'via Blog this'Human trafficking of elderly with assets has become a national epidemic. Probate courts work with professional guardians, payrolling attorneys, and owners of abusive care facilities to prey on elderly with assets. Courts will put these predatory professionals in guardianship or conservator positions, enabling them to rob the estates of their victims. A 2007 GAO report estimated that over a billion dollars worth of assets have been misappropriated from this type of collaboration between courts and predatory professionals.
Human trafficking: It ain’t just for sex anymore
Marti Oakley, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
When we think of human trafficking most of us immediately assume that this occurs only in the arena of sexual exploitation.
Activist Post
When we think of human trafficking most of us immediately assume that this occurs only in the arena of sexual exploitation.
At some point in time this may have been true.
Today, human trafficking encompasses many forms and there is not one of us who can safely assume that we would somehow be exempt from any type of human trafficking.
While the sexual exploitation and trafficking for the purposes of sex is often highlighted in MSM, rarely do they ever report on the trafficking that occurs courtesy of our courts, unscrupulouspoliticians and yes, even those demi-gods….doctors, therapists and psychiatrists.
While the sexual exploitation and trafficking for the purposes of sex is often highlighted in MSM, rarely do they ever report on the trafficking that occurs courtesy of our courts, unscrupulouspoliticians and yes, even those demi-gods….doctors, therapists and psychiatrists.
There is money to be made exploiting the vulnerable, the sick, the weak, the aging (with assets) and even children who have been unfortunate enough to become wards of the state and forced into foster care.
While sexual activity may not be the cause and concern in these instances, what happens to these individuals is no less a form of human trafficking for profit.
In each of the above stated groups, the trafficking of human beings for profit is facilitated by social service agencies, corrupt probate courts, and family courts.
To be declared a “ward of the state”, is to be housed by, and to receive necessities and protection of the government.
It also means to lose any and all rights of any kind, whatsoever.
The “state” now owns what has become a chattel property and may do with that property whatever it desires to do.
This oftentimes includes a form of leasing out the ward for pharmaceutical experimentationand profit, as was exposed in Florida and Alaska, just to name two, over the last several years resulting in the exposure of massive Medicaid fraud as foster children are routinely forced to take off-label high gear psychotropic drugs and vaccines.
In a May, 2009 article, :author Evelyn Pringle notes:
It is hard to come up with an adjective that adequately conveys the horror this is inflicting on America’s children and youth.
Suffice it to say that when the country wakes up to the carnage this has caused, it will be recognized as the largest iatrogenic (doctor caused) public health disaster in history.
These days, it seems more evident that the concern for children is not so much their safety and well-being, but rather; How much are they worth in the foster care system?
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