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I think a mistake was made from the beginning with the focus on teen females. The focus should be all preteen children within the normal vaccine schedule. I realize the initial studies were focused on women but changing HPV demographics show the need to vaccinate men. Also, have we not learned from the fallout of the autism/vaccine debate, parents trust a nutty friend and/or pastor over their pediatrician? The same thing has happened here, where the tables were turned on us and the parents focus on sexual activity not cancer prevention.
Mar 23, 2013
What about the deaths and debilitating side effects that have been associated with this vaccine?
Mar 23, 2013
Completely "Junk-Science" and "Fear Mongering" regarding "Debilitating side effects" of this vaccine...Benefits FAR outweigh risks of this vaccine..
Mar 23, 2013
Deaths? Debilitating side effects? This is an adenovirus vaccine. Think common cold syndrome, pneumonia, croup, and bronchitis Typical side effects: Headaches, UTI, flu symptoms, fever??? There have been other symptoms suggested, but not proven as they do not occur until 6 months or more have passed.
Mar 22, 2013