I got an email passed along via relatives from Florida and it made me very upset. It didn't start with my family and it won't end with them. Unthinking people will continue to pass it on, going "Yeah!" in that Moose-like sheeple way that they do. I am going to share it in case anyone else would like to piss off their family with self rightousness:
Hey myUncle,
I'm going to say to you what I said to myAunt:
You've heard the saying that "all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to remain silent." I make it a point never to stay silent, and I find this email to be evil.
It also bugs me when people assume that I have the 'brown-people' bug up my ass because I happen to be white. That's not me. If someone else has something it takes nothing from me, and I especially begrudge nothing of people of color. I've worked alongside and went to school with people of every nationality and mostly they worked harder than myself and many white kids I know.
I was never, ever called ANY of these names mentioned in this email. I've been the minority many times.
How many times have you have experienced this "whitey, cracker" bullshit? And if you have not, why pass it on implying it is the normal experience? It is not.
I reiterate, the worst I've was ever treated was by WHITE people, including but not limited to, those in a position of authority.
The south is especially bad at seeing when they're being manipulated by the powers that be. The poverty there has nothing to do with border control and everything to do with fraud. The housing bubble and Wall Street fraud with investments, hedge funds, and mortgage backed securities all happened because of deregulation... and also during 2001-2008 attention was (I think purposely) diverted from that by a war that now everyone admits was based on a lie. This is fact.
The economy didn't tank due to people "buying homes who can't afford them." Many of those mortgages were predatory loans pushed on minorities. I know this, because one was pushed on me, but because I can read English I told my local bankster to go scratch.
In the Bible Belt it's often easy to screw people (figuratively, anyway) because 1. hardly anyone reads anything but the bible and 2. many are trusting because they are trustworthy 3. a lawyer is not required for buying a house as in most northern states.
In the Bible Belt it's often easy to screw people (figuratively, anyway) because 1. hardly anyone reads anything but the bible and 2. many are trusting because they are trustworthy 3. a lawyer is not required for buying a house as in most northern states.
This (guy you work with) has no cause to be spewing hatred that can do nothing but make race relations WORSE than they are, and the implications, as I've said already, are baseless. Maybe Florida, where you are, is kind of whitebread, but in integrated neighborhoods people get along.
I suggest the book "Black like me" to get an idea of the other side of the story. It might provoke some empathy.
Black Like Me is a nonfiction book by journalist John Howard Griffinfirst published in 1961. Griffin was a white native of Dallas, Texas and the book describes his six-week experience travelling on Greyhoundbuses (occasionally hitchhiking) throughout the racially segregatedstates of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia passing as a blackman. Sepia Magazine financed the project in exchange for the right to print the account first as a series of articles.
***I had already emailed the co-worker, who's email I found in the chain. I forwarded this:
To: RandomCowerker
Subject: Did somebody hijack your email?
Whoever you are, I guess my aunt knows you, do you really believe this is correct? If so: how old are you? We DID march for civil rights-WHITE people did, too. Whites AND blacks died fighting for civil rights.
Let me ask you something. If you were black and your neighbor was white, and you both paid taxes equally but your kids had to go to a shit school with no resources while your neighbors kids went to a nice, freshly painted school with new books, how would you like that?
What if you weren't allowed in the drive-in theater in the same section as whites? What if you couldn't go into a store, sit at a counter, and order a soda, because of the color of your skin?
It might just give you a complex, and when you finally realize "Hey, it's not ME, it's THEM, you might just try to boost yourself up with some black pride and say keep your school, your bathroom and your pale-ass beauty pageant. We'll make our own.
If I overcame that kind of adversity I would be proud, too!
We (of all colors) had Be Ins and Sit ins and protests and parades of ALL kinds, for all kinds of reasons. All oppressed people have a right and responsibility to strive for equality.
Let me ask you something. If you were black and your neighbor was white, and you both paid taxes equally but your kids had to go to a shit school with no resources while your neighbors kids went to a nice, freshly painted school with new books, how would you like that?
What if you weren't allowed in the drive-in theater in the same section as whites? What if you couldn't go into a store, sit at a counter, and order a soda, because of the color of your skin?
It might just give you a complex, and when you finally realize "Hey, it's not ME, it's THEM, you might just try to boost yourself up with some black pride and say keep your school, your bathroom and your pale-ass beauty pageant. We'll make our own.
If I overcame that kind of adversity I would be proud, too!
We (of all colors) had Be Ins and Sit ins and protests and parades of ALL kinds, for all kinds of reasons. All oppressed people have a right and responsibility to strive for equality.
No one has ever called me anything due to being white, if they did it WOULD offend me, and I would NEVER say "nigger, kike, or towelhead." Ever. I was raised better than that. People are equal, skin color is meaningless, and your worth should be based on merit. You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading this hateful and separatist propaganda.
And for your information: white people have a million "White Pride Groups" which ARE racist: the KKK, the CCC, The Patriots, the real Patriots," and I could go on.
You can find a huge list at the "Southern Poverty Law Center," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_organizations_designated_by_the_Southern_Poverty_Law_Center_as_hate_groups
and also a list of documented crimes these prideful white people are committing. Michael Richards may have been hilarious on Seinfeld but sorry, he's a bigoted jerk. Shame on him, too.
You can find a huge list at the "Southern Poverty Law Center," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_organizations_designated_by_the_Southern_Poverty_Law_Center_as_hate_groups
and also a list of documented crimes these prideful white people are committing. Michael Richards may have been hilarious on Seinfeld but sorry, he's a bigoted jerk. Shame on him, too.
You wonder why there is so much violence. People like you won't stop dividing other people (or trying to) due to fear, insecurity, and lack of anything constructive to do, apparently.
Random CoWorker WROTE
Equality is only equal when it is a two way street.
I will judge a person for his character; not by the color of his skin or his/her ethnic background
"Equality will only be reached when we stop dividing us into groups and start thinking as Americans."
From: ME
Date: July 30, 2012 10:12:07 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Did somebody hijack your email?
I agree, but traditionally in this country the black man has had a lot deeper of a hole to climb out of than the white man. Black men couldn't vote, remember? White men started out in the advantaged spot.
If you are judging based on character you should not be spreading inflammatory rhetoric like this to people. It just makes nonthinking people who don't have any idea what it was like to fight for equality mad, kneejerk thinking someone got "something for nothing." Black people don't have those rights singled out because they are special. It's because they were ADDED ON.
As for that last thing you said, practice what you preach and stop being divisive.
This is what Michael Richards is defending, after he got in trouble for this video-
The audience is appalled, and so was I when I saw it ages ago. If you people never saw this, you should have watched it prior to spreading Mr. Richard's defence. If you did see it and still sent the email...well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Here is the original email which I responded to by tearing apart the content to my aunt. Halfway through I stop because realize someone probably hacked her (but I found out today that that was not the case, unfortunately.) I don't understand it. Granted my parents were different. They didn't send me to church or baptise me. My care was more neglected. Other than that, we all grew up in the same town! My aunt is only ten years older than me! how different, aside from having more supervision than I did, could our lives have been?
To be fair, even if she read it I'm pretty sure she wasn't comprehending what she was reading. She isn't a bigot. I am still disappointed that she's so unaware of what's going on in the world that she would unthinkingly forward this to me and several others which would subtly reinforce the separatism in people's minds once again. Divided we fall, people!
To be fair, even if she read it I'm pretty sure she wasn't comprehending what she was reading. She isn't a bigot. I am still disappointed that she's so unaware of what's going on in the world that she would unthinkingly forward this to me and several others which would subtly reinforce the separatism in people's minds once again. Divided we fall, people!
From: ME
Date: July 30, 2012 6:37:16 PM EDT
To: MyAunt
Subject: Did somebody hijack your email?
This is shameful. There's no reason to be proud of what is nothing but an accident of birth.
Here's the copy of the email:
to be White!
I have been wondering about why Whites are racists,
and no other race is......
Proud to be White
Michael Richards makes his point...
Michael Richards better known as Kramer
from TVs Seinfeld does make a good point.
This was his defense speech in court
after making racial comments in his comedy act.
He makes some very interesting points...
Someone finally said it.
How many are actually paying attention to this?
(Hopefully no one is thinking it makes sense!)
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans,
Arab Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans..
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
(I never get sneered at. Then again I've never yelled "Nigger" all over youtube, either, and not in a JayZ kind of way, either.) You call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,' 'Whitey,' 'Caveman'...
(Caveman? Cracker? Ooooh Whitey...Who says these things? When? Who? Why promote this garbage? Think!
Even if these alleged names were ever said to me, they have no connotation. Whereas the word "nigger," if not said by a rapper, makes me think of plantations, bloody back whippings to rival Jesus's, lynchings, families ripped apart, people watching their loved ones beaten and raped and being helpless to do anything about it, families unable to stay together because children or husbands are sold, having no power to raise your child healthfully or happily, slave ships and dying and lying in filth one on top of another, having body parts chopped off for trying to run away, kidnappings from your home to a land where no one speaks your language and there is no mercy, women raped and forced to have their rapists baby and women forced to have their children become slaves. It isn't white guilt I feel. It's disgust. how could anyone be so cold as to treat people this way? It makes my heart hurt, and then it makes me furious.)
And that's OK...
But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger,
Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink ..
You call me a racist.
(If you said ANY of that shit you WOULD be a racist.)
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you....
(You deny this???? Lynchings, dragging by car, Emmit Till, Rednecks, Martin luther king, the three little girls in church, that Chinese guy who signed up for the survice-white people are VERY violent and in fact I have only ever been criminally attacked by white people though black people have had mad opportunity to kill, kidnap, or rape me if they'd wanted to.)
So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
(UMMMM....Poverty? Are you really this ignorant?)
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have the NAACP.
(George Washington, Abe Lincoln...OMG Shut up.)
You have BET....
(It was ALL white at first. This is why I asked Random Coworker his age. Back years ago there was what?...The Jeffersons, The pimp guy, and the hip guy on WKRP. That's why it's called the "token' black. DUUUUUUHHHHH. Stupid.)
If we had WET
(White Entertainment Television),
we'd be racists.
(No we wouldn't, and neither are they. There are women's magazines and it doesn't make women sexist. They certainly don't make them feminist. And the only reason JET probably exists is because black people couldn't relate to the bullshit in the magazines, or TV shows, that existed. Like the right to vote, this was all add-ons!)
If we had a White Pride Day,
you would call us racists.
(OK, two words for ya: "KKK Rally")
If we had White History Month,
we'd be racists.
(Um... let's see, besides Martin Luther King how many of our holidays are about black people, or even anything but white founding fathers? It's all white that I can think of, and it's barely any women. As a white man Michael richardson has that white blindness thing going on, where he doesn't even see that he has had it good all this time, and lacks empathy for anyone else. It's repulsive.)
If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance'
OUR lives, we'd be racists.
(WE DID. Segregation in schools? Pretty sure that's why black people had to really push harder to get ahead and start their own organization because the existing ones tried very hard to keep them out! this is infuriating.)
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce,
and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that??
(Does he know? I don't. Is he just talking shit? Probably.)
A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant,
but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...
You know we'd be racists.
(A white woman can't be in a lot of things. How many black women are in the traditional Miss America pageant? Arent the judges usually white? if I were black I'd start my own pageant, too, as would be my right? Why enter if you probably have no chance of winning? You didn't have to call it the White Miss America Pageant. It just was.)
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US .. Yet if there were 'White colleges',
that would be a racist college.
(There are colleges that only admit black people? NO, apparently not:
Wow!!! You could never be so wrong!!!! Whites have NEVER been excluded from HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges & Universities). I know whites that have graduated from them and are very proud as they should be. Usually whites apply to HBCUs as a last resort to get a college education. If they meet the standards to attend, then they are most certainly accepted. Contrary to popular belief HBCUs do not have lower standards... they do not. You must be college material either way you go. Whites have never needed an organization such a the NAACP. Whites in America have never been an oppressed people. Check your history. Your question is very naive. In the Million Man March,
you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights,
you would call us racists.
(No, we'd be called "dirty hippies," fucking idiot. Occupy Wall Street? Get your head out of your ass!)
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange,
and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride,
you call us racists.
(During KKK rallies and all that, yeah, I call y'all racists. Pretty sure the point of "black pride" is that when someone is repressed it's hard to feel proud. I'm just guessing here but judging by how chick magazines constantly tell women they are worth something and stand up for themselves ect and so on, it just makes sense.)
You rob us, car jack us, and shoot at us.
(Wow, generalize much? The worst I have ever been robbed was by white guys, and most of the country has been robbed by white guys, of late. they are called bankers, lawyers, brokers, and slumlords. I live in a diverse neighborhood and have been to many so-called dangerous neighborhoods in my lifetime and have not once been shot at, knock on wood.
Oh, but when some cops were in my cousins building with german shepards looking for I-don't-know-what they started shooting willy-nilly in her basement. She happened to be on her way down the stairs with her kids and was very lucky none of them were riddled with holes. The cops were not in a shoot-out either. We don't know WHAT they were doing.) But,
when a white police officer shoots a black gang member
or beats up a black drug dealer running from the law
and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.
(No, only if he IS one, and why the fuck is he beating up someone in custody? I call that cop a bully, at least, and that is a common cop phenomenon. Two of my friends dads are cops, I know cops, I know cops beat on people and tase people and think it's funny, and they usually pick the weak. Go figure. But nurture your misconceptions. Michael Richards, a six foot whatever tall white guy. I wonder at your experience with bully cops.)
I am proud......
(As you should not be.)
Keep spreading your hate and making the world a more dangerous place. Here's White Pride groups you can join: The SPLC reported that 926 hate groups were active in the United States in 2008, up from 888 in 2007. These included:
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