidences, but for some reason with vaccines, they just don't want to know. Any time a scientist makes a discovery pointing to coincidences being maybe a little more, that scientist is discredited. Why not investigate the claims?)

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