It’s certainly true that the fact aluminum in vaccines causes debilitating and deadly ASIA in sheep does not necessarily translate to humans. However, the evidence that aluminum adjuvants do cause ASIA-like syndromes in humans, coupled with how devastating ASIA is in sheep, not to mention how common, should trigger a regulatory response to eliminate aluminum from vaccines. Indeed, it ‘s truly impossible to find any reason other than selling out to explain why it’s still in them.
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In the terminal phase, the animals suffer from lack of response to stimuli, ataxia, andtetraplegia. They then fall into a stupor or coma, and die. They’re also known to have spontaneous abortions. They suffer from lesions of fat deposits, serous fat atrophy,ascites, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, and atrophy of skeletal muscles. Peripheral nerves become thickened in most animals. This can include primary nerves, like the sciatic, also.
Nerves in the spinal cord become necrotic. Most animals suffer from meningoencephalitis. Thickened peripheral nerves tend to be surrounded by fluid and mucous. Some demyelination and neuron loss was noted. About half the sheep were found to have membranous glomerulonephritis.
The amount of mercury and aluminum in blood was examined in the 6 experimental animals, and also in 5 sheep with advanced ASIA disease:
- The 5 sheep with advanced disease had 266.75 to 289.76 ng/mL of aluminum in their blood. No mercury was found.
- Control animals had trace amounts of aluminum and no mercury in their blood.
- Scanning electron microscopy found that the vaccinated animals had 8.445% aluminum weight, while controls had only 3.825% aluminum weight in their spinal cords.
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