But consider this:
In 1986, the pharmaceutical industry came to their friends in government and said they were going to go broke paying claims for vaccine injury. This would interfere with their ability to make a profit, and continue developing new vaccines. They threatened to stop manufacturing vaccines, saying a return to infectious disease would result and it would all be Congress’ fault.
In 1986, Congress acquiesced, passing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, giving unparalleled immunity to the pharmaceutical industry for product liability because vaccines are, in the wording of the law, “unavoidably unsafe.” The law established an excise tax on every vaccine which would fund a program that was supposed to quickly and generously compensate those who were injured. Nothing about the vaccine injury compensation program could remotely be called generous or quick.
When the law was enacted in 1988, major changes were made in the early childhood vaccine schedule, signaling unprecedented growth in the program. In 1983 a child would receive 10 vaccines by age six.Today that number is 35.
A 2010 EPA study has identified 1988 as the year autism rates went from horizontal to vertical.
Public health officials cite several studies (sometimes fourteen, sometimes fewer) claiming they exonerate vaccines in the development of autism. But these studies examine only one vaccine of 11 recommended for pediatric patients (MMR) and one ingredient (thimerosal). There has never been a study looking at the cumulative effect of so many vaccines, given so early in life and comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. There is simply no way, I repeat, NO WAY, the available science rules out vaccines as a cause of autism.
Federal vaccine court has in fact paid out claims to children whose vaccines caused autism. They get around this by compensating children for a brain injury and calling symptoms “autistic-like”. Autism is defined by behavior. If you meet the diagnostic criteria for autism, you have autism. We don’t get to call it something else because we don’t like how it happened.
So, the weight of the world rests on the CDC’s shoulders. Thus far, they have failed to prevent a single case of autism. Our children’s health depends on their integrity, their steadfastness, their complete devotion to finding the truth, no matter how unpopular, about what is happening to more than one percent of our children. Almost two percent of our boys. And what does the CDC do? They shrug.
Americans, it’s time to wake up and smell the napalm. Pretending there is no emergency won’t make the emergency go away. It’s time to demand Congress hold hearings on autism, including the role of vaccines. If autism isn’t in your house already, it’s knocking at your door."
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