Maine town rocked by prostitution scandal - CBS News Video:
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Sunday, October 28, 2012
GOP N.Y. state senate candidate is a slumlord: committee - New York Daily News
GOP N.Y. state senate candidate is a slumlord: committee - New York Daily News:
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excerpt:... call a city landlord running for state Senate in Westchester County a “slumlord.” Republican Bob Cohen filed a complaint with the Westchester Fair Campaign Practices Committee against Democratic opponent George Latimer’s use of the term “slumlord” against him in campaign literature. But, as the Daily News reported, Cohen has been sued repeatedly by the city for allowing illegal drugs and gambling in buildings he owns in Manhattan. Tenants complain of rodents, bugs and poor conditions, and the committee approved Latimer’s language. “Based upon the totality of the information and documentation submitted, the Committee felt that there is sufficient documentation for the use of the word “slumlord,” it ruled. Cohen spokesman Bill O’Reilly blasted the decisions as “ridiculous” and accused Latimer of engaging in “vicious campaigning at its worst.” “Bob Cohen took buildings that were literally falling apart and turned them into safe, clean homes for hundreds of New York families,” O’Reilly said.
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excerpt:... call a city landlord running for state Senate in Westchester County a “slumlord.” Republican Bob Cohen filed a complaint with the Westchester Fair Campaign Practices Committee against Democratic opponent George Latimer’s use of the term “slumlord” against him in campaign literature. But, as the Daily News reported, Cohen has been sued repeatedly by the city for allowing illegal drugs and gambling in buildings he owns in Manhattan. Tenants complain of rodents, bugs and poor conditions, and the committee approved Latimer’s language. “Based upon the totality of the information and documentation submitted, the Committee felt that there is sufficient documentation for the use of the word “slumlord,” it ruled. Cohen spokesman Bill O’Reilly blasted the decisions as “ridiculous” and accused Latimer of engaging in “vicious campaigning at its worst.” “Bob Cohen took buildings that were literally falling apart and turned them into safe, clean homes for hundreds of New York families,” O’Reilly said.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Swine flu vaccine linked to child narcolepsy | The Raw Story
Swine flu vaccine linked to child narcolepsy | The Raw Story:
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A swine flu vaccine used in 2009-10 is linked to a higher risk of the sleeping disorder narcolepsy in children and teens in Sweden and Finland, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said Friday.
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(I am not anti-medicine, at all, but if you are going to give me some magic pill to "protect me", it better not make me sick in some OTHER way! To all vaccine makers: Fuck you. Do your homework before you put your junk on the market.)
A swine flu vaccine used in 2009-10 is linked to a higher risk of the sleeping disorder narcolepsy in children and teens in Sweden and Finland, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said Friday.
The EU agency studied the effects of the Pandemrix vaccine on children in eight European countries after Sweden and Finland reported higher incidences of narcolepsy among children who were inoculated with the vaccine during the swine flu pandemic in 2009 and 2010.
“The case-control study found an association between vaccination with Pandemrix and an increased risk of narcolepsy in children and adolescents (five to 19 years of age) in Sweden and Finland,” the ECDC said.
“The overall number of new cases of narcolepsy being reported after September 2009 was much higher in Sweden and Finland … compared with the other countries participating in the study,” it said.
In the six other countries — Britain, Denmark, France, Italy, The Netherlands and Norway — no link was found based on a strict statistical analysis, which tried to address media bias.
However, other confirmatory analyses did identify an increased risk, the report said.
The report included several recommendations for further study to try to distinguish between true vaccine effects and media attention.
An ECDC spokesman said that while the study did not quantify the increased risk compared with non-vaccination, national studies showed the risk of developing narcolepsy after taking Pandemrix, which is produced by British drug company GlaxoSmithKline, was around one in 20,000 for children and adolescents.
Narcolepsy is a chronic nervous system disorder that causes excessive drowsiness, often causing people to fall asleep uncontrollably, and in more severe cases to suffer hallucinations or paralysing physical collapses called cataplexy.
In Finland, 79 children aged four to 19 developed narcolepsy after receiving the Pandemrix vaccine in 2009 and 2010, while in Sweden the number was close to 200, according to figures in the two countries.
Both countries recommended their populations, of around five and 10 million respectively, to take part in mass vaccinations during the swine flu scare. Pandemrix was the only vaccine used in both countries.
Meanwhile, a recent study in the medical journal The Lancet said that between five and 17 people in Finland aged 0-17 are estimated to have died as a direct result of the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic, while the same number for Sweden was nine to 31.
In the past year, the Finnish and Swedish governments have both agreed to provide financial compensation for the affected children after their own national research showed a link between the inoculation and narcolepsy.
Abstinence in Florida-Fourteen Year Old Girl Kills Baby to hide It
14-Year Old Girl Faces Life In Prison for Killing Her Baby: Is She a Victim Of Florida's Insane Abstinence Education? | Alternet:
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(This poor girl!)
Cassidy went into labor in her Lakeland, Florida mobile home, and gave birth to a 9-and-a-half-pound baby boy on September 19. According to authorities , she bit down on a towel and ran the shower to muffle noise from the bathroom for fear that her mother, also in the mobile home, might hear her.
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(This poor girl!)
Cassidy went into labor in her Lakeland, Florida mobile home, and gave birth to a 9-and-a-half-pound baby boy on September 19. According to authorities , she bit down on a towel and ran the shower to muffle noise from the bathroom for fear that her mother, also in the mobile home, might hear her.
Upon discovering the bathroom mess, Cassidy’s mother took her to the emergency room, where she said she’d miscarried. Several days later, however, her mother discovered the body in a shoebox in her bedroom.
Once arrested, Cassidy told police that she strangled the baby because she did not know what else to do with it, and further, that she did not want her relationship with her mother to change.
In all likelihood, what Cassidy said is accurate; she simply did not know what else to do about her pregnancy and didn’t have the adult support she needed, from either family or school, to weigh her options.
This incident should be a wake-up call to proponents of abstinence-only-until-marriage curriculum, and to educators who stand to effect change in the lives of students concerning healthy sex. Instead, both the media and the criminal justice system is operating fully within an anti-choice narrative that values fetal rights over those of the mother and ignores the physical and psychological health of pregnant women and girls in need to systemic support.
Florida, where Cassidy lives, has historically been resistant to any kind of sex-education reform that promotes or mandates comprehensive education over abstinence-only-until-marriage curricula. In fact, the state returned $4.5 million in federal funds as of 2010, awarded under the Obama Administration’s Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP). Instead, the state accepted Title V funding , originally established in 1996, which allocates $50 million annually for grants to promote sexual abstinence until marriage as the primary means of preventing pregnancy and STDs.
On its face, PREP is a sign of progress, allocating a minimum of $250,000 per state to provide comprehensive sex-ed in schools. However, states that didn’t apply to receive funding under this stream between 2010 and 2011 became ineligible to reapply for the next three years.
What’s more, the Secretary of the U.S. Department Health and Human Services can provide three-year grants to community-based and faith-based organizations and local entities in states that refused PREP funding using the allocated funds for Fiscal Years 2012 through 2014. That said, states like Florida that refused or returned funds don’t suffer for it, and actually enjoy similar benefits with less regulation.
Title V enforces an 8-point definition of abstinence, including that “a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity” and that “sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects.”
As of October 1, 2012, the only requirements for sex-education in Florida were age-appropriateness and freedom for parents to opt out of enrolling their kids in “prevention” courses altogether. That classes should be culturally appropriate, unbiased or provide medically accurate information were not required according to a Guttmacher Institute State by State report .
RH Reality Check, a non-profit online community and publication that works to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights, published a comprehensive study on sex education in the state of Florida overall and by district in 2008 entitled, Sex Education in the Sunshine State: How Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs are Keeping Florida’s Youth in the Dark . The report, conducted by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) targeted Florida specifically for its historic support and use of abstinence-only-until-marriage curriculum in public schools.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
The Republican Party Officially Believes Rape Victims Should Be Forced to Give Birth ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists
The Republican Party Officially Believes Rape Victims Should Be Forced to Give Birth ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists:
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"Before we jump into all of this … I just want to remind you when you’re reading this that the recent kerfuffle in the news about Todd Akin really isn’t a new thing for the GOP. Todd Akin simply said out loud what he and his colleagues think but aren’t supposed to say. Todd Akin simply said out loud what his voting record and the voting record of his conservative colleagues showed for years. Three weeks ago – 203 Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to prohibit abortions even in cases of rape or incest (source).
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"Before we jump into all of this … I just want to remind you when you’re reading this that the recent kerfuffle in the news about Todd Akin really isn’t a new thing for the GOP. Todd Akin simply said out loud what he and his colleagues think but aren’t supposed to say. Todd Akin simply said out loud what his voting record and the voting record of his conservative colleagues showed for years. Three weeks ago – 203 Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to prohibit abortions even in cases of rape or incest (source).
This wasn’t 10 years ago or the 1960′s – this was THREE WEEKS AGO. And earlier this year – the Republican party didn’t want to extend funding of $455 million a year for rape crisis centers that already are being funded on the books. They felt it was excessive use of government spending and an overreach in the size of the federal government (source); it only passed when the Republican leadership said that this would damage the GOP politically. In February of this year – Fox News said the Pentagon was spending too much money to defend women soldiers from rape (source) even though a woman soldier is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire (source).
Leading up to the Republican National Convention where the GOP will nominate its nominee officially to run against President Obama – the Republican party is developing its party platform … a set of ideals as to what the party stands for. The “platform committee” puts these ideals together as a way of sending voters a clear message about the priorities of the majority of the party’s members. Well – the “platform committee” headed by Governor Bob McDonnell (R-VA) has determined that a “human life amendment” would be a part of that plank … some are calling it the “Akin plank”.
As in Todd Akin; and that’s because this “human life amendment” is very black and white without exceptions. If a woman is raped or molested by a member of her family – the Republican party’s official stance is that she must carry that child to term.
CNN notes HERE:
Faithful to the ‘self-evident’ truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.
This would be a prime example of being completely tone deaf to what’s going on in the real world. Many conservatives have said time and time again that they do not support abortion under any circumstances unless the life of the mother is at risk … that would include no exceptions for rape or incest.
But this isn’t anything new; if you have ever heard a conservative pushing for a Constitutional amendment that life begins at conception or a “Personhood amendment” – that’s basically the same thing as saying abortion is not allowed even for rape and incest victims. If there is no exclusion … then having an abortion is a crime. And many conservatives would say that they’re not necessarily for putting women who have abortions in jail … but a crime is a crime after all. Meep. Meep.
A personhood amendment would prevent some forms of birth control; it would also make the morning after pill illegal and akin to murdering a human being if ingested. Under a person hood amendment women would be prosecuted for failing to follow the laws a mostly male set of elected officials in government makes law regarding what she chooses to do with her own body. In fact – this is such a STANDARD position within the conservative movement that Mitt Romney’s vice president nominee – Paul Ryan – is considered the ideal conservative to represent the party. Unfortunately for Romney – when Americans find out just how extreme that is to everyone else who doesn’t consider themselves to be a conservative …. there will be some fallout.
As Politico notes HERE:
Paul Ryan co-sponsored a federal “personhood” amendment. He voted to defund Planned Parenthood. He opposes all abortions, except when the life of the mother is at risk. And he supports a federal bill requiring women to get an ultrasound before an abortion.
Romney has said publicly now that his campaign will not be supporting prohibiting abortions for women who are victims of rape or incest but … see – we have a problem here. Just like every other issue in Romney’s background …. whatever position he has today is likely contradicted by something he said maybe a week or a few months prior to what he is telling you today.
And as the NY Times reminds us all HERE .. in October of 2011 – Mitt Romney went on Mike Huckabee’s show and Governor Huckabee asked Mitt point blank – do you support “a constitutional amendment that would have established the definition of life at conception.” His answer:
So – Mitt is either absolutely for criminalizing abortion because it would be against the law to have an abortion among other things or he’s against it because he is on record as saying most recently that a women should have access to abortion services if she was raped. Which position will he have if he were actually president? Whatever conservatives tell him his position should be at the time.
There are so many quotes to choose from – but do you remember this quote:
“Rape and incest was used as a reason to oppose this. I would hope that when a woman goes into a physician, with a rape issue, that that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage, or was it truly caused by a rape. I assume that’s part of the counseling that goes on.”
~Chuck Winder -Idaho State Senate Majority Leader"
Judge Ruled Job Could Order Women Yo Be Sterilized
What really happened:
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In early 1979, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspected the Willow Island plant and fined American Cyanamid $10,000. OSHA contended the company's fetal protection policy constituted a hazard of employment because it had, in effec
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Other Free Encyclopedias»Law Library - American Law and Legal Information»Free
The American Cyanamid plant in Pleasants County, after refusing for decades to hire women, was required in the 1970's to open production jobs to female workers. In 1978, the plant instituted a "fetal protection policy" which barred all unsterilized women between the ages of sixteen and fifty from working with twenty-eight of the twenty-nine chemicals used at the plant; the chemical with which women were allowed to work was lead, and eventually the company offered women workers in that division the option of sterilization if they wanted to keep their jobs. Five women had the surgery done in Parkersburg. Here is a story on the event from the Time Trail of West Virginia.
October 2, 1978: Willow Island's American Cyanamid plant enforces fetal protection policy
American Cyanamid's decision to prohibit women of child-bearing age from working in production jobs at the company's plant at Willow Island in Pleasants County stemmed from the fear that certain chemicals might cause birth defects. In the late 1970s, the company began enforcing a fetal protection policy and, on October 2, 1978, American Cyanamid decided that women could only be exposed to lead. Since workers at the Willow Island plant were required to handle many different chemicals, this fetal protection policy had drastic consequences for women employees. Five women who worked in the plant's pigment department believed they had to be sterilized to keep their jobs.In early 1979, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspected the Willow Island plant and fined American Cyanamid $10,000. OSHA contended the company's fetal protection policy constituted a hazard of employment because it had, in effec
wishful thinking
Free Wood Post:
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Isolationist camps for people who won't contribute, co-operate, and share resources.
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Isolationist camps for people who won't contribute, co-operate, and share resources.
Solomare, Romney, and Conflict of Interest
Romney has several Utah power players in key spots :: The Salt Lake Tribune Mobile Edition:
'via Blog this'Later, Zwick, the son of LDS Church general authority W. Craig Zwick, would take on the role of national finance director, at age 28, and raise millions of dollars for Romney’s first presidential bid.
he raids a company then runs. So the way I see it, he raided the Chinese and the Iraninans. Smart and smooth.
Mittsy proves that you don't have to be colorful to be a pirate.
YEP, Sure is fleecing those Chicoms.
'via Blog this'Later, Zwick, the son of LDS Church general authority W. Craig Zwick, would take on the role of national finance director, at age 28, and raise millions of dollars for Romney’s first presidential bid.
he raids a company then runs. So the way I see it, he raided the Chinese and the Iraninans. Smart and smooth.
Mittsy proves that you don't have to be colorful to be a pirate.
YEP, Sure is fleecing those Chicoms.
Mitt Romney Hong Kong Fundraiser Planned For Thursday.
Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney plan a campaign fundraiser for him Thursday in Hong Kong as U.S.-China trade friction becomes an issue in the White House race.
Romney supporters already have raised more than $385,000 for him in Hong Kong, a world financial center that has been administered by China since Britain turned it over in 1997.
Romney would have the ultimate power, through his Education Department, to decide if the current loopholes in federal lending policy continue to benefit for-profit colleges regardless of their track record. The Romney campaign’s education policy outline already makes clear that he would roll back the few regulations requiring for-profit colleges to demonstrate that a percentage of their students are able to find jobs after graduation as a basis for receiving aid.
He would also have the power to rescind President Obama’s recent executive order limiting for-profit college recruitment at military bases. Summit Partners, a Solamere private equity fund, owns Trident University, a for-profit college that targets veterans. “The fact that Mitt Romney praised an overpriced, underperforming college that is owned by his son’s investment partners, and whose owners have contributed a quarter-million dollars to his campaign and Super PAC, shows how he embodies the corrupting influence of money on politics,” asserts David Halperin, a college affordability advocate and attorney who has covered the for-profit industry for years. “It shows how his administration could, as a matter of course, allow special interests—the interests of his rich friends—to skew important policy decisions and harm the public interest.”
Romney spokeswoman Gail Gitcho has suggested that there is a firewall between Solamere and the campaign. But if Zwick’s effortless transition between the Solamere conference and the campaign retreat in Park City is any guide, that firewall might just be as thick as the air that separated the two buildings.
easy as FK! Tag Romney and Solamare PE Fund - Tag Romney runs a PE Fund:
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Tagg Team: The Romney Family Recipe for Crony Capitalism | The Nation
Tagg Team: The Romney Family Recipe for Crony Capitalism | The Nation: Requests for comment from a Solamere representative for this article were not answered.
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The looming conflicts range from general matters that affect all private equity firms—such as tax changes or the new rules mandated by the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill—to more specific concerns relating to businesses owned or controlled by Solamere’s partner firms. Many of these businesses, in fact, depend on government contracts; indeed, some have been accused of fleecing taxpayers (which is ironic given that many private equity titans claim to support Romney for his unabashed belief in small government and free enterprise). A Romney administration could directly affect the profitability of these companies—and, by extension, potentially the success of Tagg’s venture.
“It’s absolutely a conflict of interest,” says Adam Smith, the communications director for the group Public Campaign, which works on issues concerning money in politics. “Romney can’t un-know that his son’s investment company could benefit financially from his policies. And the other investors—many of whom are likely Romney campaign donors—will have extra access and influence in a Romney administration.”
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Some Cops Are Dicks, Just Admit It
From "Know My Rights"
This past summer, a still image from a surveillance camera showing a police officer kicking a handcuffed woman in the head went viral on Facebook and email. The text below the picture read, "Rhode Island police officer Edward Krawetz received no jail time for this brutal assault on this seated and handcuffed woman. Now he wants his job back. Share if you don't want this to happen." The allegation was wild enough to pique the interest of the rumor-debunking site, which determined that the story was, in fact, completely true.
In March 2012, Krawetz was convicted of felony battery despite his claim that he kicked the seated and handcuffed woman in "self defense". The 10-year sentence he received was immediately suspended and Krawetz was ordered to attend anger management classes. Still, he wasn't fired from the Lincoln Police Department. The fate of Krawetz's job as a cop rested not with a criminal court, or even his commanding officer,
but in the hands of a three-person panel composed of fellow police officers -- one of whom Krawetz would get to choose. That panel would conduct the investigation into Krawetz's behavior, oversee a cross-examination, and judge whether Krawetz could keep his job. The entire incident, in other words, would be kept in the family, and the same is true of other cops in all situations of police misconduct. In the last year, a Florida narcotics detective was charged with a slew of crimes ranging from rape and torture, to embezzlement and forgery; a Virginia police officer shot a retired Sunday school teacher in the back of the head and throat as she drove out of a church parking lot; six California cops beat a homeless man into a life-ending coma; a Milwaukee police officer was arrested for sodomizing suspects; a drunk man slapped a Philadelphia cop, and the cop responded by beating the drunk man's face bloody with his baton.
These bad cops are able to keep their jobs and benefits thanks to model legislation written and lobbied for by well-funded police unions. That piece of legislation is called the "law enforcement bill of rights," and its sole purpose is to shield cops from the laws they're paid to enforce. Such laws discourage discipline and make it nearly impossible for the public to hold bad cops accountable
Read this story and more in today's edition of Know My Rights | NEWS -- 1330036718
This past summer, a still image from a surveillance camera showing a police officer kicking a handcuffed woman in the head went viral on Facebook and email. The text below the picture read, "Rhode Island police officer Edward Krawetz received no jail time for this brutal assault on this seated and handcuffed woman. Now he wants his job back. Share if you don't want this to happen." The allegation was wild enough to pique the interest of the rumor-debunking site, which determined that the story was, in fact, completely true.
In March 2012, Krawetz was convicted of felony battery despite his claim that he kicked the seated and handcuffed woman in "self defense". The 10-year sentence he received was immediately suspended and Krawetz was ordered to attend anger management classes. Still, he wasn't fired from the Lincoln Police Department. The fate of Krawetz's job as a cop rested not with a criminal court, or even his commanding officer,
In March 2012, Krawetz was convicted of felony battery despite his claim that he kicked the seated and handcuffed woman in "self defense". The 10-year sentence he received was immediately suspended and Krawetz was ordered to attend anger management classes. Still, he wasn't fired from the Lincoln Police Department. The fate of Krawetz's job as a cop rested not with a criminal court, or even his commanding officer,
but in the hands of a three-person panel composed of fellow police officers -- one of whom Krawetz would get to choose. That panel would conduct the investigation into Krawetz's behavior, oversee a cross-examination, and judge whether Krawetz could keep his job. The entire incident, in other words, would be kept in the family, and the same is true of other cops in all situations of police misconduct. In the last year, a Florida narcotics detective was charged with a slew of crimes ranging from rape and torture, to embezzlement and forgery; a Virginia police officer shot a retired Sunday school teacher in the back of the head and throat as she drove out of a church parking lot; six California cops beat a homeless man into a life-ending coma; a Milwaukee police officer was arrested for sodomizing suspects; a drunk man slapped a Philadelphia cop, and the cop responded by beating the drunk man's face bloody with his baton.
These bad cops are able to keep their jobs and benefits thanks to model legislation written and lobbied for by well-funded police unions. That piece of legislation is called the "law enforcement bill of rights," and its sole purpose is to shield cops from the laws they're paid to enforce. Such laws discourage discipline and make it nearly impossible for the public to hold bad cops accountable
Read this story and more in today's edition of Know My Rights | NEWS -- 1330036718
These bad cops are able to keep their jobs and benefits thanks to model legislation written and lobbied for by well-funded police unions. That piece of legislation is called the "law enforcement bill of rights," and its sole purpose is to shield cops from the laws they're paid to enforce. Such laws discourage discipline and make it nearly impossible for the public to hold bad cops accountable
Read this story and more in today's edition of Know My Rights | NEWS --
Babbages, Bright Horizons, Mitt, and Bain
Search Results - "bright horizons"
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Reagan didn't do us much good, remember. We are much worse off now, even though all the alleged "Welfare Queens" have been sufficiently knocked flat.
* Most of the "Tea Party" doesn't know that they're really the "New East India Company"
* Even if Mitt Romney never behaved in any way that was bigoted or misogynistic, he has clearly demonstrated that he wants things to favor ultra greedy, ultra selfish rich people such as himself.
-Born: 1981
-Married to Mary
-Has two children
-Lives in San Diego (recently moved from New York City)
-Works in Real Estate
-Believes that Tina Fey and company modeled Jack Donaghy's hair off of his father's.
-Was smart enough to make his Myspace page private.
-Born: 1978
-Born: 1975
Get thee to a notary! One like Milcor Investments Inc would do. That way you can legally prove all kinds of things, like that your document is notarized.
When I was hiking deep in the Cascade Mountains, I came across a hairy savage, cleverly named Harry. Man this thing was scary, and mean. He wouldn’t even trade a piece of his salmon for some trail mix. I did manage to sell him some property atop Mount Rainier (man is he going to be ticked when he realizes it is covered in snow). This legal document shows the sale, as well as his signature. I don’t understand why my local notary, someone similar to Milcor Investments Inc in Colorado Springs, Colorado, wouldn’t notarize the deal.
If you need to get a document notarized, make sure you use a certified notary, like the ones at a business like Milcor Investments Inc in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask for certification first, and I’ve been locked in a prison in Mexico for the last 6 weeks. Who knew one piece of paper could make such a difference.
Milcor Investments Inc in Colorado Springs, Colorado, coupons, services, review, businesses, coupon, reviewed, scam, fraud, find, recommended, sued, lawsuit, con-artist, best, discount, cheapest, least expensive, inexpensive, affordable, discounts, same day, 24 hour, report, cheap, price, prices, cost and free.
Favorite Book: Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain; What It Takes, Richard Ben Cramer; Theodore Rex, Edmund Morris; The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman; 1776, David McCullough; The Battle For Peace, Tony Zinni and Tony Koltz; The Business Of Winning, Robert Evangelista; Future Jihad, Walid Phares; The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren; The West’s Last Chance, Tony Blankley; Mastering The Rockefeller Habits, Verne Harrish; The Four Obsessions Of An Extraordinary Executive, Patrick Lencioni
Mitt Romney, age 65
Known Cities: Wellesley Hills, MA; Park City, UT; Belmont, MA
Possible Relatives: Ann, Benjamin, Craig
sses1.Triple Bbb Llc
Brentwood, TNGerald A Smith
Brentwood, TN
Murfreesboro, TNGerald A Smith
(REGISTERED AGENT) ** I know people keep sending me these articles they can't be right has anyone else seen this?
Officers/AgentsAssociated Businesses1.Bright Horizons Pediatrics P C
Avondale, AZMario Borlongan
3.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
4.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
5.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
6.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
7.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
8.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
9.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
10.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
11.Bright Horizons Foster Family Agency
Colton, CALadeanya M Greenhouse
San diego, CATroy Loggins
Shayla Mitchell
San diego, CATroy R Loggins
Shayla S Mitchell
Marina, CARachel Ann Irvine Schmidt
Marina, CARachel Ann Irvine Schmidt
17.Bright Horizons Properties Inc
Stone mountain, GARodney C Cook
18.Bright Horizons Child Care Center Inc
Lagrange, GAScott A Gordy
Atlanta, GADave Lissy
Atlanta, GAMary Ann Oncio
22.Bright Horizons Contracting Services
23.Bright Horizons Contracting Services
24.Bright Horizons Consulting Llc
Louisville, KYMikia F Bright
25.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
26.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
27.Bright Horizons Limited Partnership
28.Bright Horizons Preschool Academy Inc
Havre, MTStephen R Brown
Havre, MTStephen R Brown
31.Bright Horizons Consulting Llc
32.Bright Horizons Consulting Llc
33.Bright Horizons Acp Llc
Belen, NMG Mitchell Baker
Los lunas, NMBrenda Dutcher
35.Bright Horizons Realty Of Staten Island Llc
36.Bright Horizons Childhood Enrichment Services
37.Bright Horizons Learning Center Inc
Salem, ORThomas C Thetford
Salem, ORThomas C Thetford
Fort worth, TXPatrice Miller
Jarrell, TXErlamond Shay Ross
41.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
Juneau, AK
Watertown, MAElizabeth Boland
43.Bright Horizons Childrens Center
44.Bright Horizons Childrens Center
45.Bright Horizons For Families
Sacramento, CAMelanie Seither
46.Bright Horizons Academy
San jose, CATamara Rood J Spencer
48.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers
49.Bright Horizons Chilren Centers
50.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
Watertown, MA
Wilmington, DEDavid Lissy
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Reagan didn't do us much good, remember. We are much worse off now, even though all the alleged "Welfare Queens" have been sufficiently knocked flat.
On The Ballot: | Running, Republican for President |
Gender: | Male |
Family: | Wife: Ann; 5 Children: Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben, Craig |
Birth Date: | 03/12/1947 |
Birth Place: | Detroit, MI |
Home City: | Belmont, MA |
Religion: | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints |
Current Legislative Committees
No committee memberships found
JD, Harvard Law School, 1975
MBA, Harvard Business School, 1975
BA, Brigham Young University, 1971
Professional Experience
President/Chief Executive Officer, Salt Lake Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, 1999-2002
Chief Executive Officer/Chairman, Bain and Company, Incorporated, 1991-1993
Vice President, Bain and Company, Incorporated, 1978-1984
Founder/Chief Executive Officer/Managing Partner, Bain Capital, Incorporated
* Most of the "Tea Party" doesn't know that they're really the "New East India Company"
* Even if Mitt Romney never behaved in any way that was bigoted or misogynistic, he has clearly demonstrated that he wants things to favor ultra greedy, ultra selfish rich people such as himself.
Is Romney really a job creator? Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, takes a scalpel to the claims.
34. | Babbages Etc Llc | Available | Flowood, MS New york, NY Wilmington, DE | Tahir Nawab |
sinesses | |||||
1. | Studio Creations Of Utah #2, A Limited Partnership | Available | Santa rosa, CA South jordan, UT | Terri Keegan (PARTNER) Barbara Romney (PARTNER) Craig Romney (REGISTERED AGENT) Craig Romney (PARTNER) |
(Gotta say Craig looks like somebody else's kid. Gets my vote for "Best Looking.")
Craig Romney
-Born: 1981
-Married to Mary
-Has two children
-Lives in San Diego (recently moved from New York City)
-Works in Real Estate
-Believes that Tina Fey and company modeled Jack Donaghy's hair off of his father's.
-Was smart enough to make his Myspace page private.
Ben Romney
-Born: 1978
-Married to Andelyne
-Does not have children
-Doctor of Internal Medicine
-Lives in Boston
-Has a yorkie-poodle mix that Mitt calls his "grand-dog"
-Ben's Myspace page
Josh Romney
-Born: 1975
-Married to Jen
-Has three children
-Real estate developer and owner of Romney Ventures
-Lives in Salt Lake City
-David Kochel's favorite of the Romney sons
-Has shown an interest in going into politics
-Josh's Myspace page
Matt Romney
-Born: 1971
-Married to Laurie
-Has three children
-Senior Vice President of Capital Markets at Excel Trust, Inc
-Lives In San Diego
-His favorite musicians are "Cake, Ozomatli, The Shins, Iz, White Stripes, Beck, Coldplay, Led Zeppelin, Luna, and Bob Marley"
-Will probably not be making any more birther jokes at rallies
-Matt's Myspace page
-Married to Laurie
-Has three children
-Senior Vice President of Capital Markets at Excel Trust, Inc
-Lives In San Diego
-His favorite musicians are "Cake, Ozomatli, The Shins, Iz, White Stripes, Beck, Coldplay, Led Zeppelin, Luna, and Bob Marley"
-Will probably not be making any more birther jokes at rallies
-Matt's Myspace page
Taggart (Tagg) Romney
-Born: 1970
-Married to Jennifer
-Has three children
-Managing Partner at Solamere Capital
-Lives outside Boston
-Enjoys the music of Billy Joel
-Doesn't actually "get wasted" on election nights. Does joke about it though.
-Married to Jennifer
-Has three children
-Managing Partner at Solamere Capital
-Lives outside Boston
-Enjoys the music of Billy Joel
-Doesn't actually "get wasted" on election nights. Does joke about it though.
Source: saintanselm
Milcor Investments Inc
Milcor Investments Inc
2790 N Academy Blvd Ste 326
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
(719) 638-4710 thee to a notary! One like Milcor Investments Inc would do. That way you can legally prove all kinds of things, like that your document is notarized.
Notarizing with Milcor Investments Inc
When I was hiking deep in the Cascade Mountains, I came across a hairy savage, cleverly named Harry. Man this thing was scary, and mean. He wouldn’t even trade a piece of his salmon for some trail mix. I did manage to sell him some property atop Mount Rainier (man is he going to be ticked when he realizes it is covered in snow). This legal document shows the sale, as well as his signature. I don’t understand why my local notary, someone similar to Milcor Investments Inc in Colorado Springs, Colorado, wouldn’t notarize the deal.
Legal Documents with Milcor Investments Inc
If you need to get a document notarized, make sure you use a certified notary, like the ones at a business like Milcor Investments Inc in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask for certification first, and I’ve been locked in a prison in Mexico for the last 6 weeks. Who knew one piece of paper could make such a difference.
Milcor Investments Inc in Colorado Springs, Colorado, coupons, services, review, businesses, coupon, reviewed, scam, fraud, find, recommended, sued, lawsuit, con-artist, best, discount, cheapest, least expensive, inexpensive, affordable, discounts, same day, 24 hour, report, cheap, price, prices, cost and free.
nesses | ||||||
1. | Milcor Llc | Available | Greenfield, IN | Corey Wodarz (AGENT) | ||
2. | Milcor Llc | Available | Greenfield, IN | Corey Wodarz (AGENT) |
sses | |||||
1. | Milcor Llc | Available | Greenfield, IN | Corey Wodarz (AGENT) |
ssociated Businesses | ||||||
1. | U-dev-co, Inc | Available | Boise, ID Salt lake city, UT | Michael Twitchell (REGISTERED AGENT) |
| |
2. | U-dev-co, Inc | Available | Salt lake city, UT Santa fe, NM | Jack Friez (DIRECTOR) Kerry L Gonzales (DIRECTOR) Betty J Twitchell (DIRECTOR) F S Twitchell (DIRECTOR) |
| |
3. | U-dev-co, Inc | Available | Park city, UT Riverton, UT Salt lake city, UT | Kerry Gonzales (DIRECTOR) Kerry Gonzales (SECRETARY) Betty Jean Twitchell (PRESIDENT) Betty Jean Twitchell (DIRECTOR) F Shawn Twitchell (DIRECTOR) F Shawn Twitchell (TREASURER) F Shawn Twitchell (VICE PRESIDENT) |
| |
4. | U-dev-co, Inc | Available | Salt lake city, UT Seattle, WA |
| ||
5. | U-dev-co, Inc | Available | Cupertino, CA Park city, UT Salt lake city, UT | Jennifer A Romney (REGISTERED AGENT) Betty J Twitchell (PRESIDENT) |
sinesses | ||||||
1. | Mambi Cheese Company, Inc | Available | Coral gables, FL Miami beach, FL Miami shores, FL Miami, FL | Jenny Romney (VICE PRESIDENT) Jaun Sanchelima (PRESIDENT) Jesus Sanchelima (SECRETARY) Victoria Wedmeyer (TREASURER) |
4. | Winnipesaukee Partners, Llc | Available | Belmont, MA Mesa, AZ | Wilford A Cardon (MANAGER) Wilford R Cardon (MANAGER) Wilford R Cardon (STATUTORY AGENT) Jennifer D Romney (MEMBER) Taggart Romney (MEMBER) Taggart Romney (MANAGER) |
3. | U-dev-co, Inc | Available | Cupertino, CA Park city, UT Salt lake city, UT | Jennifer A Romney (REGISTERED AGENT) Betty J Twitchell (PRESIDENT) |
Ann D Romney, 63 years old, lives inWest New York, NJ, but has also spent time in Belmont, MA; Boston,MA; Wellesley Hills, MA andWolfeboro, NH.
Ann attended the Brigham Young University and Harvard Extension School. Ann works in the capacity ofHomemaker.
Ann is related to Ben Pratt Romney,Mitt M Romney, Jenniter M Romney,Benjamin P Romney, Taggart M Romney, Ryan Clark Thomas, Craig E Romney, Joseph C Liljenquist,George Walter Thomas, Jennifer D Thomas, Thomas C Hales, Jenifer Marie Romney, Matthew L Romney,Joshua James Romney, Laurie Liljenquist, Jenifer Marie Romney,Willard Mitt Romney, Kathleen Banker Liljenquist, Amy Liljenquistand Paige Liljenquist.
Ann Romney in West New York, NJ | Homemaker | Profile at PeekYou
Taggart M. Romney; Jennifer D Thomas; Jennifer Thomas Romney; "jenifer Marie Romney"; Amy Liljenquist; Homemaker School West New York Nj; Paige ...Associated Businesses | ||||||
1. | Educational Resources Inc | Available | Okeechobee, FL Tallahassee, FL |
| ||
2. | Educational Resources Inc | Available | ||||
3. | Educational Resources Inc | Available | Olive branch, MS | Jesse Lee Lovorn (INCORPORATOR) Jesse Lee Lovorn (REGISTERED AGENT) | ||
4. | Educational Resources Inc | Available | Mike Mcathy (TAX RESPONSIBLE PARTY) | |||
5. | Educational Resources Incorporated | Available | ||||
6. | Educational Resources Inc | Available | Washington, DC | |||
7. | Educational Resources Inc | Available |
ses | ||||||
1. | Plant Your Flowers | Available | Salt lake city, UT | Jenifer Marie Romney (REGISTERED BUSINESS OWNER) Jennifer Romney (REGISTERED AGENT) |
inesses | ||||||
1. | Plant Your Flowers | Available | Salt lake city, UT | Jenifer Marie Romney (REGISTERED BUSINESS OWNER) Jennifer Romney (REGISTERED AGENT) |
7. | Jenifer Marie Romney | N/A | N/A | Salt Lake City, UT |
tives | ||||||
1. | Jenifer Marie Romney Associated names: Jeniffer Romney | N/A | Available | Salt Lake City, UT | Keith N Romney (Age 72) Amy L Romney Jennifer Romney Mathewson (Age 41) Julie B Romney (Age 67) Joshua James Romney (Age 37) Marc D Romney (Age 44) Nathanscott Romney (Age 44) Rebecca J Romney (Age 30) Michael Harden Romney (Age 28) |
Relatives | ||||||
1. | Willard Mitt Romney Associated names: Mitt Romney | 65 | Available | Available | La Jolla, CA Belmont, MA Park City, UT Wellesley Hills, MA Salt Lake City, UT Wellesley, MA | Matthew L Romney (Age 40) Ann D Romney (Age 63) Taggart M Romney (Age 42) Joshua James Romney (Age 37) Jennifer D Thomas (Age 39) Laurie Liljenquist (Age 40) Benjamin Pratt Romney (Age 34) Craig E Romney (Age 31) Jenifer Marie Romney (Age 36) |
2. | Mitt Romney | N/A | N/A | Boston, MA | ||
3. | Mitt Romney | N/A | N/A | Flowood, MS Dallas, TX | Milt Romney Milt Romney Possible Roommates / Associates: David R Waters | |
4. | Mitt Governor Romney | N/A | N/A | Washington, DC Wilmington, DE | Peter Albert Ney (Age 46) Schristopher Ney Frank W Ney George Romney | |
5. | Mitt M Romney | 65 | Available | Available | West New York, NJ | Ann D Romney (Age 63) Taggart M Romney (Age 42) Jenniter M Romney (Age 39) Benjamin P Romney (Age 34) |
ts | Associated Businesses | |||||
1. | Babbages, Inc | Available | Dallas, TX Flower mound, TX Flowood, MS Irving, TX | Opal Ferraro (TREASURER) Opal P Ferraro (DIRECTOR) Opal P Ferraro (TREASURER) Opal P Ferraro (VICE PRESIDENT) Opal P Ferraro (SECRETARY) Stephen W Fillo (DIRECTOR) Frances Hafer (SECRETARY) Gary Kusin (DIRECTOR) Gary Kusin (PRESIDENT) James B Mccurry (PRESIDENT) |
| |
2. | Bain & Company, Inc | Available | Austin, TX Boston, MA | Vernon E Altman Colin F Anderson Keith Aspinall Leonard Bahos (DIRECTOR) Leonard Bahos (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) Bainmexicosadecv (DIRECTOR) Leonard C Bands (VICE PRESIDENT) Leonard C Bands (CONTROLLER) Leonard C Banos (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) Leonard C Banos (DIRECTOR) |
| |
3. | Babbages, Inc | Available | Dallas, TX | John H Friedman (DIRECTOR) Jack H Kaufman (INCORPORATOR) Ernest H Pomerantz (DIRECTOR) Mitt Romney (DIRECTOR) David R Waters (DIRECTOR) |
Political Experience
Candidate, United States President, 2012
Candidate, United States President, 2008
Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2002-2006
Candidate, United States Senate, 1994
Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees
Former Chair, Republican Governors Association
Member, Board of Directors, Babbages
Member, Boy Scouts of America
Member, Board of Directors, Duane Reade
Founder, Free and Strong America Political Action Committee
Visiting Committee, Harvard Business School
Member, Board of Directors, Marriott
Member, Points of Light Foundation
Member, Board of Directors, Staples
Former Board Member, City Year
Additional Information
Current Car: 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible
Date of Wedding Anniversary: 03/21/1969
Father’s Name: George Romney
Father’s Occupation: Former Michigan Governor
Favorite Athlete: David Ortiz
Favorite Book: Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain; What It Takes, Richard Ben Cramer; Theodore Rex, Edmund Morris; The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman; 1776, David McCullough; The Battle For Peace, Tony Zinni and Tony Koltz; The Business Of Winning, Robert Evangelista; Future Jihad, Walid Phares; The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren; The West’s Last Chance, Tony Blankley; Mastering The Rockefeller Habits, Verne Harrish; The Four Obsessions Of An Extraordinary Executive, Patrick Lencioni
Favorite Food: Meat Loaf Cakes
Favorite Movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Favorite Musician: Roy Orbison, The Beatles, The Eagles, The Kingston Trio, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, Brooks and Dunn, George Strait, Clint Black, and Garth Brooks
Favorite President and Why: Dwight Eisenhower
Favorite Quote: “The pursuit of the difficult makes men strong” – George Romney
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite TV Shows: American Idol
First Job: Chauffeur for the university physics department
Hobbies or Special Talents: Spending time with family – especially grandchildren, running, reading, skiing, horseback riding with my wife, waterskiing, and watching movies.
Mother’s Name: Lenore Romney
Mother’s Occupation: Theater; United States Senate Candidate
Number of Grandchildren: 10
Personal Hero and Why: Ronald Reagan
Pets (include names): Family recently lost Marley, a Weimaraner
Publications: Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, and the Olympic Games
Favorite Book: Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain; What It Takes, Richard Ben Cramer; Theodore Rex, Edmund Morris; The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman; 1776, David McCullough; The Battle For Peace, Tony Zinni and Tony Koltz; The Business Of Winning, Robert Evangelista; Future Jihad, Walid Phares; The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren; The West’s Last Chance, Tony Blankley; Mastering The Rockefeller Habits, Verne Harrish; The Four Obsessions Of An Extraordinary Executive, Patrick Lencioni
Public Records
Known Cities: Wellesley Hills, MA; Park City, UT; Belmont, MA
Possible Relatives: Ann, Benjamin, Craig
Mitt Romney is 65 years old. He lives in Flowood, Mississippi, but has also spent time in Dallas, Texas andSan Antonio, Texas.
He works for Babbages.
Milt Romney and Milt Romney are some of Mitt’s relatives.
Find Mitt Romney in Mississippi
3. | Babbages, Inc | Available | Dallas, TX | John H Friedman (DIRECTOR) Jack H Kaufman (INCORPORATOR) Ernest H Pomerantz (DIRECTOR) Mitt Romney (DIRECTOR) David R Waters (DIRECTOR) |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City, State | Possible Owners/ Officers/Agents | Associated Businesses | |
1. | Babbages, Inc | Available | Dallas, TX Flower mound, TX Flowood, MS Irving, TX | Opal Ferraro (TREASURER) Opal P Ferraro (DIRECTOR) Opal P Ferraro (TREASURER) Opal P Ferraro (VICE PRESIDENT) Opal P Ferraro (SECRETARY) Stephen W Fillo (DIRECTOR) Frances Hafer (SECRETARY) Gary Kusin (DIRECTOR) Gary Kusin (PRESIDENT) James B Mccurry (PRESIDENT) |
| |
2. | Bain & Company, Inc | Available | Austin, TX Boston, MA | Vernon E Altman Colin F Anderson Keith Aspinall Leonard Bahos (DIRECTOR) Leonard Bahos (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) Bainmexicosadecv (DIRECTOR) Leonard C Bands (VICE PRESIDENT) Leonard C Bands (CONTROLLER) Leonard C Banos (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) Leonard C Banos (DIRECTOR) |
| |
3. | Babbages, Inc | Available | Dallas, TX | John H Friedman (DIRECTOR) Jack H Kaufman (INCORPORATOR) Ernest H Pomerantz (DIRECTOR) Mitt Romney (DIRECTOR) David R Waters (DIRECTOR) |
sinesses | ||||||
1. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | Available | |||
2. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | North richland hills, TX | Herbert A Cramer (PRESIDENT) Herbert A Cramer (DIRECTOR) |
| |
3. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | Peabody, MA | R Patrick Slattery (OWNER) |
| |
4. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | ||||
5. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | ||||
6. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | ||||
7. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | North richland hills, TX | Herbert A Cramer (PRESIDENT) Herbert A Cramer (DIRECTOR) E Carter Crook (SECRETARY) |
| |
8. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | ||||
9. | Home Mortgage Inc Of Illinois | Available | ||||
10. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | ||||
11. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | Chicago, IL Scituate, RI | Sidney Marx (PARTNER) |
| |
12. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | ||||
13. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | Available | |||
14. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | ||||
15. | Home Mortgage Inc Of Mississippi | Available | Diamondhead, MS Metairie, LA | Steve Colson (AGENT) Jerry M Craven (DIRECTOR) |
| |
16. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | Diamondhead, MS | Jerry Craven (PRESIDENT) Jerry Craven (DIRECTOR) Jerry M Craven (REGISTERED AGENT) Jerry M Craven (INCORPORATOR) Kelly D Craven (SECRETARY) Kelly D Craven (DIRECTOR) |
| |
17. | Home Mortgage, Inc Of Nebraska | Available | ||||
18. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | Omaha, NE | |||
19. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | ||||
20. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | Chattanooga, TN | Ron Goodwin (REGISTERED AGENT) |
| |
21. | Home Mortgage Inc Ms | Available | Diamondhead, MS | Jerry Craven (CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) |
| |
22. | Home Mortgage Inc | Available | Burr ridge, IL Louisville, KY |
14. | I B S Logistics Inc | Available | Burr ridge, IL Schaumburg, IL | Ivica Stoicovsei (AGENT) Iivica B Stoicovski (PRESIDENT) Ivica B Stoicovski (AGENT) Ivica B Stoicovski (PRESIDENT) |
Associated Businesses | ||||||
1. | Palm Bay Associates, Inc | Available | Louisville, KY Melbourne beach, FL | Charlese Westenhofer (PRESIDENT) Charlese Westenhofer (REGISTERED AGENT) Sharon Westenhofer (SECRETARY) |
| |
2. | Palm Bay Associates Limited Partnership | Available | New york, NY | |||
3. | Palm Bay Associates, Llc | Available | Murfreesboro, TN Nashville, TN Palm bay, FL Prattville, AL | Robert A Martin (MANAGER) Mark Mcdonald (MANAGER) Jack B Spira (REGISTERED AGENT) |
| |
4. | Palm Bay Associates, Inc | Available | Jupiter, FL Short hills, NJ | David Kipper (OFFICER) Leonard Wilf (PRESIDENT) Zigmund Wilf (TREASURER) Mark Wilt (SECRETARY) |
| |
5. | Palm Bay Associates, Llc | Available | Brentwood, TN Nashville, TN | Gerald A Smith (REGISTERED AGENT) |
| |
6. | Palm Bay Associates, Inc | Available | Louisville, KY | Charles E Westenhofer (DIRECTOR) Charles E Westenhofer (REGISTERED AGENT) Sharon Westenhofer (DIRECTOR) |
sses1.Triple Bbb Llc
Brentwood, TNGerald A Smith
- Golf Management Group
- Buyers Connection Realty Of Missouri Llc
- Lofts At Gateway Llc
- Reliant Realty Llc
- Thomas Miller Partners Llc
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- Oxford Crossings Llc
- The Ultimate Sports League Llc
- Architectural Alliance/thomas Miller & Partners Jo
- Robert S Biscan And Company
- 4bmap Llc
- Cross Pointe Homeowners Association Inc
- Omni Title & Escrow Llc
- Reliant Realty Llc
Brentwood, TN
Murfreesboro, TNGerald A Smith
- Reynolds Real Estate Co
- Boro Bar And Grill, Inc The
- J E Ross Construction, Inc
- American Insulation Service, Inc
- Sally & Co, Inc
- Netherland/sims & Associates, Inc
- Association Risk Management Corporation, Inc
- Benefit Services Corp
- The Phoenix Investment Company
- Biznet Business Brokers, Llc
- Futons, Futons, Futons, Llc
- Smith-pitts, Plc
- Jackson Village Associates, Llc
- Palm Bay Associates, Llc
- Transasset, Llc
42. | Bain Capital Europe Fund Iii L P | Available | Boston, MA | Michael M Jurasic (CONTACT) |
inesses | ||||||
1. | Bright Horizons Children's Centers, Inc | Available | Salt lake city, UT Watertown, MA | Elizabeth Boland (TREASURER) Stephen Dreier (DIRECTOR) Stephen I Dreier (SECRETARY) Stephen I Dreier (VICE PRESIDENT) David H Lissy (DIRECTOR) Maryann Tocio (DIRECTOR) Maryann Tocio (PRESIDENT) |
| |
2. | Bright Horizons Children's Center, Inc | Available | Salt lake city, UT Watertown, MA | Elizabeth Boland (TREASURER) Stephen Dreier (SECRETARY) Stephen Dreier (VICE PRESIDENT) Stephen Dreier (DIRECTOR) Stephen Dreier (OFFICER) David Lissy (DIRECTOR) David Lissy (OFFICER) Maryann Tocio (SECRETARY) Maryann Tocio (PRESIDENT) Maryann Tocio (TREASURER) |
Businesses | ||||||
1. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers, Inc | Available | Austin, TX Belmont, MA Needham, MA Osterville, MA Watertown, MA | Elizabeth Boland (TREASURER) Elizabeth Boland (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) Roger Brown (CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) Roger Brown (DIRECTOR) Roger Brown (EXEC CHARIMAN) Roger Brown (CHAIRMAN) Stephen Dreier (VICE PRESIDENT) Stephen Dreier (SECRETARY) Stephen Dreier (CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER) Stephen Dreier (DIRECTOR) |
| |
2. | Bright Horizons Limited Partnership | Available | Austin, TX Watertown, MA |
| ||
3. | Bright Horizons Early Learning Centers, Inc | Available | ||||
4. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | Austin, TX Belmont, MA Osterville, MA Watertown, MA | Roger Brown (EXECUTIVE) Roger Brown (DIRECTOR) Mary Ann Tocio (PRESIDENT) |
| |
5. | Bright Horizons Children's Centers Inc | Available | Austin, TX Belmont, MA Osterville, MA Watertown, MA | Roger Brown (CHARI) Roger Brown (CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) Mary Ann Tocio (CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER) |
| |
6. | Bright Horizons Childcare Center | Available | Available | Fort worth, TX | Patrice Miller (OWNER) |
7. | Bright Horizons | Available | Available | Georgetown, TX | Sharon Degaetano (OWNER) |
8. | Bright Horizons | Available | Available | Jarrell, TX | Erlamond Shay Ross (OWNER) | |
9. | Bright Horizons Childrens The | Available | Available | Allen, TX | Kyla Michelle Slaughter (CONTACT) |
10. | Bright Horizons Health Care Management Consultant | Available | Houston, TX | Felica R Winters (CONTACT) |
| |
11. | Bright Horizons Personal Training | Available | Houston, TX | Christopher D Bright (CONTACT) |
| |
12. | Bright Horizons Personal Training | Available | Houston, TX | Christopher D Bright (CONTACT) |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City, State | Possible Owners/ Officers/Agents | Associated Businesses | |
1. | Bright Horizons For Campbell, Claiborne, Scott, & Union Counties Head | Available | New tazewell, TN Tazewell, TN | Vivian Maddox (REGISTERED AGENT) |
| |
2. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers, Inc | Available | Nashville, TN Watertown, MA |
| ||
3. | Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc | Available | Nashville, TN Watertown, MA |
| ||
4. | Bright Horizons Foundation For Children | Available | Nashville, TN | Dave Gleason (REGISTERED AGENT) |
| |
5. | Bright Horizons Foundation For Children | Available |
Owners/ Officers/Agents | Associated Businesses | |||||
1. | Bright Horizons Press Llc | Available | Clifton, NJ | Roland A Petit (AGENT) |
| |
2. | Bright Horizons Development Llc | Available | Available | Hackensack, NJ | Robert E Fader (AGENT) |
3. | Bright Horizons Consulting Llc | Available | Lawrenceville, NJ |
| ||
4. | Bright Horizons Community Development A Nj Nonprofit Corporation | Available | Irvington, NJ West orange, NJ | Brandy Hannah Barnes (AGENT) |
| |
5. | Bright Horizons Community Development A Nj Nonprofit Corporation | Available | Irvington, NJ West orange, NJ | Brandy Hannah Barnes (AGENT) |
| ** I know people keep sending me these articles they can't be right has anyone else seen this?
Mitt Romney said one of his Bain Capital companies has been so successful it's b
een praised by First Lady Michelle Obama. Romney’s Aug. 30,
/ Officers/Agents | Associated Businesses | |||||
1. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | ||||
2. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | ||||
3. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | ||||
4. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | Juneau, AK Watertown, MA | Elizabeth Boland (TREASURY) |
| |
5. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | Watertown, MA Wilmington, DE | David Lissy (DIRECTOR) |
| |
6. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | ||||
7. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | ||||
8. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | ||||
9. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | Austin, TX Belmont, MA Osterville, MA Watertown, MA | Roger Brown (EXECUTIVE) Roger Brown (DIRECTOR) Mary Ann Tocio (PRESIDENT) |
| |
10. | Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc | Available | Watertown, MA | Mary Ann Tocio (VICE PRESIDENT) |
| |
11. | Bright Horizons Children's Centers Inc | Available | ||||
12. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | ||||
13. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc | Available | ||||
14. | Bright Horizons Children's Centers Inc | Available | ||||
15. | Bright Horizons Children's Centers Inc | Available | ||||
16. | Bright Horizons Children's Centers Inc | Available | Austin, TX Belmont, MA Osterville, MA Watertown, MA | Roger Brown (CHARI) Roger Brown (CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) Mary Ann Tocio (CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER) |
| |
17. | Bright Horizons Children's Cehters Inc | Available | ||||
18. | Bright Horizons Children's Cehters Inc | Available | ||||
19. | Bright Horizons Children's Centers Inc | Available | ||||
20. | Bright Horizons Children's Centers, Inc | Available | Baton rouge, LA Watertown, MA Wilmington, DE | Stephen Dreier (OFFICER) David Lissy (OFFICER) Maryann Tocio (OFFICER) |
| |
21. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers, Inc | Available | Juneau, AK Watertown, MA Wilmington, DE | Elizabeth Boland (TREASURER) Stephen Dreier (SECRETARY) Stephen Dreier (DIRECTOR) Stephen Dreier (VICE PRESIDENT) David Lissy (DIRECTOR) Maryann Tocio (DIRECTOR) Maryann Tocio (PRESIDENT) |
| |
22. | Bright Horizons Management, Llc | Available | Wilmington, DE | |||
23. | Bright Horizons Childrens Centers, Inc | Available | Phoenix, AZ Tempe, AZ Watertown, MA Wilmington, DE | Stephen I Dreire (SECRETARY) Maryann Tocis (PRESIDENT / CEO) |
Officers/AgentsAssociated Businesses1.Bright Horizons Pediatrics P C
Avondale, AZMario Borlongan
- Clean Drywall & Painting Services L L C
- Grindstone Company Llc
- Ac Llc
- Ina Institutes Llc
- Life International Inc
- Garden Lakes Realty Inc
- Shu Lam
- Valley View Water Company
- Sestus Data Company Llc
- Metro Cactus Holdings Llc
- C L B Investments Llc
- Si-u Lam
- Rescue One Mobile Automotive Service Towing And Ro
- Arizonan Building Supply Inc
- Arizonan Building Supply Inc
- Jdv Realty Llc
- Cristie Y J Kamiya Dvm Pc
- Lotus International Import/exports Llc
3.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
4.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
5.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
6.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
7.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
8.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
9.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
10.Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
11.Bright Horizons Foster Family Agency
Colton, CALadeanya M Greenhouse
- Senior Home Caregivers Inc
- Palm Plaza Ii
- Chris Thomas Photography
- Palm Plaza Ii
- American Heart Association
- Greenhouse Family Services
- Steve Maltzman & Associates
- Twin Pines
- Holguin Fahan & Associates Inc
- Bonnie Ito L C S W
- Twin Pines
- Applied Industrial Design
- Applied Industrial Design
- Applied Industrial Design
- Davenport Partners Inc
- Nations Title Company Of California
- C & C Resource Staffing
San diego, CATroy Loggins
Shayla Mitchell
- Bright Horizons Child Care
San diego, CATroy R Loggins
Shayla S Mitchell
- Bright Horizons Childcare
Marina, CARachel Ann Irvine Schmidt
- Bright Horizons Academic Assistance
Marina, CARachel Ann Irvine Schmidt
- Bright Horizons Academic Assistance
17.Bright Horizons Properties Inc
Stone mountain, GARodney C Cook
18.Bright Horizons Child Care Center Inc
Lagrange, GAScott A Gordy
- Abc Fast Movement Llc
- Down South Candle Company
- File And Records Management Llc
- Haralson Street Investors Llc
- Mcdonald Holdings Llc
- Nick Burns Group Inc
- S-n-j Enterprises Llc
- Scottkemp Llc
- Skj Properties Llc
- West Georgia D & D Construction Llc
- Madeas Little Angels Learning Center Inc
- Servcom Security Systems Inc
- Edward Thomas Development Llc
- F & J Enterprises Llc
- K & B Homebuyers Llc
- Servcom Security Systems Inc
- Maxx Empire Llc
- Integrity Residential Inspections Llc
Atlanta, GADave Lissy
- One Atlantic Center Car Care
- One Atlantic Center Car Care
- Bright Horizons Childrens Ctr
- Madex Property Holdings Llc
- Odom Theme Park Properties Llc
- Madex Property Holdings Llc
- Odom Theme Park Properties Llc
- Gr Spirit Enterprises Llc
- Gepper Llc
- 1 Midtown Plaza
- Brad Freeman & Company Inc
- Southern Siteworks Developers Inc
- Inc
- 1422 Woodmont Lane Association Inc
- Avedo Usa Llc
- Ram Of Cherokee Llc
- The Tile Company Usa Inc
- Cleveland Electrical Testing Services Inc
Atlanta, GAMary Ann Oncio
- Bright Horizons Childrens Ctr
- One Atlantic Center Car Care
- One Atlantic Center Car Care
- Inc
- Avedo Usa Llc
- Ram Of Cherokee Llc
- The Tile Company Usa Inc
- Cleveland Electrical Testing Services Inc
- 1422 Woodmont Lane Association Inc
- Madex Property Holdings Llc
- Odom Theme Park Properties Llc
- Madex Property Holdings Llc
- Odom Theme Park Properties Llc
- Gr Spirit Enterprises Llc
- 1 Midtown Plaza
- Brad Freeman & Company Inc
- Southern Siteworks Developers Inc
- Gepper Llc
22.Bright Horizons Contracting Services
23.Bright Horizons Contracting Services
24.Bright Horizons Consulting Llc
Louisville, KYMikia F Bright
25.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
26.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
27.Bright Horizons Limited Partnership
28.Bright Horizons Preschool Academy Inc
Havre, MTStephen R Brown
- Kjn Ranch Inc
- Bright Horizons Preschool Academy Inc
- Gravel Coulee Farms Inc
- Lau Farming Montana Llc
- Grant Lau Farming Corporation
- Malta Plumbing & Heating Inc
- North-west Pork Cooperative
- Smith & Tett (usa) Inc
- Smith & Tett (usa) Inc
- Strauser Ranch Inc
- Strauser Ranch Inc
- Bigfork Farmers Market Cooperative
- Bigfork Farmers Market Cooperative
- Bradbury Resources Llc
- Guardian Home & Property Services Inc
- Plainsman Sports Bar & Steakhouse Inc
- Superior Feeds Inc
- Town Taxi Inc
Havre, MTStephen R Brown
- Kjn Ranch Inc
- Bright Horizons Preschool Academy Inc
- Gravel Coulee Farms Inc
- Lau Farming Montana Llc
- Grant Lau Farming Corporation
- Malta Plumbing & Heating Inc
- North-west Pork Cooperative
- Smith & Tett (usa) Inc
- Smith & Tett (usa) Inc
- Strauser Ranch Inc
- Strauser Ranch Inc
- Bigfork Farmers Market Cooperative
- Bigfork Farmers Market Cooperative
- Bradbury Resources Llc
- Guardian Home & Property Services Inc
- Plainsman Sports Bar & Steakhouse Inc
- Superior Feeds Inc
- Town Taxi Inc
31.Bright Horizons Consulting Llc
32.Bright Horizons Consulting Llc
33.Bright Horizons Acp Llc
Belen, NMG Mitchell Baker
- K & S Property Management Llc
- Los Lunas Auto Superstore Llc
- Mt Rental Properties Llc
- Organic Mineral Solutions Sciences Inc
- Tm Investment Properties Llc
- Footstep Productions Llc
- G Mitchell Baker & Associates Llc
- El Mirador Incorporated
- Homes For A Lifetime Incorporated
- Ruff Day - A Llc
- Ruff Day - Tv Llc
- Dnr Plaza Incorporated
- Horseplay Enterprises Limited
- Cross Purpose Promotions Incorporated
- Baker Development Group Inc
- Western Property Inspections Inc
- Calvary Chapel Of Socorro Incorp
- Casa De Pizza Frozen Foods Llc
- Rafael Foods Llc
Los lunas, NMBrenda Dutcher
35.Bright Horizons Realty Of Staten Island Llc
36.Bright Horizons Childhood Enrichment Services
37.Bright Horizons Learning Center Inc
Salem, ORThomas C Thetford
- Bright Horizons Learning Center Inc
- Green Technology And Building Materials Llc
- 2121 Front Llc
- 30 06 Llc
- Cga Investments Llc
- Chapter/fontana Llc
- Dmr Properties Llc
- Flying Eagle Llc
- Berrey Applewood Llc
- Petra Custom Homes Llc
- West Gate Commons Llc
- West Gate Development Llc
- House Of Mojo
- Mdg Farms Llc
- Paulson Homes Inc
- Petra Custom Homes
- Pinot Properties Llc
- Shamrock Farms Company A Corporation Of Arizona
Salem, ORThomas C Thetford
- 2121 Front Llc
- 30 06 Llc
- Cga Investments Llc
- Chapter/fontana Llc
- Dmr Properties Llc
- Flying Eagle Llc
- Berrey Applewood Llc
- Petra Custom Homes Llc
- West Gate Commons Llc
- West Gate Development Llc
- House Of Mojo
- Mdg Farms Llc
- Paulson Homes Inc
- Petra Custom Homes
- Pinot Properties Llc
- Bright Horizons Learning Center Inc
- Green Technology And Building Materials Llc
- Shamrock Farms Company A Corporation Of Arizona
Fort worth, TXPatrice Miller
- Highland Hills Church Of Christ
- Highland Hills Church Of Christ
- Highland Hills Church Of Christ
- Church Of Christ In Highland Hills
- Affinity Motor Sports
- Affinity Motor Sports
- F & M Beauty Supply
- F & M Beauty Supply
- F & M Beauty Supplies
- Select N Go Travels
- Patrices Cruises
- Pedi On The Go Beauty Supply
- Pedi On The Go Beauty Supply
- Sanctuary Of Praise Baptist Church
- Highland Hills Barber Stylez
- Platinum Stylez & Kutz
Jarrell, TXErlamond Shay Ross
41.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
Juneau, AK
Watertown, MAElizabeth Boland
- Wickersham House Llc
- Wickersham House Llc
- Wickersham House Llc
- Wickersham House Llc
- Nnw Inc
- Chugach Telecommunications & Computers Llc
- The Entrecor Group Inc
- The Entrecor Group Inc
- The Entrecor Group Inc
- Baskin-robbins Franchised Shops Llc
- Baskin-robbins Franchising Llc
- Dunkin Donuts Franchised Restaurants Llc
- Chugach Telecommunications & Computers Llc
- Altura Communication Solutions Llc
- Altura Communication Solutions Llc
- Chugach Telecommunications & Computers Llc
- Chugach Telecommunications & Computers Llc
- Chugach Telecommunications & Computers Llc
- Chugach Telecommunications & Computers Llc
43.Bright Horizons Childrens Center
44.Bright Horizons Childrens Center
45.Bright Horizons For Families
Sacramento, CAMelanie Seither
46.Bright Horizons Academy
San jose, CATamara Rood J Spencer
- Alta Enterprises
- Artistic Renditions
- Bright Horizons Academy
48.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers
49.Bright Horizons Chilren Centers
50.Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
Watertown, MA
Wilmington, DEDavid Lissy
- Childrenfirst Llc
- Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Llc
- Bright Horizons Limited Partnership
- Bright Horizons Childrens
- Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Llc
- Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Llc
- Bright Horizons Childrens Centers Inc
- Corporatefamily Solutions Inc
- Bfam Mergersub Inc
- Bright Horizons Childrens Center Inc
- Corporatefamily Solutions Inc
- Bright Horizons Childrens Center
- Bright Horizons Childrens Center
- Bright Horizons Childrens Center
- Bright Horizons Childrens Center
- Bright Horizons Childrens Center
- Wfd Holding Inc
- Corporatefamily Solutions Inc
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