Monday, March 11, 2013

Kaylynne Matten: Cause of Death “Undetermined.” Parents Believe Flu Vaccine Killed Their 7 Year-Old Daughter. |

Kaylynne Matten: Cause of Death “Undetermined.” Parents Believe Flu Vaccine Killed Their 7 Year-Old Daughter. |

'via Blog this' Score another one for THE VACCINE MACHINE. Of course, this is not unexpected. Many parents whose children have suddenly dropped dead after receiving vaccinations have experienced the same frustrating response. “We just don’t know what happened. We do know it can’t be vaccine-related because vaccines are so safe.”

The toxicology report says a virus attacked her heart. They don’t know which virus. I wonder if they tested for the vaccine-strains of flu virus. That shouldn’t be hard to do. I tried to find out what strains are in the 2011-2012 flu vaccine by checking themanufacturer’s inserts but all I can find is “Virus A and B.”  So there are two, right? 

I dug a little deeper, and found an article on The CDC website that tells me everything I ever wanted to know (not really) about how viral strains are selected for each year’s flu vaccine.  Basically, it’s a guessing game. They have no real idea what flu virus will be going around “wreaking havoc” in the U.S. during any given year.  Here is what I learned from The CDC:
“She was always 100 percent healthy,” dad Justin said.
Kaylynne’s death came just four days after a doctor’s visit where she got her annual flu shot during a routine checkup. That was on Friday. On Saturday, Kaylynne developed a headache and fever. By Sunday it spiked to 102.3 and the little girl started vomiting and became disoriented.
“She said ‘mommy, I don’t know where I am.’ It broke my heart,” Nicole Matten said.
That’s when Nicole called the pediatrician. She says the doctor wasn’t overly concerned and told her to use Tylenol and Motrin.
“Tuesday morning she got up and her hands and legs were purple, so we called the doctor’s office and they said bring her right up. So we did,” Nicole said.
But on the 15-minute ride to the doctor’s the unexpected happened. Kaylynne stopped breathing in her mother’s arms.

It certainly sounds like the flu shot killed Kaylynne.
Let’s assume for a moment that those three viruses Kaylynne was injected with on December 2, 2011 have been tested for and ruled-out.
Does that absolve the flu vaccine as a causal agent in her death? NO.
Here’s why:
Vaccination itself depresses the immune system for up to a month after getting the shot.  When you get a flu shot, and your immune system is depressed, and then you come in contact with other viruses and bacterial infections that are going around, bingo – you get sick.  You may very well have “the flu” or you may have another bacterial infection such as pneumonia or strep.

Doctors say you can’t get the flu from the flu shot and they use the rationale that this is true because it’s a dead virus.  (Except in the case of flumist, which is a live virus and which you can get from the vaccine, and which you can also spread to others after receiving the vaccine.)  This is also why doctors are wrong.  You CAN get the flu after vaccination, it just may not be the same virus that’s contained in the vaccine.

So… It is possible the flu vaccine depressed Kaylynne’s immune system and made her more vulnerable to other viral infections. However, from her parents’ description of how rapidly she got sick, this is not likely.

A more plausible explanation is that the additives in the vaccine worked as they are supposed to work and caused a hyperstimulation of her immune system, which in turn caused a rapid progression of clinical symptoms due to a previously existing dormant virus. This does not absolve the flu vaccine.  As rapidly as the symptoms came on and progressed, it seems likely this may be what took place.

The fact remains that Kaylynne was healthy by all accounts – and was certainly healthy enough for the doctor to feel comfortable vaccinating her.  Something in the vaccine either caused the infection, or triggered and rapidly worsened an infection that was already there and subclinical.  The catalyst in either scenario is the vaccine.

For the record… viruses are all around us.  Everyone has viruses in their body that are dormant and which do not cause clinical symptoms of illness unless something happens that weakens the immune system.  Please remember this as you contemplate whether or not you should follow The CDC’s Recommended Schedule or your doctor’s advice to get a flu shot, or any other vaccine that causes a shift in the immune system.
Please visit Kaylynne’s memorial page and consider placing her photo on your facebook profile to show support for her family.

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