Saturday, August 4, 2012

Infants and Fluoridated Water

Infants and Fluoridated Water:

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Infants and Fluoridated Water

The Vermont Department of Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding of infants up to 6 month of age and then continue breastfeeding until at least 12 months.
When liquid concentrate or powdered formula is the primary source of nutrition, it can be mixed with fluoridated water. If parents or caregivers are concerned about the development of mild fluorosis, we suggest a ready -to-feed formula or mixing with fluoride free water.

What is Fluorosis?

Enamel fluorosis is a change in the appearance of the tooth. Fluorosis is not a disease. The majority of dental fluorosis is mild and appears as white spots that are barely noticeable and difficult for anyone except a dental health care professional to see. Enamel fluorosis occurs only when permanent teeth are forming under the gums. Once teeth break through the gums, they cannot develop enamel fluorosis.
From left to right: Very mild, mild, and moderate fluorosis of teeth.
very mild fluorosis of teethmild fluorosis of teethmoderate fluorosis of teeth

How do I know if my town water is fluoridated?

The best source of information on fluoride levels in your water is your local water utility. All water utilities must provide their consumers with a Consumer Confidence Report that provides information on a system’s water quality, including its fluoridation level.
  • My Water's Fluoride is a CDC website that allows consumers to learn the fluoridation status of their water system
  • Contact your Town Clerk or Public Works Office
  • Contact the Department of Health Office of Oral Health 802-863-7330 or toll free at 1-866-331-5622
  • Contact your family dentist or doctor

What if I have well or spring water?

The Vermont Department of Health recommends testing your private well (or spring) water source for fluoride. If you are feeding your infant formula mixed with well water or spring water, you should know the fluoride content.
All water has some level of natural fluoride. In most cases, the fluoride level in the water will be very low. However, there are a few areas in Vermont where the natural fluoride content of water is quite high.
Fluoride water tests from the Department of Health Laboratory are available at no charge to families with children under age four. Your dentist, pediatrician or family physician has a water test order form that you will need to fill out to receive the test kit.
The Vermont Department of Health also offers a screening test (Kit C) for wells that includes fluoride, arsenic, chloride, copper, hardness, iron, lead, manganese, nitrate, sodium and uranium.
A water test kit order form is available on the Health Department website at:

Will WIC provide ready-to-feed formula or bottled water?

No. WIC cannot distribute ready-to-feed infant formula or bottled water.
The Health Department also urges women to consider breastfeeding their babies. Breast milk is a natural and a complete form of infant nutrition and provides antibodies that protect infants and helps fight off infection and disease.
For more information on the benefits of breastfeeding and local resources for nursing mothers, visit our Breastfeeding website.

More information

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information:
Office of Oral Health
1-800-464-4343, ext. 7341 (toll-free in VT) or 802-863-7341

Additional Resources

American Dental Association
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Journal of American Medical Association
Voices for America's Children

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