Friday, March 8, 2013

Forced Vaccination Today in the USA

» OPINION: Forced Vaccination: Just Say No! The Bridge:

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We know there are places around the country where there are large numbers of people who aren’t vaccinated. However, we don’t think those exemptors are driving this current wave [whooping cough outbreak].

Numerous people suffering food poisoning after dining at the same restaurant would cause alarm. Yet the 30,000 adverse vaccine reactions (13 percent serious) reported annually to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System are mostly dismissed as“coincidence” or “temporal association.” In any case, high vaccination rates can be maintained without trampling rights. About half of 29 countries surveyed (mostly European) simply recommend vaccines, yet have high vaccine rates equalling those ofcountries that mandate them.

Whooping cough flares up cyclically across the nation and worldwide, mostly in places with elevated vaccination rates. Forty-nine states reported 2012 pertussis increases—including West Virginia, with neither a religious nor a philosophical exemption. Experts posit that the pertussis bacteria has mutated so that the vaccine is not protective. Patsy Kelso, Department of Health epidemiologist, says, “The . . . pertussis vaccination is just not as effective as we’d like it to be. Even if you’re vaccinated, its efficacy wanes after a few years.” In Vermont, vaccinated children account for 90 percent of whooping cough cases. Citing low effectiveness, Australia recently ended subsidies for “cocooning”—or vaccinating those surrounding children too young or immunocompromised to be vaccinated themselves.
Universal vaccination, proposed to address the poor efficacy of the pertussis vaccine, would be most unwise, due to grave risks from the vaccine itself. It is by far the most dangerous of all the vaccines on the required childhood schedule: Children injured and killed by pertussis-containing vaccines have received almost half (44 percent) of the more than $2.6 billion awarded by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program for vaccine injuries and deaths since 1988. (The U.S. Supreme Court, when liability was lifted in 1986 for vaccine manufacture and administration, labeled vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe.”)'

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