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Going to Church
What I think about churches-
This really cracks me up - Christians complain about the welfare system, and people getting a free ride, but they're more than happy to give financial support to a guy (minister) who spends an hour a week telling them how to live their lives; a guy who pays no taxes on his income or property (the church), lives rent free and has minimal living expenses to pay for on his own.
My mother, for instance, God bless her - sends a check to the Catholic Church every month. The Catholic Church is the wealthiest church on earth and my mother thinks she needs to send them money! (She is retired.)
This is a religious organization (church) that is able to cough up millions of dollars to settle law suits for pedophilia.
To be a Priest is to be committed to God (the oath of celibacy, and all that jazz). So aren't these child molesting priests cheating on God? Oh the HYPOCRISY!
TV evangelists have soaked their Christian followers for millions of dollars and many have then been exposed for the frauds they really are; yet the faithful still follow. TV evangelists have been caught breaking the very rules they preach to other people they should live by. Homosexual adventures, adultery, embezzlement, etc.. What is up with that? Then they say, God has forgiven me, so should you.
The fact is that we're all human, we all make mistakes, and those you may have hurt are the ones who you should be seeking forgiveness of.
What's up with confession? How is it that a mere mortal man (a priest) can absolve someone of their sins, just by listening to them and ordering some prayers? If a person can talk to God through prayer, why isn't it possible that sins cannot be forgiven when we pray on our own and must be confessed to another man? Three Hail Marys and an Our Father and you're good to go sin some more. Just come back and confess next week.
The world is my church. I can read religious texts anywhere I want; I don't need someone else to read it to me. I can pray wherever I want; on the toilet or in the shower if that suits me. And I don't need to give what little money I have away to a church. Geeze... you have to pay the church to get married. They don't call it a fee, but a mandatory donation of a specified amount. I had to pay the Lutheran church $50 just so their minister could marry me in a garden. (Like I said, the world is my church) What a wasted $50 that was!
If God requires poverty of the pious, why do these churches need so much money?
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