Saturday, May 26, 2012

Urban Dictionary: bush sucks-worst f*cking idiot the world has ever seen.

Urban Dictionary: bush sucks:

'via Blog this'

I am in the middle of "Bushwacked" and decided to look him up, so maybe this seems irrelivent, but it isn't really. We are still sufferein mightily from what he and his family did and are no doubt still doing. I can only read a little of that book at a time. It's shocking, enlightening, and horrifying. It makes wonder what's going to happen to us? If the Bushes could manage to get away with all of their Bushit (haha-new word! take that Urban Dictionary!)...who knows what's next? We've really been crushed. There are a lot of people fighting back, but a lot are still oblivious. Oddly, people who work for Walmart are often more brainwashed than average struggling people. I am really thinking there is some crazy hypnotist shenanigans piped into the PA system. Really.

Imagine this is how you are remembered? bush113 up180 down
worst fucking idiot the world has ever seen. someone supposedly tries to kill his dad, so he sends a whole bunch of OTHER dads to their deaths! He has DRIVEN our economy into the ground, and while he's at it, he's brainwashed the majority of the American population into becoming a group of zombie idiots who call themselves the republicans and vote for bush and try to make democrats think they're wrong. Who are they kidding? we didn't free a damn person in Iraq! They HATE us! People are STILL dying out there-the mission is NOT accomplished.
I have a cousin who's 17. if we keep fighting till december George Bush might call a draft, and he'll have to go.
2.George W. Bush153 up90 down
George W Bush- man or chimp?
Several Years ago a cowboy who was high on cocaine and alcohal rode a horse head on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour, all i had left to work with was a horses ass and a cowboy hat, NOW HES PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
George Bush is the worst president in history
Dumbest president in history
dubya bush
by Bush sucks Feb 24, 2005 share this add a video
3.George Bush67 up154 down
The worst fucking president of the United States in all of history and more than likely all of the future AND in all of the world. For all you dumb fucks that believe George Bushis doing good for the world, you have been brain washed by the bull shit media that he outputs for easily consumed minds like your own. Also, whoever said that unemployment is DOWN. YOU CAN SUCK A FAT DICK. I used to live in Toledo, OH... check the fucking unemployment, poverty and economic disaster that is happening there. It's enough to make up for ATLEAST 3 smaller cities. Ya it's only city, but if one part is out of a system, it slowly spreads to it's surroundings. Bush sucks, the Bush campaign sucks, theBush administration sucks, and YOU suck if you think this butt-fucking "good" president is actually doing a favor for this world. DON'T BE BRAIN WASHED BY THE MEDIA TEBUSH CAMPAIGN PUTS OUT. They lie to the public and you know who controls the media? That's right... the higher up people. Not some fucking station. The fuckers who are in on his World Domination or w/e the fuck he's going for.

By the way, isn't it the 20-year president curse where a president gets assassinated? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED PEOPLE?
4.president bush115 up11 down
A person who loves to see the world revolving around him only. In addition to being a jerk, he loves to cut money off of programs like healthcare and education. Also, he's a huge joke and needs to step down NOW!

"HA HA HA! For my next order of business, I will cut millions of dollars in healthcare and education." says president bush

George Bush sucks
80 up15 down
the only thing most anyone but Al Qaeda and redneck elephants can agree on.
george bush sucks at ab w. bush131 up91 down

43rd President of the United states, whose controversial policies have drawn much criticism. Hated by some, and in general a lightning rod for bashing for anything and everything. If your significant other left you, if your car broke down, or if you're having a bad hair day, it's socially acceptable to blame George Bush for it.
"Bush sucks because I can't do lesbian porn." -Sharon Stone

"Don't blame me for my bad grades, it's Bush's fault!"

twin towers406 up253 down
towers bush knocked down
In fifteen seconds the huge permanent steel structure disintegrated from top to bottom into a growing cloud of dust. Do buildings really fall through themselves like that, turning to dust in seconds? Is that really supposed to happen to a steel structure because of impacts and fires near the top? Perhaps not too many people were asking such questions because none of the series of events leading up to that were supposed to happen. We witnessed an increasingly improbable series of events, from a hijacking with knives, to a jet hitting a World Trade Center tower, to multiple hijackings, to a second jet hitting the other tower, to yet more hijackings, and a plane hitting the heart of the nation's military establishment. Each event in this series was more improbable than the last. So by the time we got to the collapsing skyscrapers part, we were conditioned to expect the unbelievable.
A rational look at the Twin Tower collapses reveals that the official story contradicts the laws of physics and the most basic knowledge of the behavior of steel structures, and matter itself.
The towers were designed to survive jet impacts of the type that happened on September 11th.
The fires were not very severe in the South Tower and were diminishing. Even severe fires would not have initiated a collapse.
The towers underwent explosive disintegrations that didn't look anything like the way such buildings would fall.
There are relatively simple proofs that t...
more... w bush127 up41 down
our tweaker-ass fucktarded president of the united states that is an embarrassment to economics, society and the use of speed. (so true)
our gas prices are high cause of the war in iraq which began around this time (march) 2003 which was bush's idea. on top of that he is the reason we receive a punishment from god by having hurricane katrina slam into new orleans, not just because there were too many tweakers walking the street during the summer nights of 2005.

another one of his dumb ideas is having spring forward early the second week of march (2007) which is a half-baked idea.
george w bush sucks dick he is such a goon. noodles16 up5 down
A phrase to funnily describe something as bad.
Jimmy: George bush is awesome

bob: George bush sucks noodles.


Fred: Ps3 is the best thing ever

Timmy: PS3 sucks noodles 
12.George W. Bush98 up41 down
The idiot running the free world, that faggit.
George W. Bush sucks cock. w. bush13 up99 down
The best president we've had since kennedy.'and he doesent sleep around. deal with it. people only hate bushbecause Green Day is telling them to, and they have no idea what they should hate him for.
Democrat:"dude i hate george w. bush!"
American:"oh yeah? why?"
American:"but why does he suck?"
Democrat"He just does! look at him"
American: "stop listening to green day"
14.right wing militia25 up14 down
The fascism bullshit known as the bush administration and all of it's regimated offspring. What they do is they befriend large corporations and business execs so as to develop a strong alliance, in order to fund wars and other money-wasting, life-costing feats such as these.
fuck you bush, and all of the other members of the infamous right wing militia.

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