Saturday, February 2, 2013

New report shows how the principle of “personhood” is already criminalizing pregnancy in the US

New report shows how the principle of “personhood” is already criminalizing pregnancy in the US:

'via Blog this'

(If women won't stop having sex because they are made to feel like criminals for doing so, we will criminalize them somehow.)

"According to the report, the women is these cases were disproportionally poor, black, and living in the South. Most involved an allegation that the woman had used an illegal drug during pregnancy. Other women were arrested for not obtaining prenatal care, or having a mental illness, or refusing a medical intervention like a c-section. Others miscarried or ended their pregnancies on their own, and were charged with violating the state’s laws against self-induced abortions. Interestingly, in most of the cases, there wasn’t any actual harm to the pregnancy at all–and, even when there was, rarely was there any sound scientific evidence that the harm resulted from something the pregnant woman did or didn’t do.
Furthermore, no states actually have laws on the books that hold women liable for the outcomes of their pregnancies. The women were typically charged under criminal laws–like child endangerment and homicide statutes–that were never intended to be used to punish pregnant women in this way."

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