Saturday, July 29, 2006
 | Israelis Rain Down Deadly DU On Lebanese Civilians Israelis Rain Down Deadly DU On Lebanese Civilians
Esteemed expert and whistleblower highlights US sale of GBU 28 weapons Esteemed depleted uranium expert Dr. Doug Rokke is pointing the finger at Israel for using deadly and illegal depleted uranium munitions against the Lebanese people which were sold to them by the U.S. government - and calls for an immediate halt to the practice. Dr. Doug Rokke's military career spanned four decades before he was appointed as the head of the US Army's investigative team into the assessment and teaching of the dangers of depleted uranium. Dr. Rokke has been called upon as an advisor for the Centers of Disease Control, Department of Defense, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, U.S Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Department of Transportation, FAA, U.S. Department of Defense. U.S. General Accounting Office, Department of Veterans Affairs, British Royal Society, British House of Lords and House of Commons, United Nations, and Presidential Special Oversight Board. Depleted uranium is a radioactive toxic poison - according to Wikipedia, "Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the enriching of natural uranium for use in nuclear reactors. When most of the fissile radioactive isotopes of uranium are removed from natural uranium, the residue is called depleted uranium." Depleted uranium is indiscriminate in who it targets. During an appearance on the Alex Jones Show, Dr. Rokke described some of the effects of depleted uranium - a battlefield weapon that once used can never be cleaned up and remains in the atmosphere for eternity.
"What we know from first hand experience and what happened to those of us in Gulf War I and when we did our research for the US Army - the first thing that hits you is respiratory problems, then you have the rashes, then you start having permanent lung damage within a few months because of radiation and chemical toxicity, then you have neurological problems, then you have gastrointestinal problems." "You have decalcification of the bones and the teeth - then you have all the eye problems due to the alpha and beta damage to the eyes - and then the cancers, the leukemia and everything else," said Rokke. "It's catastrophic, the US Army briefing the Pentagon leaders prior to Gulf War II in 2002 flat out acknowledged all of the problems yet they disregard them and say that they don't exist in public." Following the bombing of Afghanistan a scientific study by British scientists Dr. Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan concluded that high levels of depleted uranium had contaminated Europe, having drifted on air currents from the Middle East and Central Asia. Rokke said the Israelis first used depleted uranium munitions against the Egyptians during the Arab-Israeli war in 1973-74. He outlined the path to the Israeli use of depleted uranium munitions, the 'civilized world's' dirty bombs, in Lebanon over the last two weeks. Extreme birth deformities across Iraq and the Balkans are attributed to indiscriminate use of depleted uranium."The US Army confirmed they had used over 500 tons of uranium munitions just in the first two months in Iraq - that's the shock and awe - the US Army thoroughly confirmed in that the GBU 28 - which is a precision guided bomb if you will - 5,000 pounds of explosives contains a uranium warhead - again these are the bunker busters," said Rokke. "Well low and behold last week guess what the United States delivered to Israel - over 100 GBU 28's to use against targets in Lebanon." "The Army thoroughly confirmed that its a radioactive bomb and the shrapnel is there after its use and it's a problem and everything else so it's all there." "So now we have photographic confirmation - and I want to repeat - photographic confirmation of Israeli tankers loading uranium rounds into Israeli tanks and using them in Lebanon," Rokke told Jones. "What we have now is deliberate use of radioactive munitions, depleted uranium munitions, which are illegal according to the United Nations." "We've got all the Lebanese being effected, all the women and children being affected, all the Israelis being effected, and the areas over there are so small you're going to have the whole region effected and contaminated." "We knew about the GBU 28 delivery, we knew that was a given thing - now we were looking at the damage that's being done to Lebanon and all the damage indicates DU but until we actually got the full photograph of the DU round being loaded by an Israeli tank gunner we didn't have that and that came in yesterday," said Rokke. The photographs of Israeli soldiers loading DU munitions were strangely deleted from numerous different news websites shortly after they were published but we were able to retrieve these smaller versions from the Getty archive which are captioned below. 
LEBANESE BORDER, ISRAEL - JULY 14: An Israeli army soldier carries armor-piercing ammunition as he loads his tank ahead of possible action against Hezbollah militants July 14, 2006 on Israel's northern border with Lebanon. Israel has stepped up its action against Hezbollah targets in an effort to drive the Islamic militants from the border and to force the return of two soldiers captured by the group in a cross-border attack two days ago on July 12. (Photo by David Silverman/Getty Images) LEBANESE BORDER, ISRAEL - JULY 14: Israeli army tank crew load their Merkeva tanks with armor-piercing ammunition as they prepare for possible action against Hezbollah militants July 14, 2006 on Israel's northern border with Lebanon. Israel has stepped up its action against Hezbollah targets in an effort to drive the Islamic militants from the border and to force the return of two soldiers captured by the group in a cross-border attack two days ago on July 12.Rokke expands on Israeli use of depleted uranium mission in an article in which he states that, "the use of uranium weapons is absolutely unacceptable, and a crime against humanity. Consequently the citizens of the world and all governments must force cessation of uranium weapons use. I must demand that Israel now provide medical care to all DU casualties in Lebanon and clean up all DU contamination." On Tuesday we carried a video of Lebanese doctors describing injuries to children as showing all the hallmarks of phosphorous - a chemical weapon also highly contentious in battlefield use. In a related development, former NSA official Wayne Madsen was told by his sources that the Israelis deliberately targeted and killed four UN observers because they had obtained knowledge of Israeli atrocities being perpetrated against the Lebanese population. Prison members can listen to a 50 minute interview with Dr. Rokke by clicking here.
Friday, July 28, 2006
 | When Alex Jones Confronted Vicente Fox
When Alex Jones Confronted Vicente Fox This video clip features Alex Jones' November 2003 protest and bullhorn of Texas Governor Rick Perry and Mexican president Vicente Fox. Watch as a gaggle of protesters turns into a media spectacle as Fox and Governor Rick Perry - who later referenced the event during a chance off-the cuff call in to the Alex Jones Show - are exposed as traitors for selling out American sovereignty and importing cheap labor. Mainstream media reports of the protest are included at the end of the video. Prison members can watch the entire 50 minute video by clicking here. Consider becoming a member of Prison and gaining exclusive access to this highly informative activist tool - your subscription enables our operation to survive and grow. |
 | C-Span Airing Of L.A. Conference Shows Mainstreaming Of 9/11 Truth C-Span Airing Of L.A. Conference Shows Mainstreaming Of 9/11 Truth
Fresh injection of credibility advances movement A decision that many of us were waiting on with baited breath - C-Span's scheduling of the American Scholars Symposium highlights - infuses the 9/11 truth movement with a fresh injection of credibility and exposure to more mainstream audiences. The panel features incredible presentations by 9/11 Scholars for Truth founder James Fetzer, BYU Physics Professor Steven Jones, President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret., Filmmaker and Radio Broadcaster Alex Jones, and Terrorism Expert Webster Tarpley. C-Span viewers will witness what many consider to be the most hard hitting conference to date including the most professional and credible speakers ever assembled. Many have expressed a degree of frustration that some quarters of the 9/11 truth movement are not as bold in their stance when drawing conclusions about 9/11 evidence as is necessary to make an impact. The American Scholars Symposium was crystal clear in its summation that 9/11 represents an inside job carried out by criminal elements within the US government. The deliberate implosion of the twin towers and Building 7 allied with the reversal of routine air defense procedures leave no other explanation than the fact that the attack was a self-inflicted wound. Preaching to the choir is a method best left in the past and the C-Span airing is a positive step towards reaching out and educating those who remain in the dark about the staggering volume of evidence which clearly indicates that the official story behind 9/11 is a fraud. The distinction, background and high esteem of the speakers at the conference, coupled with C-Span's notable reputation as a bellwether of the mainstream body politic, provides for a perfect symbiosis to advance the credibility and critical acclaim of the 9/11 truth movement as something far weightier and more influential than a cadre of conspiracy theorists - a label still peddled by fading elements of the blowhard establishment press. It is crucial that everyone see this historic panel discussion on C-SPAN. Tell your friends and family, email colleagues, and post links on message boards. This is an incredible step in spreading the word about the truth about 9/11. It is vital that you focus your educational efforts solely on those who are still unaware of cover-up pertaining to 9/11. The program will air on C-SPAN 1 at 8PM EST (7PM CST) on Saturday, July 29th and then air again for the West Coast at 11pm EST (10pm CST). You can watch the program online at the times stated above by clicking here. --------------------------------- Prison subscribers have already enjoyed hours of insightful footage from the conference. Read the synopses linked below and consider becoming a member and gaining exclusive access to this highly informative activist tool. 9/11 Symposium: Professor Steven Jones
Professor Steven Jones gives an illustrated keynote speech about the role of incendiary devices used in the destruction of the twin towers and Building 7. Jones has often been cited as the torch carrier for a newly defined 9/11 movement characterized by science, common sense and credibility. 9/11 Symposium: Lt. Col. Bob Bowman
In this presentation Bowman discusses the ignorance surrounding the events of 9/11 and its aftermath and details the NORAD cover-up surrounding intercept procedures that were not properly executed on that day - drawing from his own experience as an Air Force pilot and his Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal-Tech. 9/11 Symposium: Professor Jim Fetzer
Fetzer details the implausible collapse of the twin towers according to the melting point of steel in comparison with the temperature of jet fuel. This 78-minute high quality presentation also covers the controversy at the Pentagon in depth with slides to accompany the discussion. William Rodriguez: 9/11 Hero
Rodriguez passionately engages the audience and discusses the relentless media circus that followed him in the days after 9/11 and his eyewitness accounts of explosions in the underground basement levels of the towers.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
 | Fox News Says Hezbollah 'Certain' To Nuke Major City Fox News Says Hezbollah 'Certain' To Nuke Major CityChannel is terror group's biggest cheerleader as Americans hit with the sum of all fearmongering Following the ceaseless bombing of Lebanon, Fox News has gone thermonuclear in its mission to drive fear into the hearts of Americans by insisting that Hezbollah's use of a nuclear device in a major US or Israeli is inevitable and that only increased surveillance of Americans can stop it. Couched in a bizarre Hannity and Colmes demonstration, where a Geiger counter (soon to be a common household object apparently) was used to measure radiation of packets placed in the two presenter's pockets, guest Cham Dallas, director for the Center for Mass Destruction Defense, was determined to get his message across. Dallas: Sometime in the future there's going to be a nuclear weapon used in the united States - certainly a radiological device is going to be used and a lot of radioactivity is going to fall on American citizens. Colmes: You say that like it's a certainty, like there's no question it's going to happen. Dallas: There's no doubt in my mind that at some point in the future we will have a radiological device probably soon and a nuclear device at some point five or ten years after.
Dallas fingered Pakistan and North Korea as the likely suppliers of nuclear weapons without informing the viewers that the receipts for this technology are in the hands of the US government - Rumsfeld fast-tracking nuclear capability to North Korea and the Bush family protecting A.Q. Khan's network. Not content with saying it twice, Dallas snapped up the chance provided by Hannity to repeat his doomsday creed a third time. Hannity (referring to Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda): Do you doubt that these terror groups could get a weapon - if they did there's no doubt they would use it against Israel is there? Dallas: There's no doubt in mind mind that if I should say when one of these terror groups gets a weapon like Hezbollah - within the next decade - they will use it within a time of their choosing, but they would use it. And a fourth time! Hannity: So the likelihood is that within ten years it would not be shocking to you in any way for people to turn on this news channel and find out that a nuclear device has gone off in a major city around the world? Dallas: I'm certain of it. And a fifth time! Hannity: You're certain of it - you have no doubt? Dallas: There's no doubt in my mind about it. Five times in the space of two minutes - nuke - major city - inevitable - rinse, wash, repeat. Nuke - major city - inevitable - sell your rights down the river for a geiger counter. As if this overdose of 'duck and cover' type fearmongering wasn't enough to stomach, the next day Fox's 'Big Story' show hosted by John Gibson picked up the 'you're all gonna die' baton and ran with it with glee. Gibson's guest was CEO of Investigative Management Group Robert Strang, who makes a mint from building up security companies and selling them on for tidy profits - hyping imaginary terror threats puts bread on his table. Set to accompanying booms and explosions on one side of the screen, Gibson and Strang eulogized about Hezbollah's ties to Al-Qaeda and how their deadly cells were ready for activation within the US. Saying a massive terror attack on US or Israeli soil was all but certain, Strang pleaded with fellow guest Judge Andrew Napolitano to increase surveillance of phone calls and e mails - intoning that only Big Brother could save us from the inevitability of mushroom clouds over America.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
 | 44-Year-Old Man Faces ID Ordeal When Buying Beer 44-Year-Old Man Faces ID Ordeal When Buying Beer
Clerk began writing down details of drivers license, "We can't sell beer without it" A reader writes to us to relate the story of a 44-year old man who was not only asked for ID when attempting to buy beer at a Chevron gas station, but the employee actually began to write down the details of his drivers license to be able to sell him the beer. "Yesterday 7/23 after seeing a movie with his friend, my husband decided to stop at a Chevron gas station to buy a can of beer before going back to his friends house. My husband is 44 years old and does not look like he is under 21," writes Donna. "The clerk asked for his drivers license and proceeded to write down all his personal information on a piece of paper. She said she could not sell him a beer without all his information." "He promptly grabbed his license and said why the hell do you need that information and she said "We can't sell you a beer without it". The lady behind him in line asked why they needed this information." "My husband began to say all our rights are gone, we live in a Police State, listen to Alex Jones Since neither of us have ever bought a beer at a Chevron station I don't know how long this has been going on or if this is the norm." This particular incident occurred in Prescott Valley Arizona. As I've previously discussed, the government of Britain passed legislation to keep bars open 24 hours a day and then complained about a nationwide binge drinking problem. The result is that stores in major cities are under police pressure to demand ID for alcohol sales even if the person is clearly over the legal age limit of 18. Desensitizing people to the necessity of showing Identification greases the skids for a biometric national ID card tied to a centralized database. And most will blindly accept it all in the name of convenience and the ability to enjoy a cold one.
 | NAFTA Superhighway RFID Card For US Citizens NAFTA Superhighway RFID Card For US Citizens
Trusted traveler toll road system means government will decide if, where you travel US citizens will be forced to adopt a de-facto national identification card and have their freedom of mobility defined by behavioural fielty to the government under proposals set to derive from NAFTA superhighway toll road systems and the implementation of the American Union. Existing toll road systems operational at US borders such as SENTRI/NEXUS and the FAST program mandate that passing vehicles are enrolled in RFID passive tracking and identification programs linked to central databases. The open plan to merge the US with Mexico and Canada and create a Pan American Union networked by a NAFTA Super Highway has long been a Globalist brainchild but its very real and prescient implementation on behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations has recently come under bright spotlight. According to author Jerome Corsi, "Across the NAFTA Super-Highways will flow millions more Mexicans, now armed with North American border passes and biometric identification, as defined by the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America working groups organized within the Department of Commerce." Similar toll systems snaking their way from the southern and northern borders cutting through major American cities will force American citizens to submit to having RFID enabled identification cards which contain an ever-increasing array of information about their personal lives. Illegal aliens with cloned RFID transponders will enjoy streamlined access to the US while Americans labor under the financial burden of tolls that go directly to foreign corporations and restrictions that take the right of free travel out of their hands. To even be allowed to use major roads and highways, US citizens will be subject to a criminal background check and the government will have the ability to pinpoint their particular RFID signal and remotely block it from central computer mainframes - effectively abolishing freedom of mobility in America. Political dissidents attending protests or hurricane victims attempting to flee could find their journeys cut short at the whim of beaureacrats under the guise of 'protecting national security'. A May 2006 Homeland Security audit predicts that increasing amounts of traveller's personal information will be stored on central computer databases and readable via passive RFID tracking. It forecasts an expansion of the 'trusted traveler' system being introduced in airports to all major roads and highways. The Bush administration has embraked on a policy of selling off key US infrastructure to the highest bidder - in most cases foreign owned corporations. The Indiana Toll Road, Virginia's Pocahontas Parkway, a Texas toll road from Austin to Sequin and The Chicago Skyway have all been siphoned off to foreign companies who will all enjoy billions in profits from American citizens forced to pay the tolls. The New Jersey Turnpike and the Ohio Turnpike are also under the hammer with foreign interests at the forefront of the negotiations. The framework on which the American Union is being pegged is the NAFTA Super Highway (pictured) , a four football-fields-wide leviathan that stretches from southern Mexico through the US up to Montreal Canada. An earlier Corsi article cites government websites which carry full planning details of the Super Highway and its construction has already begun in Texas with no congressional oversight whatsoever. The Trans-Texas Corridor is being overseen by The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the contract is owned by the Cintra corporation which in turn is owned by the King of Spain Juan Carlos. The project is being financed by the implementation of a toll that will be collected by means of GPS tracking devices installed in all vehicles and also envelops many connecting roads to the highway. The NAFTA Super Highway will allow vehicles, people and goods to travel from Mexico, into the heart of America and up to Canada with little impediment, effectively erasing America's borders wholesale. Coupled with Bush's blanket amnesty program, the Pan American Union and the NAFTA Superhighway are the final hammer blows for the wholesale dismantling of American sovereignty.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
 | Burning Babies Are Child's Play To Israel's Ethnic Cleansers Burning Babies Are Child's Play To Israel's Ethnic CleansersRacial purists don't accept civilian slaughter as a necessity of war, they fiendishly embrace it as they pursue an "ethno-bomb" The megalomaniacs that control Israel wish to live in a world largely devoid of Muslims or Persians and they have embarked on a hundred year plus mission of ethnic cleansing to wipe them from the globe. The blitzkrieg of Lebanon is part of this process. Race-specific bio-weapons have already been developed for this purpose. "Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Times.
The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus." "The "ethno-bomb" program is based at Israel's Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes." Imagine if plans were unearthed detailing a program on behalf of Kim Jong-il or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to create an ethno-bomb to wipe out Jews or caucasians. How would Israel and the United States react? Only Israel is allowed to be nuclear-armed, violate dozens of UN treaties, use chemical weapons on civilians, and construct horrific policies of ethnic cleansing. Israel have made a pact to carry out this agenda in league with the Neo-Cons, and above them the Globalists, whose desire is also world population reduction and complete full spectrum domination and control over all countries and near-Earth space itself. All these facets are openly discussed by the elite in their own public documents. .. codeBase=,0,29,0height=285 width=370 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000> ..> The burned faces of Lebanese babies as they scream out in pain after another indiscriminate attack do not chill the souls of the Israeli doom merchants who's goal is no less than the ethnic cleansing of the majority of an entire race of people. The use of white phosphorous will seem like baby powder when Israel unleashes its arsenal of black death in the near future. To fully realize this dark vision, the Globalists need to eradicate any rogue state that may become a focal point of organized opposition to the creation of a one world government led by racial purists acting under the guise of humanitarians and environmentalists. There will be no room for sovereign nations in the New World Order. Hezbollah are no angels but compared to the relentless mesmerized brutality of the Israeli war machine, even the lapdog lamestream media has all but given up trying to portray this as a balanced affair.
Monday, July 24, 2006
 | Israeli Bombardment Of Lebanon Escalation For World War Three Israeli Bombardment Of Lebanon Escalation For World War ThreeHyped incursions, kidnappings designed to trap Syria and Iran The Israeli bombardment of Lebanon is the next escalation of a conflict that is being orchestrated according to a set roadmap that leads directly to World War Three. Israel, the United States and Great Britain have been caught red-handed on numerous occasions stagingterror attacks and false flag provocations in the Middle East for over 50 years. How can we any longer believe anything our governments tell us about their actions in the Middle East? Immediately after Bush's ultimatum to Iran which was rebuffed, conventional and normal captures and military incursions on both sides, when measured against the bellwether of the usual temperature of chaos in the region, are suddenly hyped beyond all proportion by the world media. Israel's bombardment of the length and breadth of Lebanon has been characterized by its targeting of innocent civilians - including two incidents in Marwaheen and Taire where civilians were ordered to leave an area whereupon their escape vehicles were deliberately pulverized by Israeli Hellfire missiles. At their root these are the very characteristics of a terrorist state engaging in terrorist attacks upon innocent populations. Meanwhile, Hezbollah's limited response has impacted mainly military targets - with many suggesting that the often recycled pictures of damage from Hezbollah rockets betrays the notion that thousands have been fired as the Israelis claim. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERRORSTORM: THE HISTORY OF GOVERNMENT SPONSORED TERROR
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some would go further and finger the Israelis for attacking their own interests to maintain a false scapegoat and justification for further evisceration in Lebanon. Israel's documented history of manufacturing phony Al-Qaeda groups to demonize the Palestinians is without question. Israel's insistence that a ground war and an advance into northern Lebanon is not out of the question could bring the Syrians and their Iranian allies into the conflict which would in turn would present the saliva-drenched Neo-Cons with their long-awaited pretext to take Assad and Ahmadinejad out of the game. This is nothing less than a cooked escalation for war. As reported by New Yorker magazine, US troops and special operations forces have been active inside Iran for over a year waiting for the right opportunity to enact destabilization tactics once the green light is given. This is simply another fuse that has been lit to ignite the order out of chaos agenda that has already turned Iraq into a hellhole only stable enough for one foundational precedent - a limitless occupation and an endless slush fund of no-bid contracts for US government affiliated corporations. In addition, tight control of oil flow and jacked-up prices to promote artificial scarcity worldwide continue to benefitblueprints laid out by oil companies many years before. Whether it stops in Lebanon or rolls into Syria - this is the orchestration of World War 3, World War 4 to Neo-Cons - if only on the level of a trial balloon to judge how events will play out when a similar hand is dealt.
 | Foremost 9/11 Whistleblower Discusses Possibility Attack Was Inside Job Foremost 9/11 Whistleblower Discusses Possibility Attack Was Inside JobEdmonds agrees weight of evidence leans towards criminal complicity Sibel Edmonds, a 32-year-old Turkish-American, was hired as a translator by the FBI shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 because of her knowledge of Middle Eastern languages. She was fired less than a year later in March 2002 for reporting shoddy work and security breaches to her supervisors that could have prevented those attacks. Edmonds appeared as a guest on the Alex Jones Show to give an update on her organization'sprogress and indicated that the preponderance of evidence, plus the outright cover-up surrounding 9/11 - suggests that criminal elements at the very apex of the US military-industrial complex had a direct hand in carrying out the attack. A partial transcript appears below. ---------------------------------------------------------- Alex Jones: Sibel Edmonds-- 9/11. I mean, you personally-- I mean, I've heard you on other shows, I've talked to you here. All these prominent people have come out. I mean, clearly you've said that elements of the government had the motive for 9/11. Arabs wouldn't bring down the greatest military in the world upon them. The majority of Arabs in major polls-- what 90% in foreign polls-- believe it was an inside job. What I'm ask-- now half of Americans do in Zogby polls. I'm asking you-- I mean, clearly, where does the evidence point on 9/11? Sibel Edmonds: Well, that is the whole point, Alex. They are not letting out all the evidence. And since we don't have it to this date. It is as I was telling you, the [unintelligible] Force has been all classified. They also had 35 pages-- and this is according to Senator Graham-- the most important evidence and information on 9/11 by the Senate and House Joint Inquiry that happened in 2002 classified and 5 years later everything about it is classified. And again, you are still having people who are gagged. So this already points out that they don't want the evidence out. And they are keeping the evidence out of the public-- Alex Jones: But even if they cut evidence out of reports, we have the clear evidence of Thermite in the buildings, we have clear evidence of C.I.A. insider trading, N.O.R.A.D. standing down, U.S. troops already massed in central Asia, Bush having the launch order two days before to attack Afghanistan. I mean, Sibel, when you put all that together-- I'm asking you personally-- where does all the evidence point? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Find out the truth about government sponsored terror!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sibel Edmonds: The evidence points to a massive government cover-up. And that raises the question of why. Now we can answer that in so many different ways and we can speculate, but as I said, the most important thing is to stay with the facts. Not the facts that the government claims to be the facts, but the facts that are absolutely undisputed. Alex Jones: Sibel, what I'm asking you is, in your gut, do you think 9/11 to some extent is an inside job? Sibel Edmonds: Well, again, as I am telling you, I'm trying to tell you is, I have all the evidence of cover-up. Now, who were the people behind this? And why? And how? We don't have a definite answer. As I said, we can come up with theories, we can come up with speculation, but they do not--I mean, in my opinion, they are not facts. But also what government has been giving us, again, I don't consider those a total--you know-- total truth or fact either. Alex Jones: Would you be surprised? Sibel Edmonds: No. I wouldn't. Alex Jones: You wouldn't be surprised if elements or criminal elements or private contractors were involved in 9/11? Sibel Edmonds: No, I wouldn't be surprised. Alex Jones: So you wouldn't be surprised like many others, because of the evidence and the cover-up you've seen, if 9/11 was an inside job? Sibel Edmonds: At this point, I'd have to say no, I wouldn't be surprised. Alex Jones: Do you think the evidence is leaning towards that? Sibel Edmonds: Well, again, considering the level of cover-up and the length at which they have gone to gag people and prevent information-- this information from coming out, I would say yes.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
 | Linklater On A Scanner Darkly: "It's The World We're Living In" Linklater On A Scanner Darkly: "It's The World We're Living In"
Surveillance, war on drugs and terror themes parallel reality Acclaimed director Richard Linklater, also currently turning heads for his comments on the Bush administration, joined GCN radio host Alex Jones for a discussion on the deeper aspects of the motivations behind A Scanner Darkly and the message it is intended to broadcast. The film, starring Keanu Reeves, Robert Downy Jnr, Woody Harrelson and Winona Ryder, is enjoying rave reviews as it slowly rolls out across the country. "On one level it can't really help be seen as a social critique - too much thought has gone into it for people not to see that whole side of it," said Linklater. The movie emphasizes the effects of suffocating surveillance and how this interferes with the character's very notions of identity and reality. "The things I get out of it I can only attribute to Philip K. Dick (on whose book the film is based) - deep metaphorical ideas - just the notion of identity and privacy - they're deep ideas that resonate," said Linklater (pictured below). "Even if they don't totally understand the movie they get the basic message about this future world - it's set seven years in the future - where people are under surveillance all the time, your calls are being tapped, all your actions are monitored." Parallels to modern day developments have been noted in all the major reviews of the film and it is usually the favorite topic of the media during Scanner press conferences. "Even though its technically a science fiction movie - we're living in science fiction right now," Linklater told Jones. Linklater said he imagined Philip K. Dick laughing at him from beyond the grave when he received a mailed ticket a week later for going through a yellow light after being photographed by a number plate recognition camera and that this incident was one of the catalytic elements for some of the autonomous surveillance themes in the film. "What's the next step - you cross the street at night and you get a ticket for jaywalking because biometrically it can read who you are?" said the director. Linklater outlined how the surveillance themes are more of an overlay on the film rather than a focal point, because the story is set in a groove whereby society has become conditioned to accept that real privacy no longer exits. "There's not a lot of resistance we see going on anywhere - people adapt pretty easily to this - it seems like a nightmarish scenario but it's presented in a pretty normal fashion - so that got people thinking 'oh gosh we're just sheep being led' - this conditioning works eventually." The film is brought to life by the eerie musical score of Austin composer Graham Reynolds - who also featured on Alex Jones' TerrorStorm documentary. Linklater said that the original Philip K. Dick book and the movie are a tribute in memoriam to friends that Dick had lost to drugs and this also resonated with the producers and cast. "This is really about right now - it's easy to imagine a future where the endless unwinnable drug war would sort of meld in with the endless unwinnable war on terror - and how governments and corporations profiteer and the effects of that on the individual - the numbing effects," said Linklater. "So it's this huge cautionary tale on a lot of levels." Linklater also credited Alex Jones, who appears in a cameo role and also did consulting for the film, for providing material that the producers and cast used to bounce off. "I'd been giving out your videos to everybody - it informed everything we were doing so it was definitely the world we were living in," said the director of the upcoming Fast Food Nation. Linklater said the film was his contribution to the wider underlying resistance that is building against the gradual erosion of freedom in western society. "We definitely felt like we got away with something, just to be even able to put this out there in the world felt like a triumph of some kind - within the movie itself there's this kind of very subtle resistance going on beneath the surface - in a way you feel that way yourself you're sort of commenting on the current climate and what's going on in the world in your own way you have to fight against it," said Linklater. Linklater heralded Philip K. Dick as a visionary who was leaps and bounds ahead of his time. "It's funny how Philip K. Dick could imagine some of this stuff thirty years ago and he was a crackpot - he was a paranoid conspiracy person from the margins to be laughed at - that plus a generation equals reality." "It's the world we're living in." ------------------------------------------- RELATED: |
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