Thursday, May 16, 2013

How I lost my fear of Universal Health Care

How I lost my fear of Universal Health Care:

'via Blog this' "...And who honestly gives rats backside about your tax money going to fund a woman&#039s choice to have an abortion when its such a rarely used procedure? Add to that the deaths and suffering of your fellow man because of with holding universal coverage and it starts to look like a smoke and mirrors game. Its actually a-cheaper for the govt to run (45 cents of every US dollar spent on healthcare goes to admin - 15 cents of every Canadian dollar spent is on admin), b-provides greater freedom of choice (no fear of job loss, I still pick my physician, etc, etc), c-increases your economic competitiveness (see point a), and d-its simply the right thing to do. I cannot fathom Americans fears on this issue. Its mind boggling in its stupidity. Americans are arguing about the dust in the corner while ignoring the rest of the house."

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