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What the adviser of the German Government proposes would mean the end of our freedom: Big Brother will watch your use of car, train, bus, aircraft, ships, electricity, petrol/gasoline, in its extreme consequence even your every movement: do you walk, do you run, do you bike ? – your CO2 production being dependent on it, your food (vegetables or meat) etc. Actually, this can only be done by implanting a sender/receiver nanochip in your brain – without which chip you are doomed to be an absolute loser! See this shocking video on US corporate and government engineered transhumanism, i.e. the survival of the fittest, in which also Aldous Huxley speaks about his “Brave New World”. Besides, this is Orwellian, it is the ultimate robbery of our personal belongings, spiritual and material.
A similar trick is now being performed in Ireland, forcing that country (and France?) to introduce Rothschild´s beloved CO2 tax – harmonious with Rothschild´s European Climate Exchange/ETS. Now Rothschild even audaciously tries to pinch the UK once again buying the motorways, the arteries of that nation, which is badly indebted after theRothschild-made current economical crisis.
Without Hitler there would have been no state of Israel. Israel is the synthesis (Hegel) of WWII. Was Hitler a Rothschild?Was this the reason why Rockefeller and Rothschild financed Hitler and Auschwitz – in accordance with Herzl´s plan? Hitlers grandmother, Matild (elsewhre called Maria Anna) Schuecklgruber, became pregnant in the Mansion of Rothschild in Vienna (Baron Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild in Vienna in 1837 – and a lecherous goat – when Hitler´s father was born). This appears from investigations by Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, whom Hitler had killed for that knowledge. This appears from the book by Gestapo-officer and confidant of Heydrich and von Papen, Hansjürgen Koehler: “Inside the Gestapo” from 1941”. Koehler read a copy at Heydrich´s office in the presence of a terrified Heydrich and was entrusted to steal Chancellor Schuschniggs original document. The story is also described in Walter Langer´s Book “The Mind of Hitler,” (Wikipedia) which also has it from Thyssen. Just rumours – or what?
Rothschild did this in accordance with biblical prophecy (e.g. Ezech. 35-37) - not in God´s honour - but to deify himself . So, no wonder that Edmund James´son, James A. de Rothschild, paid for the Knesset and his wife, Dorothy, donated the Israeli Supreme Court building as aRothschild temple full of illuminist symbols (e.g. the illuminati pyramid on the roof) for Rothschild´s - not God´s - world state.
Rothschild, Israel and the Bible
1897: The Rothschilds found the Zionist Congress. The meeting is chaired by Theodor Herzl, who would state in his diaries, “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews….become worse….this will assist in realization of our plans….I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.” (To drive the Jews to Palestine!)
1913: The Rothschilds set up the Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States, designed to brand as, “anti-Semitic,” anyone who questions or challenges the Global Elite.
(1917: Rothschild behind the Balfour Declaration about a Jewish state in Palestine)
Bankers told leading politicians that the sale of the roads overseen by the Highways Agency — all motorways and most big trunk roads — could help revive battered public finances.
George Soros is a Rothschild puppet and a former nazi collaborationist, who stole the property of his fellow Jews. His "Open Society"influences the EU.
Now to be straight forward, the confession of the New World Order is: There is only one god, Mammon, Rothschild is his incarnation and Rockefeller his prophet
Consider what David Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 memoirs:"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States….to build …. one world, if you will. … I stand guilty."
David Rockefeller in 1994: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." Our country has been stolen from us.”
The Huffington Post 20 Aug. 2009, Larry Flint The American government — which we once called our government — has been taken over by Wall Street (Rothschild´s agents), the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate.
It is this group of powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called "economic royalists," who choose our elected officials — indeed, our very form of government. Both Democrats and Republicans dance to the tune of their corporate masters. In America, corporations are the government.This was never more obvious than with the Wall Street bailout, whereby the very corporations that caused the collapse of our economy were rewarded with taxpayer dollars.Henry Kissinger refers to us as "useless eaters."
Suppose the Rothschilds have a desire to be the world´s rightful masters, because they were brought up to believe they have Lucifer´sright by birth to and cleverness for that post. However, they consider their fellow humans to be “underlings,” because they were brought up with thebook of the Pharisees, and here, the Talmud. A book the hatespeechof which against the goyim was the model for the Koran´s hatespeech against the infidels.
How would they implement their desire? Nathan Mayer knew. Money opens all doors. So the family spread in the world to scratch by all means as much money as they could from the underlings.
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