Wednesday, April 3, 2013

BBC News - Q&A: North Korea nuclear programme

BBC News - Q&A: North Korea nuclear programme:

'via Blog this'

Has North Korea got the bomb?
Technically yes, but not yet the means to deliver it via a missile.
In 2006, 2009 and again in 2013, North Korea announced that it had conducted successful nuclear tests - they all came after the North was sanctioned by the UN for launching rockets.
Satellite data from P'unggye-ri, also known as P'unggye-yok, in a remote area in the east of the country, appeared to tally with claims that the experiments had beenconducted underground.
Analysts believe the first two tests used plutonium as the fissile material. The North is believed to possess enough weapons-grade plutonium for at least six bombs.
Ever since North Korea warned that a third test would be a "high level" one, there has been speculation that it might involve a uranium device. It is so far unclear if this is the case.
Experts had previously said the state had not yet solved the problem of making a nuclear warhead small enough to fit onto a missile, but with the latest test North Korea claimed to have "miniaturised" a nuclear device.
That is yet to be independently verified.

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