Tuesday, May 29, 2012

vaccines and money, and: why don't doctor's get vaccinated?

Chicken Pox Vaccine,
Package Insert by Merk

The doctors never tell you the chicken pox vaccine causes shingles in people who are susceptible, or who might be susceptible, but it says so right on the package insert.

Read every one prior to getting vaccinated or getting your child vaccinated. Be informed and be safe about vaccines. NEVER sign anything claiming you know the risks (standard waiver) when you actually do not. Do not let medical personel rush you because they overbook.

Most inserts for most vaccines:



I was vaccinated against 'Scarlett Fever' in 1975 in the only capital city in the nation that offered the vaccine. In 1990 I developed Scarlett Fever and was very sick - I was hospitalised. An antique disease, I was only one of 37 cases reported in the entire country that year and I guarantee that the other cases were also recipients of the vaccine. 1970's biochemistry had an echo effect many years later. I didn't catch the disease but somehow manifested it due to the vaccination decades earlier

Vax not cause autism? Mary had a little lamb... everywhere vax went- autism sure to go. Autism 1st discovered 1943 by Dr Leo Kanner rate less than 1 in 10,000. Now even CDC admits 1 in 88! 1st cases scientists tried to blame genetics of upper class because high occurrence, but they were only ones paid 4 new vax. Gee, that not proof? With free vax 60-70s equal distribution. 1st case in Japan was 1945 with US occupation & mandatory vax laws. Huge spike 1980 mercury in Hep B. Coincident? NOT!

All you have to do is read the package inserts on the vaccinations. End of debate. Vaccines aren't safe. Read the inserts, and NEVER sign the waiver that says your doctor isn't responsible for side effects. The waiver also says you are fully informed. have you been? Not if you haven't read the package inserts.

Uploaded by  on Aug 3, 2011
Following the increase in cases of autism and other immune disorders among some particularly vulnerable people, several recognized specialists are questioning the safety of large-scale vaccination. Despite the serious side effects, pharmaceutical companies, the medical profession and government authorities continue to bury their heads in the sand, refusing to see a serious problem. In Quebec, the United States and France, as in most industrialized countries, victims are almost without recourse despite the high toxicity of substances such as mercury and aluminum contained in vaccines. With this hard-hitting documentary, Lina B. Moreco highlights a very worrying public health problem.

Since they were introduced in the early 20th century, vaccines have been a tremendous medical and scientific success. Today perceived as a necessity, they are so familiar to us that their potential risks are rarely mentioned.

However, the stakes are significant. Based on recommendations of health agencies, North American children receive about 48 doses of 14 different vaccines before the age of 6 -- double the amount prescribed 25 years earlier. Despite this extraordinary increase, few studies independent of the pharmaceutical industry have been conducted into their long-term side effects. This is a disturbing situation given the numerous toxins, including mercury and aluminum, contained in some commonly administered vaccines.

Several worried pediatricians and scientists are sounding the alarm. Some of the research underway indicates that vaccination is directly responsible for immune or neurological disorders among certain people genetically or neurologically predisposed to react badly to vaccine components. Cases of autism, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis, encephalitis, paralysis and neuropathies indicate the seriousness of the situation.

Despite these findings, the pharmaceutical industry and government authorities deny there is a serious problem. Relying on perfunctory studies, some of which date back to the late 1920s, they reject out of hand any cause-and-effect relationship. Given the known fact that adding preservatives such as thimerosal (mercury) helps reduce production costs, the reaction of the pharmaceutical industry is at the very least puzzling. Preferring not to question a system that has proved its worth, a majority of the medical profession's members reject any potential toxicity in vaccines.


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"In the past decade, there have been years with no reported cases of human anthrax infection in the United States. ...Elsewhere in the world, human anthrax cases continue to be reported, especially in countries with predominately agricultural economies." [1]
The report does not indicate figures for anthrax cases "elsewhere in the world". However, 100 years ago, approximately 35% of Americans were farmers; as opposed to less than 2% today. [2] Also, the majority of American farm animals no longer free graze. See also meat & dairy industry.

Emergent BioSolutions (BioPort)

In November of 1970, the FDA granted an anthrax vaccine license to MDPH (later BioPort Corporation), though neither had conducted a controlled field trial. The data presented in support of the vaccine:
  • Was of a completely different strain of vaccine made by Merck, Sharp, & Dohme.
  • The manufacturing process changed when MDPH took over.
  • The vaccine ingredients were changed.
  • The vaccine was licensed based on the testing of an entirely different vaccine. [3]
Emergent BioSolutions (formerly BioPort Corporation) in Lansing, Michigan is the only manufacturer licensed by FDA to manufacture anthrax vaccine. Originally, the facility was operated by the MDPH. In 1996, the facility became known as the Michigan Biologics Products Institute (MBPI), an entity controlled by the government of Michigan.[4]
In September of 1998, Bioport took over the formerly public MBPI, created in 1996 with a two-year lifespan. Less than a month later, the company gained a $29 million contract with the Department of Defense (DoD) to "manufacture, test, bottle and store the anthrax vaccine." [5]

Lobbying for national immunizations

In 2002, the U.S.' sole manufacturer of the anthrax vaccine launched a lobbying blitz, urging lawmakers to back a national immunization for civilians. BioPort went to Capitol Hill with a report predicting a deadly wave of anthrax attacks; due to the ease of engineering antibiotic-resistant strains. [6]

What's a lobbyist? 

The most obviously unethical (and illegal) practice associated with lobbying is paying a policy maker to vote in a favorable way or rewarding him or her after a vote with valuable considerations. 

It's illegal, but it happens all the time.
What ethical dilemmas does lobbying present?
Since the ethical foundation of lobbying is the vigorous public debate necessary for informed decision making, ethical dilemmas related to lobbying tend to arise when various behaviors by lobbyists and lawmakers undermine the fairness and transparency of that process and do not contribute to the common good.

DoD & Bioport

Regulations allowed the DoD to "provide extraordinary relief" to BioPort Corporation during late FY 1999, in spite of "significant risks."[7] Between 1998 and 2002, the DoD pumped over $130 million into the company, in hopes of stockpiling enough anthrax vaccines for all 2.4 million U.S. soldiers and reservists. The Pentagon continued paying BioPort even after the company repeated failed FDA inspections and was prohibited from shipping any vaccine. [8]

Mandatory experimental vaccinations & related deaths

In 2003, six soldiers filed suit against the government for experimenting on them with the BioPort anthrax vaccine. According to the charges, the vaccine was considered experimental; therefore its mandatory administration was illegal. On Dec. 22, 2003, the US District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the military to stop experimenting on soldiers for dangerous anthrax vaccines. In 2003, army sergeant Rachel Lacey died of complications from the vaccine, according to an autopsy report from the Mayo Clinic.


History of inoculation

Intentional inoculation with subvirulent strains of variola to protect against variola major (variolation) began in India sometime before the first millennium CE. This practice spread throughout the Old World and eventually reached Europe in the early 18th century. Although variolation was capable of inducing lifelong immunity in vaccinated individuals, the practice was a risky procedure, and those inoculated had a mortality rate of approximately one tenth that of individuals with naturally occurring disease. Furthermore, treated individuals were capable of transmitting disease to untreated individuals for some time after variolation.
In one of the major accomplishments in modern medicine, Edward Jenner demonstrated in 1796 that an individual could be protected against disease. The skin could be inoculated with pustular material containing the cowpox virus, an orthopoxvirus closely related to variola. Although the heterologous immunity induced by vaccination (from the Latin word vacca, meaning cow) was not lifelong, this approach was significantly safer than variolation, and vaccination quickly spread throughout the world. In subsequent decades, the strain of virus used was sustained by means of arm-to-arm inoculation or maintained as dried material on threads.
Over time, the virus mysteriously changed from its original cowpox form to the strain of vaccinia used in current vaccines. In the latter half of the 19th century, the practice of growing virus for vaccines on the flank of calves was adopted to lessen the risk of transmitting other human diseases (eg, syphilis) during vaccination.


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