Women banned from wearing burka in France - News - Evening Standard:
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They don't want to wear them!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Stockton police and firefighters have no money to buy gas — RT
Stockton police and firefighters have no money to buy gas — RT:
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Police should walk their beat.

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Police should walk their beat.
Stockton police and firefighters have no money to buy gas
Published: 07 August, 2012, 01:00
Justin Sullivan Getty Images / AFP
One of California’s bankrupt cities is struggling to keep its police and firefighters in service. The two public safety departments have no gasoline in the pumps at their stations, because companies refuse to service those in bankruptcy.
Stockton, which filed for bankruptcy protection last week, said its police can no longer pay its gas vendor the money it owes. After running out of gas last week and finding a way to refill it, the city has empty stations for the second time in a week.
“The PD and fire dept. are both out of gas and the gas companies will not service us because we r in BK,” said a text message sent from police to the local TV station FOX40 last Monday. “The gas vendor is owed money and will no longer service to us.”
Although the gas company, Stockton Petroleum, said it did not leave the city without gas when it ended its contact, city officials told the news channel that the city had been out of gas for a while, making it difficult for police officers to do their jobs.
“They’re ready to go to work and they go to fill their cars up. And they can’t do that,” Det. Mark McLaughlin said on behalf of Stockton police officers in a FOX40 interview.
Fighting crime is now becoming increasingly difficult in a city that’s running out of vehicles for its police officers. Stockton has seen 38 murders since January. With one of the highest murder rates in the United States, and a higher murder per capita rate than Chicago, Stockton is in desperate need to keep its police officers working.
To keep public safety officers in service, Stockton’s police and firegfighters are now filling up their tanks at the city corp yard, which holds gasoline intended for other city vehicles.
Commuting to the yard takes time that could be better spent on the street, McLaughlin said.
“We're wasting more time getting fuel… We should be out doing our job, handling calls and stuff like that,” he said.
With a short staff and little gas, the police force is worried that things will spiral out of control.
During a nationwide recession, Stockton continues to run on empty both in terms of gas and service officers. It is becoming a prime example of the detrimental effects of bankruptcy that could be facing many more California cities.
A Survivor of The Aurora Shootings Gives A First Hand Account Of That Horrific Night ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists
A Survivor of The Aurora Shootings Gives A First Hand Account Of That Horrific Night ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists:
'via Blog this'That’s when I got to not only see how many wounds I really had, but I go to clean them all. Every time I felt a sting or an ache during the shower, I’d hear a gunshot in my head. Flashbacks are no joke. People ask me how many I have and I say that I still haven’t counted yet. If you include the giant bruise/welt on my arm and the one on my underarm, there are 9 on my arm alone. There’s more on my back, butt, chest, and both legs. It hurts like Hell to walk on my right leg but I did today because we needed to get out of the house for a minute and go to the store.
'via Blog this'That’s when I got to not only see how many wounds I really had, but I go to clean them all. Every time I felt a sting or an ache during the shower, I’d hear a gunshot in my head. Flashbacks are no joke. People ask me how many I have and I say that I still haven’t counted yet. If you include the giant bruise/welt on my arm and the one on my underarm, there are 9 on my arm alone. There’s more on my back, butt, chest, and both legs. It hurts like Hell to walk on my right leg but I did today because we needed to get out of the house for a minute and go to the store.
I honestly don’t know how to answer broad questions like “how do you feel?” or “what were you thinking at the time?” I honestly wasn’t thinking about anything but running. My parents always taught me, as an itty-bitty child, that when your body senses danger, you go into “fight or flight” mode. It’s this basic part of your system called “adrenaline”. In a split second, I was able to see that there was no fighting a dude in what appeared to be full combat gear, so I ran.
I hope to not offend anybody by saying this, but I wasn’t touched by an angel, I wasn’t “blessed”- I had a good head on my shoulders and I used it. It actually worries and saddens me that most people do not possess such basic animalistic survival instincts, that so many of them curled up on the floor and kissed their own butts goodbye. I don’t want or need to think about all of that, though, because all it does it bring on a barrage of emotions, where I feel angry with them and then guilty and then sad and then run-on sentences. It’s just not a good idea.
And no matter how they reacted to it, the event itself was nobody’s fault but that of the criminal who did this. People can believe in whatever they want to, and perhaps the universe or a higher power or something else said “hey, it’s not her time”, and that is definitely possible (I mean, it’s possible to get shot when going out to the movies, so I am no longer ruling stuff out), but I’d like to give credit where credit is most certainly due, and thank the ones who need to be thanked the most because I don’t think they get enough credit sometimes;
If my partner and I had not taken responsibility for ourselves at some point in our lives and joined the US Navy, we would not have immediately recognized the smell of tear gas.
If my partner and I had not taken responsibility for ourselves at some point in our lives and joined the US Navy, we would not have immediately recognized the smell of tear gas.
If we had not been so sharp, or just born with common sense and basic survival instincts, we would not have ran. If we were lazy and slow, we would not have ran as fast as we did (glad we go on those nightly dog walks). If we were not brave, we would not have kept moving even though someone very well could have been blocking the exit, with another gun (though I seriously didn’t even process that it was gun shots behind us- we both really thought that it was fireworks or something ridiculous but still potentially dangerous).
If Chris wasn’t a smart, level-headed guy, he would not have stayed calm enough to drive me where I needed to go and handle the situation. If the medical personnel had not been absolutely amazing, I would not be in the shape I am now. I am not trying to talk down to anyone who thanks their higher power for this miracle (and I will agree that that’s a very appropriate word for this) at all, so please do not take it as such because that’s not what this is about. This is about me wanting you all to realize the immense feeling of gratitude that I have for Chris and the medical staff who took such amazing care of me.
From the paramedics and the one who held my hand in the ambulance, to the nurses, radiologists, doctors, chaplain, social workers, and even the pharmacy tech at Safeway, I want you to know that you all are the reason I am ok and in so much less pain right now. You made the pain “go away”, as I had kept begging and pleading for somebody to earlier that night. And if I didn’t have Chris here, if I had lost him in the incident or something, I don’t know what I would have done.
I thank our instincts, Navy training, and the universe itself that he is here, alive and unscathed. However, the physical stuff is all just one part of the pain we have endured, and most likely will endure. I had already been shopping around for a therapist due to PTSD from other times in my life. The flashbacks and things were getting too hard to deal with. After that night, I now pretty much have a novel to give the next therapist I talk to. I hope they’re ready for this.
I hope I’m ready for this.
Charter School Reserves Right to Force Pregnancy Tests, Kick out Students Who Are Pregnant ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists
Charter School Reserves Right to Force Pregnancy Tests, Kick out Students Who Are Pregnant ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists: "Let’s understand what’s happening here … Delhi Charter School is owned by a non-profit. This school receives $6 million in state and federal taxpayer money. They receive this taxpayer money and put in place rules that were in clear violation of Federal law. When they wrote the rules for the school – someone felt it was prudent to reserve the right to require female students to take a pregnancy test and those that either object or show up pregnant could be kicked out (but not the male students who impregnate). Because nothing is better for a kid’s future than to go through life without a high school education with a child from a young age."
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Charter School Reserves Right to Force Pregnancy Tests, Kick out Students Who Are Pregnant ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists
Charter School Reserves Right to Force Pregnancy Tests, Kick out Students Who Are Pregnant ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists:
'via Blog this'Let’s understand what’s happening here … Delhi Charter School is owned by a non-profit. This school receives $6 million in state and federal taxpayer money. They receive this taxpayer money and put in place rules that were in clear violation of Federal law. When they wrote the rules for the school – someone felt it was prudent to reserve the right to require female students to take a pregnancy test and those that either object or show up pregnant could be kicked out (but not the male students who impregnate). Because nothing is better for a kid’s future than to go through life without a high school education with a child from a young age.
'via Blog this'Let’s understand what’s happening here … Delhi Charter School is owned by a non-profit. This school receives $6 million in state and federal taxpayer money. They receive this taxpayer money and put in place rules that were in clear violation of Federal law. When they wrote the rules for the school – someone felt it was prudent to reserve the right to require female students to take a pregnancy test and those that either object or show up pregnant could be kicked out (but not the male students who impregnate). Because nothing is better for a kid’s future than to go through life without a high school education with a child from a young age.
The church is going to kick nuns out, now?
After blistering Vatican report, nuns gather to weigh response - U.S. News:
'via Blog this'Earlier, in a June interview with the National Catholic Reporter, Farrell said the option to become an independent organization would stay on the table.
'via Blog this'Earlier, in a June interview with the National Catholic Reporter, Farrell said the option to become an independent organization would stay on the table.
"Again, that’s something we can’t respond to without further consultation with our members," Farrell said. "But the option always is there."
On the question of submitting to the Vatican's appointed overseer, Farrell said: "Clearly this is an outside control. We would rather not have that."
In a statement released just after the Vatican report, the nuns said the report had "caused scandal and pain throughout the church community, and created greater polarization."
“Board members concluded that the assessment was based on unsubstantiated accusations and the result of a flawed process that lacked transparency,” the statement read.
American Catholics are showing their support for the nuns, organizing vigils across the country to advocate for the end of the crackdown. The Nun Justice Project is one organization standing with the nuns against what they call "a prime example of how the hierarchy in the Roman Catholic Church misuses its power to diminish the voice of women."
Common myths about having a child later in life - HealthPop - CBS News
Common myths about having a child later in life - HealthPop - CBS News:
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Younger people are putting off having kids. Women are waiting until after 35. I wonder if the crazy religious freaks trying to do away with birth control and abortion are afraid if too many smart women have kids their ranks will go down, especially with the young not so desperate and guilty anymore.
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Younger people are putting off having kids. Women are waiting until after 35. I wonder if the crazy religious freaks trying to do away with birth control and abortion are afraid if too many smart women have kids their ranks will go down, especially with the young not so desperate and guilty anymore.
Fire at Chevron refinery in Richmond - SFGate
Fire at Chevron refinery in Richmond - SFGate:
'via Blog this'As the smoke stretched out over the El Cerrito hills, Contra Costa County hazardous materials units rolled through the neighborhoods, taking air samples.
'via Blog this'As the smoke stretched out over the El Cerrito hills, Contra Costa County hazardous materials units rolled through the neighborhoods, taking air samples.
Trisha Asuncion, hazardous materials specialist with Contra Costa County, said that no hazardous compounds had been detected in the air, but that monitoring would continue.
Kaiser's Richmond Medical Center said several dozen people came to the emergency room Monday night complaining of shortness of breath, but none was seriously ill.
Julius Bailey, 21, who lives on Barrett Avenue in Richmond, blocks away from the refinery, was at the hospital wearing a face mask. He said his throat had started burning and his eyes itching. After seeing a doctor, he said, "They told me I'm not going to die, but it sure feels pretty serious."
Mullen: 18 veterans kill themselves every day in the U.S. | The Raw Story
Mullen: 18 veterans kill themselves every day in the U.S. | The Raw Story:
'via Blog this'President Barack Obama’s former top military adviser’s response was triggered by a question about offering more compensation to soldiers in exchange for their sacrifices, essentially converting the military into a mercenary-style force instead of a volunteer army.
'via Blog this'President Barack Obama’s former top military adviser’s response was triggered by a question about offering more compensation to soldiers in exchange for their sacrifices, essentially converting the military into a mercenary-style force instead of a volunteer army.
That possibility seemed to disturb Mullen greatly.
“Indicative of [those stresses] is the incredible suicide rate we have on the active side, which is even despite all the efforts of leadership to contain it, is in the army this year higher now than it was a year ago,” he said. “And another statistic that hasn’t gotten much traction is that we’ve got 18 vets a day who are killing themselves in the United States.”
Mullen added that the military has become less present to the American people thanks in part to an all-volunteer force that is paid in salaries and benefits to fight and die on the president’s orders.
“But, I do worry that it’s just, ‘Please go off and fight our wars, we don’t want to be bothered’ — that the whole country isn’t in,” he said. “We’re not there, but at some point we cross the line where, essentially, it’s not unlike mercenary forces from other countries… which may be another option. I think the United States of America, without its military being a direct output of its people’s will, and understanding what that is, is a disaster for us in the long run.”
Scottish Rite Temples
Scottish Rite Temple:
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One of the most unusual buildings in the eclectic Sixteenth Street Historic District is the Temple of the Scottish Rite at 1733 16th Street. The building, designed by John Russell Pope who also designed the National Archives and the Jefferson Memorial, was constructed between 1911 and 1915. It was built to headquarter the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry. An international fraternal order, the Masons have claimed a number of past Presidents, such as George Washington and Harry Truman, as members. Pope used the tomb of King Mausolus at Halicarnassus, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, as his model for the Temple. Outside, guarding the temple doors, is a pair of monumental sphinxes that represent wisdom and power. The Temple is laced with symbolism in its design and decor, much of which requires close attention and may not be obvious to non-Masons. In 1931, the building was voted the fifth most beautiful building in the world by a group of members from the Association of American Architects. The library, the first public library in the District of Columbia, contains one of the world's largest collections of materials on and by Scottish poet Robert Burns, who was a Freemason. The Library was opened to the public at the request of Albert Pike who donated his personal collection of books with the stipulation that they be available for use, free of charge, by the general public. One of the most striking monuments in the nation's capital, the imaginative facade of the Temple creates a visual experience worth viewing.
Welcome to the Oakland Scottish Rite’s Fraternal Website
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The Scottish Rite Temple is located at 1733 16th St., NW, between R and S Sts. Tours are offered on weekdays from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Appointments must be made to peruse the library's collections. For further information, please call 202/232-3579. Metro stop: Dupont Circle
It is a place where the glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe is celebrated and the aim of human progress is affirmed--a place of study and education, recreation and fellowship, learning and reflection, charity and compassion. A place where one can expect the human spirit to be lifted and the brotherhood of man embraced.Here, men come together because they desire to model excellence in heroes, leaders, protectors, providers, servants, and role models of humankind. Such endeavor is the real celebration of life.
What is the Scottish Rite?
The Scottish Rite is a Masonic organization that continues a Master Mason’s education of the first three degrees. Other examples of Masonic affiliated organizations are: The Shrine (Shriners); York Rite; Grotto; Eastern Star, DeMolay International, Job’s Daughter’s, International Order of Rainbow for Girls and the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. The Scottish Rite consists of the 4°–32° and an honorary 33°, which is awarded for exceptional service.
Why is it called the House of the Temple?
The name “House of the Temple” is traditionally associated to the word Heredom, a significant word in high degree freemasonry, a derivation of which, suggests the Greek words hieros-domos, meaning “Holy House”, thus referring to the Temple of Solomon, which is central to Masonic ritual and symbolism.
Having been inspired by the architecture of Karnak, the building features several forms seen in Ancient Egyptian architecture.[4] The building itself is in the form of an Egyptian pylon. The monumental entrance, inspired by the Bab al-Amara Gate at Karnak, is flanked by a pair of sphinxes, by the sculptor Allen W. Barr.[5] The roof is surmounted by two protruding obelisks that originally functioned as chimneys.
Everyone is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever

Scottish Rite Temple from the corner of N. Claiborne and St. Francis Streets.
herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound. ”
Though it discusses the minutiae of Masonic ritual at length, it is written so as not to reveal the Masonic secrets. Ritual motions and objects are named and elaborated upon, but not described. In hisallocution of 1947, Pike's successor, Grand Commander John Henry Cowles, noted that some Masonic publications had used large extracts from the text, which practice he sought to curtail by adding the following words to the title page: 'Esoteric Book, for Scottish Rite use only; to be Returned upon Withdrawal or Death of Recipient' (Transactions of the Supreme Council, 33°, S.J. (1947), p. 38). Although Morals and Dogma is an esoteric book, it was not a secret one; Pike's original preface was clear that any Mason could own the book, but only Scottish Rite Masons would be encouraged to own one. Canada
In Canada, whose Supreme Council was warranted in 1874 by that of England and Wales, the Rite is known as Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The council is called "Supreme Council 33° Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada".
Scottish Rite Temple from the corner of N. Claiborne and St. Francis Streets. | |
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
The Lexington, Massachusetts-based Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, formed in 1813, oversees the bodies in fifteen states: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and Vermont. It uses only the term Valley.[28] Each Valley has up to four Scottish Rite bodies, and each body confers a set of degrees.In the Northern Jurisdiction, the Supreme Council consists of no more than 66 members. All members of the Supreme Council are designated Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, but the head of the Rite in each Valley of the Northern Jurisdiction is called a "Deputy of the Supreme Council."
United States
In the United States of America there are two Supreme Councils: one inWashington, D.C. (which controls the Southern Jurisdiction), and one in Lexington, Massachusetts (which controls the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction). They each have particular characteristics that make them different.
[edit]Southern Jurisdiction
Based in Washington, D.C., the Southern Jurisdiction (often referred to as the "Mother Supreme Council of the World") was founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1801. It oversees the Scottish Rite in 35 states, which are referred to asOrients, and local bodies, which are called Valleys. [25][26][27]
In the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, the Supreme Council consists of no more than 33 members, and is presided over by a Grand Commander. Other members of the Supreme Council are called "Sovereign Grand Inspectors General" (S.G.I.G.), and each is the head of the Rite in his respective Orient (or state). Other heads of the various Orients who are not members of the Supreme Council are called "Deputies of the Supreme Council." The Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction meets every odd year during the month of August at the House of the Temple, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction Headquarters, in Washington, DC. During this conference, closed meetings between the Grand Commander and the S.G.I.G.'s are held, and many members of the fraternity from all over the world attend the open ceremony on the 5th of 6 council meeting days.
Birth of the Scottish Rite
Although most of the thirty-three degrees of the Scottish Rite existed in parts of previous degree systems,[18] the Scottish Rite did not come into being until the formation of the Mother Supreme Council at Charleston, South Carolina, in May 1801. They were known as "The Eleven Gentlemen of Charleston", the Founding Fathers of the Scottish Rite .
John Mitchell - Received a patent April 2, 1795, from Barend Moses Spitzer granting him authority as Deputy Inspector General to create a Lodge of Perfection and several Councils and Chapters wherever such Lodges or Chapters were needed. Born in Ireland in 1741, he came to America at an early age, was Deputy Quartermaster General in the Continental Army, and the first Grand Commander of the Supreme Council.
Frederick Dalcho - A physician. He served in the Army and for a while was stationed at Fort Johnson. He formed a partnership with Dr. Isaac Auld, another of the original members, in 1801. He was an outstanding orator and author. In 1807 he published the 1st Edition of Ahiman Rezon. He became an editor of the Charleston Courier, was a lay reader and deacon in the Episcopal Church and in 1818 was ordained a Priest.
Alexander Francois Auguste de Grasse Tilly - A son of a French Admiral, and perhaps the most famously connected of all the original eleven. He was the youngest of the members and was named to become the Grand Commander of the West Indian Islands. He later moved to France and established the Supreme Council of France.
Jean Baptiste Marie deLaHogue - He was a native of Paris and was a member of La Candeur Lodge in Charleston.
Thomas Bartholemew Bowen - Was the first Grand Master of Ceremonies of the new Supreme Council. He was a Major in the Continental Army and a printer by trade.
Abraham Alexander - Was one of the first Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. He was born in London in 1743, immigrated to Charleston in 1771. He was a very prominent Jew and had been described as "a Calligraphist of the first order", which may account for his election as the first Grand Secretary General.
Emanuel de la Matta - A Sovereign Grand Inspector General. He was by trade a merchant and auctioneer. He was a member of Friendship Lodge and was reported to be quite devoted to the study of Jewish Literature and Masonic Study.
Isaac Auld - An eminent physician, associated in medical practice with Dr. Dalcho. He was a rigid Congregationalist.
Israel de Lieben - A Sovereign Grand Inspector General and the first Grand Treasurer General. He was born in Prague and emigrated to America upon reaching Majority age. He was known as "the liberal-headed Jew", who was "tolerant in his religious opinions and was considered to be intelligent, enterprising, liberal and generous.
Moses Clava Levy - Was born in Krakow, Poland. He was a prosperous merchant, was generous and helpful to the unfortunate and devoted to his adopted city and country.
James Moultrie - Was the only native South Carolinian among the original members. He was a Doctor of Medicine, and according to Albert Pike, "was one of the foremost Citizens of South Carolina".
Isaac De Costa, one of the deputies commissioned to establish Morin's Rite of the Royal Secret in other countries, formed constituent bodies of the Rite in South Carolina in 1783, which eventually became, in 1801, The Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. All regular Scottish Rite bodies today derive their heritage from this body.
Subsequently, other Supreme Councils were formed in Saint-Domingue in 1802, in France in 1804, in Italy in 1805, and in Spain in 1811.[19]
On May 1, 1813, an officer from the Supreme Council at Charleston initiated several New York Masons into the Thirty-third Degree and organized a Supreme Council for the "Northern Masonic District and Jurisdiction". On May 21, 1814 this Supreme Council reopened and proceeded to "nominate, elect, appoint, install and proclaim in due, legal and ample form" the elected officers "as forming the second Grand and Supreme Council...". Finally, the charter of this organization (written January 7, 1815) added, "We think the Ratification ought to be dated 21st day May 5815."[20
Scottish Rite Temple (Mobile, Alabama) - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Scottish Rite Temple, now known as The Temple Downtown, is a historic former masonic building in Mobile, Alabama, United States. It was built to serve as ...Welcome to the Oakland Scottish Rite’s Fraternal Website
As Freemasons, we seek to strengthen our Bay Area community by being men of integrity and good character and exalting the dignity of every person to live a civic life maximizing his service to humanity.
All Scottish Rite Masons are Freemasons. Of the 1.7 million Freemasons in the United States, approximately 550 thousand are Scottish Rite Masons. The Oakland Scottish Rite was built in 1883.
We strive to produce better and wiser men by providing opportunities to foster leadership skills and education based on the values of friendship, charity, patriotism, tolerance, integrity and a belief in a Supreme Being.
ministry of justice
The Rothschilds:
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The inscription below translates to "NEW WORLD ORDER". Historically, the Illuminati was responsible for instigating the French Revolution after infiltrating the French Freemasons. Since then, the Illuminati is usually disregarded by the media as a delusional fantasy. Now why would they do that?
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The inscription below translates to "NEW WORLD ORDER". Historically, the Illuminati was responsible for instigating the French Revolution after infiltrating the French Freemasons. Since then, the Illuminati is usually disregarded by the media as a delusional fantasy. Now why would they do that?
If this breakdown sounds Orwellian, it should, because all of my research on this points to an organization which is attempting to impose an Orwellian system of government, not just on the U.S., but on the whole world, and they are succeeding.
The Rothschilds, along with some of their associated banking families, have long been involved in the creation and/or development of such movements as the Bavarian Illuminati, the Zionist movement, International Communism, the Bolshievik Revolution, and the German National Socialist party (Nazis). Their biggest customers for loans are governments.
To secure those loans, as with any other, they need security. They acquire that security two ways: By lending to competing countries to maintain a military balance, and by setting up national banks under their control.
"New World Order" (also translated as "New Order of the Centuries") was by no means new with the creation of the Great Seal of the United States. It is an old Illuminati slogan, used by Adolph Hitler, and later, by President George Bush, the son of a Hitler supporter, Prescott Bush. Perhaps this is mere coincidence, but is that really likely? Particularly in light of the fact that George is a member of the same Skull and Bones Society that his father used as a cover for transferring funds to Hitler?
"New World Order" (also translated as "New Order of the Centuries") was by no means new with the creation of the Great Seal of the United States. It is an old Illuminati slogan, used by Adolph Hitler, and later, by President George Bush, the son of a Hitler supporter, Prescott Bush. Perhaps this is mere coincidence, but is that really likely? Particularly in light of the fact that George is a member of the same Skull and Bones Society that his father used as a cover for transferring funds to Hitler?
Monday, August 6, 2012
Koch Brothers, GOP Mega Donors, Help Bankroll Religious Conservative's 2012 Efforts
Koch Brothers, GOP Mega Donors, Help Bankroll Religious Conservative's 2012 Efforts:
'via Blog this'"A conservative group led by longtime political activist Ralph Reed has budgeted $10 million for a major 2012 election push to turn out the religious right and block a second term for President Barack Obama, a top executive with his organization told the Huffington Post.
'via Blog this'"A conservative group led by longtime political activist Ralph Reed has budgeted $10 million for a major 2012 election push to turn out the religious right and block a second term for President Barack Obama, a top executive with his organization told the Huffington Post.
The Faith and Freedom Coalition's effort, which will include voter registration drives at NASCAR races in Florida, Virginia and other key swing states, is part of a much broader attempt to reactivate millions of socially conservative voters to not only defeat Obama but help some favorite conservative congressional candidates.
Concerned Women for America, a Christian advocacy group, already has run $6 million in ads in six battleground states including New Hampshire and Wisconsin, warning that the White House-backed health care law might limit patient care and increase the federal deficit.
The Pennsylvania-based Let Freedom Ring quietly cobbled together a nonpartisan 2,000-member pastor network to spur voter registration efforts and is planning a multi-million dollar ad drive this fall focused on social, economic and foreign policy issues, according to Colin Hanna, president of the organization.
Propping up this trio of right-leaning organizations are several of the country’s wealthiest conservatives. Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus and John Templeton Jr., who runs a family foundation, are offering financial support, as are organization that receive funding from the billionaire Koch brothers, according to two GOP fundraisers familiar with the separate operations of the three groups.
The ramped-up involvement of these groups is the clearest sign to date that cultural debates long thought to be a side topic in the 2012 election, may still play a role. The Faith and Freedom Coalition, Concerned Women for America, Let Freedom Ring and other allies plan to focus heavily on a few hot-button social and economic issues, including the president's support for same-sex marriage, to fire up their base.
Conservative leaders note that evangelical voters, who historically made up as much as 25 percent of the overall electorate, can be especially important in determining the next president in swing states like Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Wisconsin Shooter Identified As White Supremacist Wade Michael Page | Addicting Info
Wisconsin Shooter Identified As White Supremacist Wade Michael Page | Addicting Info:
Police have identified the shooter in Sunday’s mass murder at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin that left 7 dead, including the shooter, as known White supremacist Wade Michael Page.
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Page, the 40 year old Army veteran, was killed in a shoot out with police after killing six and wounding several others, including the first officer on the scene. He was armed with a 9mm handgun.
Police have identified the shooter in Sunday’s mass murder at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin that left 7 dead, including the shooter, as known White supremacist Wade Michael Page.
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Page, the 40 year old Army veteran, was killed in a shoot out with police after killing six and wounding several others, including the first officer on the scene. He was armed with a 9mm handgun.
Page’s motivations remain unclear but his long association with the extremist right wing White supremacist movement and a 9/11 tattoo strongly suggest the attack was mistakenly directed at Sikhs when Muslims were the actual target.
The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that Page has been a member of a number of Hate Rock bands and the leader of the White supremacist band End Apathy. ABCNews.com also reports:
Page, 40, served in the Army from April 1992 through October 1998. He was separated from the Army with a less than honorable discharge and had been demoted from sergeant to specialist during his service.
While in the Army Wade served as a sergeant, and later as a specialist based in Ft. Bliss in Texas and at Ft. Bragg in North Carolina. Wade’s job was as a Hawk missile system repairman, and he then became a psychological operations specialist, defense official confirmed to ABC news.
A picture of a hate-filled right wing monster is slowly emerging so that means the shrill protests of “politicizing a tragedy”, “why are liberals always blaming the innocent right?” and “It was just an ISOLATED INCIDENT!” will be starting any time now.
Conservatives So, So Grossed Out that a Democrat Said 'Menstruation' While Discussing Birth Control
Conservatives So, So Grossed Out that a Democrat Said 'Menstruation' While Discussing Birth Control:
'via Blog this'"So what's the horrible, gross thing that Harkin dared utter in the presence of delicate man-ears?
'via Blog this'"So what's the horrible, gross thing that Harkin dared utter in the presence of delicate man-ears?
There are many women who take birth control pills, for example, because they have terrible menstrual cramps once a month, some of them almost incapacitated, can't work. I know of young women myself who, because of this, aren't able to work and be productive, and it's prescribed by their doctor.
Dana Loesch over at Breitbart was one of the folks horrified by Harkin's true and accurate statement that uses medically appropriate terms. Besides, she asserts, he's LYING. He's another LYING LIAR of LIES. She writes,
It's asinine to suggest that birth control is the only way women can control menstrual cramps. Speaking from experience with endometriosis, there are a number of other remedies available to women that assist with this issue, not just birth control pills. If it was about women's health, the "birth control" aspect wouldn't be at the spear of the left's push.
Harkin never asserts that all women who have cramps must use pills; just that some women who have cramps experience relief after using birth control as prescribed by their doctors, who presumably know a thing or two about how to treat people who are not feeling well. Additionally, Loesch doesn't discuss the fact that there are actually many aspects of the ACA's women's health package — like domestic violence counseling, breast screening, and HPV testing— that have nothing to do with birth control. She also fails to disclose what, exactly, those other remedies for cramps are, but I'm sure they work on everyone, since she's got personal anecdata about endometriosis and is a medical doctor Tea Party radio pundit from St. Louis. Besides, why go with what medical cure works best when we can ignore the last 50 years of advances in women's health and try to use, I don't know, dream catchers and prayers to get rid of cramps instead of what's most effective? Let's prioritize the unprovable beliefs of offended bishops over the health of women who actually need birth control for actual medical conditions.
Know what's worse than men telling women what they must do? Other women helping men who tell other women what's best for them. And menstrual cramps.
Drone attacks in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Drone attacks in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
'via Blog this'Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since Obama took office, according to the AP, the number of drones operated by the CIA over Afghanistan and Pakistan doubled.[47] A May 2010 Reuters report quoted unnamed counterterrorism officials who speculated that the Obama administration's closure of the secret CIA interrogation centers and intent to close the Guantanamo Bay prison was a direct influence on the expansion of the drone targeted killings. According to the officials, the killings are necessary because there is no longer any place to put captured terrorists.[48]
'via Blog this'Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since Obama took office, according to the AP, the number of drones operated by the CIA over Afghanistan and Pakistan doubled.[47] A May 2010 Reuters report quoted unnamed counterterrorism officials who speculated that the Obama administration's closure of the secret CIA interrogation centers and intent to close the Guantanamo Bay prison was a direct influence on the expansion of the drone targeted killings. According to the officials, the killings are necessary because there is no longer any place to put captured terrorists.[48]
A study called 'The Year of the Drone" published in February 2010 by the New America Foundationfound that from a total of 114 drone strikes in Pakistan between 2004 and early 2010, approximately between 834 and 1,216 individuals had been killed. About two thirds of whom were thought to be militants and one third were civilians.[2]
On 28 April 2011, president Barack Obama appointed General David Petraeus as director of theCIA overseeing the drone attacks. According to Pakistani and American officials this could further inflame relations between the two nations.[49]
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