'via Blog this'
"I am 24, live in the US, and have NEVER been vaccinated. My father was a chiropractor and chose not to vaccinate any of his four children..for which we have been highly persecuted..I was kicked out of several schools for being a “threat” to the school…I have NEVER been sick beyond the rare common cold…I love this study and wish the US would wake up and understand that pushing vaccines is just wrong."
Salzburger Study
Results: of 1004 unvaccinated children, had
Asthma, 0% (8-12% in the normal population)
A-topic dermatitis 1.2% (10-20% in the normal population)
Allergies 3% (25% in the normal population)
ADHD 0.79% (5-10%) in children
Longterm Study in Guinea-Bissau (1 Kristensen I, Aaby P, Jensen H.:“Routine vaccinations and child survival: follow up study in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa”, BMJ 2000; 321: 1435–41)
The children of 15,000 mothers were observed from 1990 to 1996 for 5 years.
Result: the death rate in vaccinated children against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough is twice as high as the unvaccinated children (10.5% versus 4.7%).
New Zealand Survey (1992) (http://www.ias.org.nz)
The study involved 254 children. In which 133 children were vaccinated and 121 remained unvaccinated.
Symptom | vaccinated | unvaccinated |
Asthma | 20 (15%) | 4 (3%) |
Eczema or allergic rashes | 43 (32%) | 16 (13%) |
Chronic otitis | 26 (20%) | 8 (7%) |
Recurrent tonsillitis | 11 (8%) | 3 (2%) |
Shortness of breath and sudden infant death syndrome | 9 (7%) | 2 (2%) |
Hyperactivity | 10 (8%) | 1 (1%) |
SZCZEPIENIA- szczepić nie szczepić oto jest pytanie - Strona 13 on February 6, 2012 at 5:00 am
[...] Refusers The spectrum of ASIA: ‘Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) Syndrome induced by Adjuvants’ New Study: Vaccinated Children Have More Than Twice the Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Chi… Napisał Anastazzja Oceanica;) zgadzam się z Tobą! siostra mojego P. jest doktorantem [...]
More and more data are being presented that confirm what we are now understanding to be a major crisis. Vaccination is not immunization! In fact, Tim O’Shea has a second edition book called “Vaccination is not immunization” that is a must read for anyone interested in the facts. In this book he has lots of data that is backed by references and a lot of doctor support for his work.
One study he talks about in this book is the Pourcyrous study that is PEER REVIEWED that proves vaccines cause BRAIN INJURY! This study was done by the University of Tennessee and NOT funded by drug companies! It clearly showed that out of 239 new bornes that 17% of those with single vaccines and in 24% getting multiple vaccines they got BRAIN HEMORRHAGES!
There are several sites you can look at this study. One place to start your search is at:http://vaccinationcouncil.org/2011/06/01/vaccines-and-brain-inflammation/
the hemorrhage theory was proven in a court also.
Vaccinated Children…. Well read this | Simply Health Chiropractic on November 22, 2011 at 11:19 am
I am an rn and work in Labor and Delivery. During admission, we ask all patients if they would like the hepatitis B vaccine given to their newborn, usually within an hour after birth. It is a series of 3 injections, the last one given by 6 months of age. This is a sexually transmitted virus; it is passed on by blood transfusions, sexual intercourse, or drug needles. What are the chances that an infant/baby/toddler are going to contract that virus?!!! It constantly amazes me how parents sign the permission slip simply because the hospital offers it. Some want it given because they know schools require it, as well as day care centers. We slam these youngsters immune systems from the start without knowing the potential dangers in these vaccines! Really, what are the chances these children will actually get the virus? Too minuscule to risk the potential dangers of the vaccine in my opinion.
It is all a matter of risk vs benefit– Problem is I know of NO vaccine worth the risk for babies.
[...] parents should take a good look at the health of unvaccinated vs. vaccinated children before submitting to a pediatric vaccination system that risks causing permanent neurological
Nuevo estudio: Niños vacunados tienen 2 a 5 veces más enfermedades y desórdenes que niños sin vacuna « "SOLO QUIEN NO DA LA ESPALDA A LA VERDAD PUEDE ENCONTRARLA" on October 13, 2011 at 4:51 pm
[...] Read it yourself at: http://journal.livingfood.us/2011/1… [...]
[...] hyperactivity, and epilepsy. No study of this kind has been preformed in the U.S. for 50 years.
(You'd think the vaccine makers would WANT to do this kind of study, if they were confident in their product.)
[...] Vaccinated kids are 200-500% more ravaged with chronic diseases than unvaccinated kids!http://journal.livingfood.us/2011/10/09/new-study-vaccinated-children-have-2-to-5-times-more-disease… [...]
[...] Haus Drachen New Study: Vaccinated Children Have More Than Twice the Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Chi… [...]
it is significant to have so much data on 8000 unvaccinated kids
I am a registered Nurse and a mom. I too believe that there are far more illnesses caused by todays shot requirements then is prevented. I also believe that if every citizen did their homework on vaccines and kodex alimentarius that many would see the truth and start fighting for the rights of we the people.
New Study: Vaccinated Children Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Children | Journal of Natural Food and Health « Elementals Health Blog on October 12, 2011 at 10:51 am
Yeah, heard of “Nodding Disease” aka epilepsy in Africa that now affects 1 in 4 children? They are all between the ages of 5 and 15 and it happened right after they were vaccinated. Most eventually die because they have a seizure and fall into the river or well and drown. Many are tied to posts to stop them wandering off, and they sit with eyes glazed over, unresponsive. Sound like autism?
Tetanus? They put cow dung on a newborn’s umbilicus because they believe think it is antiseptic. They walk barefoot on the ground where their animals defecate. When they get a cut on their foot, they don’t wash it out with antiseptic. Maybe they pack even more cow dung into it. Is this a problem for us folk, sitting in front of our computers all day? (More people in the western world die of heart disease, diabetes and cancer than ALL the vaccine diseases combined, so why sweat the small stuff when you don’t give a crap about the big killers?)
(Drug companies want us to get heart disease. They have lowered the numbers of what they consider "high" blood pressure, and are eager to get everyone on blodd pressure meds. Big money.)
Perhaps the vaccine might be of help to the African children, but remember also that they are malnourished and have little resistance to disease, even the weak virus in the vaccine. That’s why African children drop like flies, like the ones who get “Nodding Disease”. 1 in 4 – that’s way higher than anywhere else in the world. And no, there’s been no study, who cares about African children far away?
I have seen a study that was done in California of vaccinated versus unvaccinated, and it showed that those who were vaccinated were around 4 times more likely to develop autism than those who were not. Considering that more people choose not to vaccinate when they already have a child with autism or another perceived and/or genuine reaction from vaccines and that siblings of those with autism are more likely to develop autism, the 4 times more likely is probably an understatement. If factors were considered that I mentioned, I’ll bet the odds would be more than 10 times more likely to develop autism in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated.
If you want to read some real research on Vaccination and the participants of the KIGGS study, i suggest reading this article:
Why does the study you cite by Koch not cover autism and neurological disorders when all they needed to do is ask the question? What a shame.
Well I’m a MD, and all I see is people cherrypicking weak studied and not looking at the evidence, you are causing a publi health problem, for other kids, go to Africa and check out tetanus, I don’t know why you are so anti establishment
Speaking only for myself I am not anti-establishment, I am pro-health.
While you were in Africa, did you take the time to talk to the residents or even the docs about the reactions to the vaccines? I have seen reports from docs in Africa that shocked me. They claimed horrific stories concerning vaccines. Why don’t you Google for these reports and stop relying on some professor who reads stuff out of a textbook. Go, learn for yourself. Yes, the vaccines work at least somewhat, but if we had better ones, we wouldn’t have to trade one disease for another.
it’s linked to vaccines also. The only one link convincingly proven by studies, in fact
(My daughter had it when we lived next to a cornfield. We moved and she got better. The doctors bugged me to death to let them have her tonsils. I said no, test for allergies. I thought the asthma was because of a dust allergy, but now I am blaming the cornfield because she hasn't had asthma since we moved and I really slacked off on the dusting.)
It’s a shame no one’s bothered to study & compare the vaccinated/unvaccinated population over time. In our “right now” society, side effects are only gauged within days or weeks (at best).
On a side note you might also be interested in learning that the head of the psychiatric department at Emory has been in a LOT of hot water from a government probe into his connections to the drug companies.
We have friends who also have a son born Autistic after the mother took Prozac. He has never had a vaccine either.
My main guess is that he was born 12 mo after his older brother and my body was depleted. And on top of that I was on Paxil for the last trimester of my pregnancy with him. I was in a study at Emory University at the time to test/prove it was safe during pregnancy. When I told the Dr he had cortical blindness I received a dismissal from the study the next week when I had to cancel/reschedule an appt. I’m sure it’s because he threw off their study!
You were on Paxil while pregnant? There is the answer. Search Paxil and birth defects- major lawsuits underway on this one. I am sorry for you and your child
You must dig to learn. I spent many years learning things. When a large amount of people are exposed to the flu germ, some never get sick, some get a little sick, and a few die. And, as a result, we blame the flu germ for causing the death. We never say, not everyone died, so it’s not the flu germ.
...the vaccines are grown in animal and human tissue, likely the vaccines were contaminated with viruses and bacteria and or people just spread the viruses (retroviruses: XMRV and HTLV-10) and the bacteria (Lyme, Brucella, mycoplasma, Bartonella) without knowing how they can be spread. Since most people only get treated for symptoms without docs looking to see if these viruses and bacteria are in them, they don’t know they carry them. And since these pathogens can cause nearly any and no symptom, depending, there is too much of a variance in symptoms. Thus, healthy parents are testing positive for Lyme disease, yet when their kids are treated for it, even though their kids’ immune systems are too weak to produce the antibodies to show up in the test results, the kids lose a significant amount of symptoms, even some lose their autism label. When they are well, their immune systems then show the antibodies to pleomorphic pathogens like Lyme. A key note is that these children are not getting ill with the 3 day fevers and vomiting that kids are suppose to get. These pleomorphic pathogens turn the immune system off, that is why they are full of pathogens, toxins, etc. There is much more to learn. There are gobs of docs recovering kids. Just Google and visit the health forums concerning recovery and you will learn all about this. My kids are recovered from OCD, ADHD, Asperger’s, Bipolar, PDD, NOS, etc. Oh, and yes, I do have a lot of kids and even adopted one full of diagnoses. It’s not easy rebuilding their immune systems, but it is being done for most that try.
My son is actually one of the people who skews the results. I participated in this study with 6 unvaccinated children. All are healthy except one of my children who is autistic and has never been vaccinated. He had problems from birth, neurological damage that we noticed at only 6 weeks old but had been there all along. He’s also otherwise a healthy kid who rarely gets sick and doesn’t have asthma etc.
I would love to know if you had a flu shot or any vaccines while pregnant with your autistic child. NOT that I think vaccines are a sole cause for Autism, but as a Douala & Lactation Specialist I am noticing in the Birth industry a HUGE swing to push vaccines, (once ‘forbidden in pregnancy) to be given several times now during a womans pregnancy. I have also noticed a rise in babies ‘born’ with Autistic symptoms. I am wondering if this is a possibility in your situation?
Thanks for you great comments Ann. I just opened a new section called Vaccine Nation Series http://vax.livingfood.us and I know you will like it a lot.
Have you ever looked into the ingredients in the vaccines given to our children? The contain: formaldehyde, newly-declared carcinogenic by the FDA; aluminum, a neurotoxin; MSG, a neurotoxin; among other toxic preservatives. The levels of these toxins in some cases exceed the FDA’s own stardards for “safe levels.” We are pumping these poisons into our children in the name of health? And your exaggerated scare tactics, the same used by health professionals, are baseless. Most of the diseases vaccinated for are not fatal or even very severe in otherwise healthy children: measles, mumps, chicken pox, flu, pertussis/whooping cough, etc. And the ones that could be dangerous, like polio, are no longer a threat in this country. Are you going to say these eradicated diseases will be a threat if I don’t vaccinate my child? I guess you don’t have a lot of confidence in your vaccines if you believe my child could make other vaccinated children sick. What is criminal in this country is how much influence corporations, like drug companies, Monsanto, oil companies, etc., have over our public policy. American, run by corporations, has the highest number of vaccinations of any country, and it is growing each year. It is unconscionable to require parents to pump these toxic cocktails into their children, beginning at birth with the Hepatitis B shot. My son is not vaccinated, and healthy and vibrant as can be. If this country wants me to even consider vaccinating my child, start by demonstrating that there is an understanding that today’s vaccinate technology is toxic and work to reduce the number of shots recommended rather than increasing drug company profits with ever more poisons in our babies.
Many doctors have said only 10% of the US population was vaxd for smallpox. Polio rates had dropped significantly before the vaccination was available.
Yeah, my kids have had chicken pox and it wasn’t horrific. LOL I also know many people whose kids caught some of these diseases BUT were vaccinated for them.
If you dont vaccinate your children, you are doing a criminal act against them, if they ever catch one of these disease, it will horrific
RE: B Singh, are you saying that we MUST ALWAYS innoculate our children? I am a Registered Nurse and a Mother and Grandmother and I do advocate for minimal innoculations. I believe that there are far more illness caused by todays shot requirements then is prevented. Yes, horrific things can happen without shots, but there are equally horrifying things happening by the current shot program.
For those who might like more information here are some resources:
Think Twice – Global Vaccination Institute: http://www.thinktwice.com/
Think Twice – Global Vaccination Institute: http://www.thinktwice.com/
New study: Infants receiving the most vaccines are the most likely to be hospitalized and die
Survey: Vaccinated children five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated children
History of the Vaccine Schedule (MANY more vaccines today)
49 Doses of 14 Vaccines Before Age 6 (2-page flyer)
Vaccine Exemptions (Vaccines are not required to attend school)
The Thinking Moms’ Revolution
Age of Autism
that most vaccines these days are based on GMO yeast! (WTF??)
To my knowledge, there is no country in the world that can force people to take vaccines. If you are in the US, check out this site: http://vaxtruth.org/
One more thing. Parents are not told about vaccine waivers. If your child is on a waiver you can opt out. Here is the info on that:
Can’t say a lot about children except that our son who is now 56 has never been a in patient at a hospital and we did not allow him to have any inoculations at all.
But I can tell you for sure that I am 84 years of age and have NEVER had a shot in my life and don’t intend to and other than a few WW2 and KOREA injuries and a few accidents I have NEVER been a even seen in a hospital emergency room.
And YES we could REFUSE ALL shots during both WW2 and Korea and I sure as hell did,
What luck that you could opt out!
Today our recruits in basic training get mass injections, some mystery shots. How sad that some of our troops have had undetermined amounts of vaccines and basically lab tested many for ‘whomever’.
Thank you for speaking out.
Today our recruits in basic training get mass injections, some mystery shots. How sad that some of our troops have had undetermined amounts of vaccines and basically lab tested many for ‘whomever’.
Thank you for speaking out.
New Study: Vaccinated Children Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Children | VSCMN on October 10, 2011 at 5:07 pm