'via Blog this' Individual property owners now typically own only the top 6″ of soil on their land. Everything else, presumably down to the center of the earth, is owned by the City of London. Today, this global land grab is comprised of countless local land grabs.
Agenda 21- the UN Agenda for the Twenty-First Century, also created by Maurice Strong- is proceeding at triple speed under Bush II.
(was) Brought to you by the Liberty Coalition. Rosa Koire is a national leader in the fight against agenda 21.She has written a book called "Behind the Green Mask"
If you've been wanting an interesting, clearly written, how-to-manual for identifying and fighting UN Agenda 21, here it is. Agenda 21--All the information you need to understand what is happening in your town, why it's happening, who is behind it, and what you can do to stop it. BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21 is 172 pages of truth. Part history, part current events, part hand-to-hand combat, and part blueprint for keeping your freedom, this is one book that you'll put to work immediately. Boots on the ground and all hands on deck is the order of the day. Awareness is the first step in the Resistance.
The tripling of gas prices since Bush II became president is restricting our movement and causing food prices to go up. During the last 10-20 years, the world’s oil companies consolidated into three- BP (British Petroleum), Shell, and Exxon-Mobile. (These three companies are all primarily controlled by members of the Committee of 300, according to intelligence analyst Dr. John Coleman. The Committee of 300 includes representatives of the the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, Queen Elizabeth II and many other European royalty, Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., and, of course, Maurice Strong; Coleman, 1997-2006).
Princess Diana’s mother is a Rothschild, so technically, Prince William is also a Rothschild by blood. And he, of course, is positioned to be King of England- and hence, many believe the ultimate controller of the entire global secret government/Rothschild Octopus that includes the Committee of 300, M16, the Round Table, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the CIA, Mossad, the state of Israel, and their myriad corporations, think tanks, intelligence agencies, false business fronts, etc.
...this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible inequality, has been steadily growing.
(I was saying that myself. Media was everything possible is done to make blacks, whites, and Mexicans hate each other but in my entire life, in many, many instances I have been to places which are "dangerous" around people of every color and NEVER EXPERIENCED THE HATRED AND RACISM DEPICTED IN THE MEDIA. It's a lie. The only people who do feel it are those kept separate by fear, and it's in their minds, and THEY are the ones who strike out and commit violence, aka the KKK and other hate groups.)
It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Nesta Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities has gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews.
Moret then notes that what is occurring is “spiritual warfare” and the Khazar Jews are not really Jews. They have adopted the Jewish religion as a fig-leaf. An example of the disconnect within the world Jewish community is that whereas Israeli Jews mostly support Bush II, American Jews do not. Meanwhile, the international bankers do view humans as “human cattle” (goyim is the Jewish term). She states that 300,000 American children are picked up by police each year and their organs are harvested (however, she did not mention the source of this statistic). Dyncorp forces young women into sex trafficking. The ruling elite use organized crime and the military to maintain their power. Today, as a result of their activities, organized crime is seamless around the world. The European Union is a Jacob Rothschild creation.
The European Union is a Jacob Rothschild creation.
Today, the world’s ruling elite view the United States as a giant turkey to be carved up and divided amongst themselves. The Newmont Uranium gold mine takes $1 billion a year in gold from Nevada. Canadian companies are raping America and American companies are raping Canada.
President Nixon, using Executive Orders, carved America into 10 regions. The U.N. is now trying to control the water, because no living thing can survive without water.
Maurice and his wife, Hannah Strong (the Manitou Foundation) have leased land to numerous spiritual groups in the Crestone area of south-central Colorado, adjacent to the San Luis Basin. In effect, Moret suggests they are “colonizing” the Crestone area for its resources. Because native Americans have a more coherent culture than the dominant American cultures, they are most aware of these kinds of land grab activities. However, we have Indy media and the internet.
(Because it's already been done to the Native Americans.)
WWII nuclear targets, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, were chosen by Skull and Bonesman, Stimson. Stimson and other Bonesmen set up the University of California to be the institution that would create our weapons of mass destruction. The U.S. government has used 800 tons of depleted uranium in their wars against Iraq and Afghanistan. In July, the Air Force carried out 835 strikes using DU tipped missiles. In July, 2007, the uranium content in Los Angeles drinking water doubled- as a result of our use of these weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan.
(California cops are super fucking crazy and violent. What does uranium do to drinking water?
The New York Times reported in 2009 that some 49 million Americans are drinking water contaminated with chemicals like arsenic or radioactive substances like uranium. Further, in 2010, the State of Texas was caught covering up dangerous and illegal levels of uranium in its water supplies that can cause cell mutations and cancer. Other chemicals including fluoride further raise suspicions about who is controlling what goes into our bodies, and why.
There is every reason to believe that Big Brother wants ordinary Americans calm and docile, unable to resist their system. Is that why government experts and leading bio-ethicists are advocating adding dose amounts of lithium to municipal water districts? Lithium is commonly to used to sedate patients suffering from bi-polar disorder, and the agenda has been put forward ostensibly to reduce suicides in the population. However, issuing a mass dose to the population is not only dangerous, as the amount affects people differently, but a form of true medical tyranny.
From TruTV:
Moreover, Ventura has uncovered a novel way of siphoning this “blue gold.” Giant floating water bags have been implemented to create huge “water trains” and profiteers are using them to ship America’s fresh water to foreign countries like China. If the multinational corporations are not stopped, they’ll take our “champagne water” and leave us to drink the toilet water. Think it can’t happen here? In countries like Bolivia, where private companies have taken control of the water, ordinary people have already had to protest against the police state in order to simply collect rainwater for basic needs. Now, the right to collect rainwater has been challenged here in the United States as well.
Frankly, i think we ALL should BOYCOTT all producing bottled water companies. Can't trust any of them. Suggestions? Well, boil your tap water, water filtration systems, reverse osmosis. Drinking ditch water is probably safer than bottled water, at least you know where it came from. Strength in numbers folks. It's a passive response and hurt'm where we can, in their greedy lil pockets.
“Great Lakes” – NEW! — a.k.a. “Worldwide Water Conspiracy”
Premieres Fri, December 3 at 10P
They call it “Blue Gold.” Water is the new oil. Once a human right, it’s now a valuable commodity, and corporations and super-rich oil dynasties are believed to be buying up water rights, controlling nations and populations. Jesse looks into the possibility of these activities finding their way to American shores and uncovers what may be a plot to literally steal the Great Lakes.
Moret attended a July, 2005 9/11 Truth conference in Washington, DC. This conference was internally sabotaged by many cointel-pro workers. What we need is an international citizens effort to uncover the truth of 9/11. Richard Falk may soon be taking the lead in an international UN investigation. This will be another bogus investigation.
The oil hoarders have ruined the water, and now they are buying up the water.
In fact 9/11 was carried out by M16, the CIA, and Mossad (intelligence agencies of England, the US and Israel) (on behalf of the Committee of 300- ETK). 9/11 gave the ruling elite justification to repeal our Bill of Rights in the Patriot Act and Domestic Military Authorization Act (that eradicated posse comitatus), their wars in the Middle East. What do Kazakhstan and Afghanistan have in common? Lots of uranium. The ruling elite now have their eye on Siberia for its abundant oil and natural gas.
Moret recommends that everyone read the following articles:
Global Landgrab Coming Soon to Your Neighborhood, by Judith Moriarty (2/27/05) http://www.rense.com/general63/ree.htm (This covers Agenda 21, Sustainable Communities, Regional Governance, Public Private Partnerships, Water, Non-Governmental Organizations, the Re-Wilding of America.)
Maurice Strong: The New Guy in Your Future, by Henry Lamb January, 2007, http://www.sovereignty.net/p/sd/strong.html
The Rothschild Octopus, by Vlada Sindjelic,http://www.dejanlucic.net/THE%20ROTHSCHILD%20OCTOPUS
George Soros: An Evil Rothschild Agent, Brother Nathanael Kapner, http://phoenix.,craigslist.org/pol/692559290.html
Carlyle Empire, by Eric Lesser,http://www.culturechange.org/CarlyleEmpire.html
Famine Killed 7 Million People in the USA, by Dmitry Lyskov (Pravda)http://www.picassodreams.com/picasso_creams/2008/05/famine-killed-7.html This shows that simultaneous famines, engineered by the global ruling elite, occurred in both the Soviet Union and the United States.
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11:24 PM
Two hour interview: http://www.givemesometruth.info/moretEK508.mp3
The solution would be stop using money, stop using oil, stop buying everything absolutely unnecessary, and educate our children. Raise our own children. Unite. Barter. Cooperate. So simple, and it's free. Don't buy, don't support.
Animal Farm, by George Orwell simplifies the whole explanation.
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood, seems, to me, cautionary and prophetic.
The Seven Simple Steps To Personal Freedom, by Gerry Spence, can possibly save your life.
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