Monday, March 26, 2012

What does run a train on a girl mean? - Yahoo! Answers

What does run a train on a girl mean? - Yahoo! Answers:

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What does run a train on a girl mean?

I need to know extacly what this means because my whole future depends on it. and i need to know asap. becuase im getting married on saturday. my fiance friend texted him that they gonna run a train on a girl. if he is planning to do whatever this means, im calling of the wedding. he told me it just means a lap dance, but my intuation is telling me it means something more. please help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Running or pulling a train means that more than 2 guys plan on having sex with the same gal, one after the other.....the sex may be consentual on the gal's also refers to gang rape.....

Your intuition is right, Toots...I read/answered your other question.......if you can at all posphone the wedding until this is cleared up I strongly advise you to do so......

Your fiance knows exactly what it means.

Judge the situation by the character of the fellows attending the batchelor party...are they the type to participate in this, if the gal is willing?

Even if he wasn't going to participate...even if he used the expression to mean something other than it truely does....he lied to you on the real meaning.....and if he wasn't planning on participating or allowing anything 'dicey' at his party, then why isn't he going thru with it? Why refuse to go & stay home with you rather than re-asure you nothing wrong will be going on........

I can't answer these questions...only you can....go with your gut instinct/intuition-far too many women ignore it. If you suspect, then it's very well true...and even if it isn't, suspicion on your part and the need to lie on his is not a good start to a marriage...good luck.

...and Hon, if you are still not sure, then ask your Dad what it means...and see the look on his face...he has your best interests at heart, your Dad...listen to what he says.......please let us know what happens......I wish for you the best out-come, in your self-interests.
  • 2 people rated this as good
Asker's Rating:
5 out of 5
Asker's Comment:
Thanks I had a heart to heart with him and I'm gonna go thru with the wedding.

Other Answers (7)

  • The boring, academic answer follows:

    "Running a train" is a sexual activity term that means that one girl will be having sexual relations with a number of guys consecutively. She stays in the bed and each guy takes a turn, one after the other. It's usually more than three participants.

    It differs from an orgy where everyone joins in at the same time and usually involves a near equal number of men and women. In a train, each guy does his thing and then leaves so the next guy can come in and do his thing.

    Usually it's far more talk than action because very few women would be willing to participate in such activity. It's popular locker room talk and pornographic movie material. It is not unheard of but is not at all common - mostly fantasy fodder.

    It's both physically and socially dangerous. Physically, because of the nature of the activity, risk of disease transmission is very high for all parties. Risk of physical injury to the female participant is also very high.

    Socially, the female participant is likely to be labeled as a result of participation. Unless she lives in a bordello, her social status will not improve as a result. This is the main reason that such events are relatively rare and usually "all talk".

    I suspect that you've stumbled into some "guy talk" and that there is no train at all.
    • 2 people rated this as good
  • oh sweetie. ok, i swear on everything that is good in the world that it means that they are planning on having sex with that girl. one guy does his thing, then the next, then the next. if your man is really planning on doing this, then he is just really gross, and i really wouldn't want you going thru with something like a wedding. oh gosh, im sooo sorry. best of luck to you.
    • 3 people rated this as good
  • it means when a group of guys have sex with one girl one after the other..i here it all the time from my brother and his friends
    • 1 person rated this as good
  • Thats when many guys do the girl one after another, until they have all done her.
    • 2 people rated this as good
  • yup I would call it off too
    Its a good thing you go by your intuition b/c that is nasty.
    • 3 people rated this as good
  • it means that all the guys are going to have sex with the girl one after the other
    • 2 people rated this as good
  • it means all the guys r going to have there way with a girl

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