"Although the proportion of “zero dosers” — otherwise known as “antivaxers” — has stayed stable at less than 2%, the number of moms and dads who don’t trust that vaccines will do what experts say they will is growing. In the U.S., where parents haven’t seen firsthand the deadly consequences of vaccine-preventable diseases, "
'via Blog this'
...but they HAVE seen the effects of vaccine reaction, and there is documented evidence as well as monetary compensation to prove it.
People who don't believe in vaccinating should probably shut up about it. The fact that the drug companies are being exposed is making them panic and they are now pushing for everyone to be vaccinated, whether they have allergies or have had adverse reactions in the past. Parents who do not realize this is about money and money only fall into the category of "sheeple." let them and their kids die out. They don't want help, and they don't want to be informed of facts, and when their kids get sick they don't want to know why. They just want a pill.
Their immune systems have been compromised as well as their brain function. They put entirely too much trust in the government and in doctors, who are far from "God." Anyone who has ever had a chronic illness knows just how useless most doctors are when they aren't dealing with something simple. Sometimes they are useless even in dealing with simple problems.
Doctors have little or no experience with nutrition. People know that they have to maintain their car for optimum performance, but can't get it through their head that keeping their blood and organs clean will keep their body running at peak performance.
Let the fittest survive, and stop wasting your breath. the drug companies will never admit they are wrong, or that they lied. Money given to vaccine damaged families is given with gag orders. Vaccine reactions are hard to prove because doctor's stall reporting and diagnosing, even when parents have told them about the reactions immediately following shots. Remember this: Vaccines are the bread and butter of pediatrics.
Remember this, too: There is an adult vaccine schedule that almost no one follows. The booster shots "required" for all those childhood shots are myriad, and almost no one gets them. Therefore, every adult walking around should be infecting all the other adults they come in contact with with whooping cough, measles, et cetera. But they don't, even though as an adult 1. many people were not even vaccinated with the things children are vaccinated with today, and 2. if they had been, the antibodies would have worn off.
Why aren't they infecting others with the so called fatal diseases of our time?
The diseases are not as fatal of prevalent as we are told they are?
We're being taken for a ride.
Why are adults not as pushed as children to be vaccinated?
Because it's easier to pinpoint when an adult suddenly becomes brain damaged. You can't call it a "developmental delay" in a 35 year old college graduate with a job. You can't blame the parents for neglect, or shaking their baby, or feeding their kids junk. When adults are vaccinated and there's a reaction, it's obvious.
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