Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bill Maher: The Great Thing About Having Been Poor

Bill Maher: The Great Thing About Having Been Poor:

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Bill Maher


The Great Thing About Having Been Poor

Posted: 03/ 1/2012 12:00 am

If you grow up in America, it's pretty rare if you don't love money. One of the first things I ever remember being punished for was stealing money. Five dollars, off my father's dresser. I was so little, I don't think I even knew it was wrong to take something that wasn't specifically mine -- I recall this being my introduction to the concept of "larceny is bad." But somehow, I knew it was good to have cash.

After I left my middle class household at 18, standard of living took a real tumble for a while. At Cornell, I had no money, and boy did I look it. They called where I lived the last three years Collegetown, but Collegetown was really slums in a rural setting. Landlords did not have to work that hard in Ithaca, N.Y. -- every year, there was fresh supply of eager tenants among the students who didn't want to live in a sorority or fraternity. It was a sweet market for a slumlord.

But even that looked good compared to what was waiting for me as I began my illustrious career as a standup comedian in New York City in 1979. First year I lived on 99th Street in Spanish Harlem, a five-floor walk up, toilet down the hall. No shower -- a tub that sat in the kitchen with a snake-like attachment that hooked up to the kitchen sink. Walked home every night from the comedy clubs on the tony Upper East Side, watching the neighborhoods become poorer and scarier as I made my way north, and I'm sure the only reason I was never robbed was, they took one look at me and knew it wasn't worth the trouble. Sometimes, freedom really is just another word for nothing left to lose.

And yet, in a short 33 years, things had turned around enough so that I was able to give a million dollars to the super PAC of a certain mixed-race president who, I would like to remind all my overconfident progressive friends, does NOT have this election in the bag. And a lot of people this last week have said the same thing to me: "You're not picking up the drinks tonight?"

The great thing about having been poor is how liberated it makes you if you eventually become rich. There's nothing like the knowledge that you don't need money to survive. That the money cushion you lie on every night doesn't have to be three feet thick, and you can still get to sleep.

Other people seemed surprised I had a million dollars, which amused me. I've had a television show since 1993; television pays well -- I may even have another million lying around somewhere. Every year when I visit my accountant in December to see how the year went, he always says I'm the best saver of all his clients, which amazes me, because I feel like I deprive myself of absolutely nothing. I once asked him, what do your other clients spend their money on? Because I know who some of his other clients are, and I know they make WAY more than I do. He said that what they spend their money on is always changing, and that's not even the point -- the point is, however much money they make that year, they always spend all of it! That's how they think: have money, spend it, because the real tragedy would be to die and have money left over.

Me? I just don't have expensive tastes I guess -- I don't collect cars or paintings or jewelry, and I gave up my heroin habit years ago. But I also know that, as I said when I presented that giant check to Priorities USA Action last Thursday at the end of my stand up special on Yahoo!, "This hurts!" I was trying to make the point that if I could do it, a lot of other people could do it a lot more easily than me. You know, the only place in America where the millionaires and billionaires are predominantly liberal is here in Hollywood -- with the possible exception of Silicon Valley and Ben & Jerry's ice cream. There's a reason that of the 16 billionaires that have contributed to super PACs this year, 14 have given to Republicans. It is generally the party of the rich. And in a post-Citizens United world, the party of the rich has an advantage like they've never had before. In 2008, the most you could give to a candidate was $2,300. Now it's Infinity. No, the election is not in the bag.

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Zip Zinzel
If a Nation expects to be both Ignorant & Free . .
37 minutes ago ( 8:38 PM)
I have lived in similar situations at times myself, and many of our fellow citizens have no idea of the lifestyles that poor people experience.
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I'm here!!!
53 minutes ago ( 8:21 PM)
Love ya, Bill!
1 hour ago ( 8:03 PM)
So true! My going from poor to semi middle class fells great. I think becoming rich or just well off (90k per year) I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I'm so glad he wrote this.
1 hour ago ( 8:00 PM)
I have been blue collar middle class for 42 years! I laugh at my struggling peers and coworkers who feel this economy is making the struggle and in the same breath reduced their amount of shoes to 157 or only get their hair and nails done once or twice a month instead of once a were!!! You poor suffering souls... From a woman who does her own nails, hair, and owns 4 pairs if shoes at a time... And happy :)
2 hours ago ( 7:08 PM)
Good for you, Bill! You put your money where your mouth is. Nothing against your career choice. I love your show.
3 hours ago ( 6:24 PM)
There was an old survey done years ago that asked "Are you within the top 5% of income earners in the US" and 15% percent said yes. Then they asked "If you are not now now in the top 5%, will you be someday?" and another 15% said yes. Of those responders, nearly 5 out of 6 are deceived, they are not in the top 5% and never will be. Yet they vote willingly for the rich to pay less taxes, etc, thinking they too will be able to take advantage. Those are the core Republicans, add in the abortion and gun fantatics, and they win many elections, particularly in the fly-over states.
Truth will set you free and make you very mad
3 hours ago ( 6:23 PM)
No the election is not in the bag which is why I pause to wonder why 14 of the 16 people donating to GOP would want to. All that money to support a handfull of small I.Q's that are routinely out of touch and clueless with the general population and its needs? Being a Non Partisan voter all my electorate career has me in a weird place. Usually I investigate no matter how contraversial the idea's of both parties and see if there exist a compatible way of acheiving both ends with a bit of enginuity and compromize. Not anymore. Both are dead fast stuck on party lines and neither will give a hearing or coopoeration to a solution unless the political climate dictates a yeild on a topic to get reelected. Which to me sounds awfully unconnected to the people.

Is money now buying control of Government away from the electorate? Thanks to the Scotus I think so. America's electorate voice is weaker now then ever before and I really do fear one day it could be silenced altogether by Mob rule of the wealthy. Somehow I feel we have taken the nations safeties off and created a power keg of explosive influences that corrupt every level of government protections that our Founding Fathers created to keep this nation from reverting to the old ways of England from which we came. So I say to our future.. Enter stage right.. Oligarchy.
stranger in a strange land
3 hours ago ( 5:56 PM)
Wow! Who knew that someone could overcome the omnipresent exploitation of the masses by the corporate oligarchy and rise from poverty to become a millionaire?

Boy, you progressives better not let such boot-strap stories get around or you'll NEVER get support for all those nanny-state proposals focused on GIVING folks a middle-class income.
Your interests are special, too.
3 hours ago ( 6:31 PM)
Google "Elizabeth Warren childhood wait tables" without the quotes. The rags-to-riches story has impressed voters of all political stripes since Lincoln was elected to Congress.
2 hours ago ( 6:53 PM)
well said...
Read About Smedley Butler.
4 hours ago ( 5:36 PM)
Bill, you are awesome. Thanks for setting an example for the new political funding paradigm.
4 hours ago ( 5:27 PM)
Maher is right. This says everything anyone needs to know about GOTP :"There's a reason that of the 16 billionaires that have contributed to super PACs this year, 14 have given to Republicans. It is generally the party of the rich". So knowing that and voting for GOTP is pure madness if you're making less than 250K.
stranger in a strange land
3 hours ago ( 5:52 PM)
"So knowing that and voting for GOTP is pure madness if you're making less than 250K."

OR it simply means that you acknowledge what those 14 billionaires recognize about conservative fiscal policy. It ensures that those who contribute the most to society will be rewarded the most. And that's beneficial to contributing citizens at ANY income level!
2 hours ago ( 7:29 PM)
Sorry, but that's just not the case. Do you really think wealthy people contribute the most to society by default? What a stupid, stupid, stupid idea. Gimme a friggin' break, man.
1 hour ago ( 8:00 PM)
Hmmmm.....billionaires contribute "most to society"?? So would you say I, a nurse with a decidedly middle-class income, and my teacher husband, who makes quite a bit less, contribute less to society than these billionaires? Where are your priorities?
4 hours ago ( 5:09 PM)
Bill, I'm an ardent fan and I watch you on Cable here in Brazil. You're the best.

First, on a recent show, you asked something like, "since when does money equate with success?" This was a rebuttal to Romney's defense from attacks on his wealth as "Don't hate me because I'm successful...". This implies that making tons of money is THE form of success. It's the Gordon Gekko ethos.

Mr. Romney and friends need to be reminded that simple middle class folk--a great teacher, a good parent, a community activist, a brave firefighter who has actually saved lives-- should be considered more successful than an über-priviliged millionaire whose sole objective in life seems to be making more millions by moving money around, slicing and dicing companies, firing thousands of people, and not producing or creating any new product or technology in the process. Mr. Romney's values should NOT be equated with success. He needs to be called out on this very idea, not just on the wealth itself.

Secondly, everything must be done to ensure Mr. Obama's reelection. However, deep inside, Bill, you know that this thing, barring a second Great Depression, is over. The Republican Party, as it stands, is on the brink of extinction. From its ashes will emerge a new party, made up of what saner heads are left of that raging, apoplectic Hydra, along with some conservative Democrats. Olympia Snowe's defection is the first tiptoe in that direction.
Tony Pepperoni
Where did all the good Republicans go?
4 hours ago ( 5:08 PM)
Always on point Bill, and thank you for giving 'til it hurts.
4 hours ago ( 5:01 PM)
Bill, I was one of those people that were surprised that you had the money to give. Im very glad you both had it to give, and gave it, btw.

The reason that I was surprised that you had it, was becaue of what you said on your show. You mentioned having had most of your money with lehman bro's. Based on that I thought you ended up like Eddie Cantor, and got wiped out in the crash.

Oh, btw, I have a private practice in a small town in TN, and one of the books that I have in the reception area is your book "New Rules". That book always gets the most comments, and they are virtually all positive comments. Even repub types who would prolly denounce you every day of the week, admit to getting a chuckle out of ut. Thought you might like to know, lol.

WaveRhydr (AKA StormRhydr)
4 hours ago ( 4:52 PM)
No election is in the bag until the noose is finally square knotted. I dislike Maher's politics but appreciate his zest for saving. All the lying around purchased stuff you hardly ever use is just so much stuff you've got to keep an eye on. I knew someone whose job, in part, was to drive around on Mondays making sure his all boss' stuff was still where it was the week before.

Good for Maher that he has an extra $1,000,000 to help in President Obama's re-election campaign. I hope it all goes to waste.
4 hours ago ( 5:28 PM)
I am sure it won't.
Proud Marine, Proud Papa, Proud Grandpapa, Proud D
3 hours ago ( 5:45 PM)
You sound like a fairly reasonable person, all the more baffling why you would support the GOP in its current state.
5 hours ago ( 4:44 PM)
the PUSAA SuperPAC should create a new America...Air America that is ! just better

there's more than one way to level the playing field

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