Friday, July 27, 2012

Snoopy's Hot Dogs & More

Snoopy's Hot Dogs & More:

'via Blog this'

Interesting Comments:

Business owners are standing up against the message in that speech which really was not taken out of context. It insinuated that people who work hard will never be able claim true success because we always have to rely on others to succeed.

(Why, it's true. If there were no "others" there would be no success.) one can possibly do anything in this life without the help of others (road buiding, who created the glass windows etc.

Why any business owner would do something that drives away paying customers is beyond me. I don't care how strongly you feel about an issue, it's just not smart to tell the people who voted for Obama that a) you don't respect their choice and b) you regurgitate talking points from Fox News et al. Why even go there?

 So if my friend Dana Lyn is right, then Snoopy's has succeeded without *ONE CENT* of local, state or federal help -- tax breaks, fiscal incentives, loans, contracts, etc.? If that's true, then congratulations. But also, if that's true, then Obama wasn't talking about you anyway:

"On July 13, Obama made the unremarkable observation that business owners do not achieve success in a vacuum, but that public infrastructure -- such as roads, schools and fire departments -- create a community that supports businesses." Here's a link that reports his remarks *in their entirety*, not in the "you didn't build that" distortion:

Ironically, "you didn't build that" distorter Mitt Romney had his own "you didn't build that"-type moment 10 years ago: I guess that could be fair game for out-of-context distortion, too. But not by me, because I know what he meant then and what Obama meant two weeks ago. "Unremarkable," as Media Matters said, in both cases.

And in another bit of irony, it turns out that the "offended" business Romney spotlighted in his "you didn't build that" distortion took more than $1 million in bonds, loans and subcontracts to ... well, to build that. when others pointed out Gilchrist Metal Fabricating's hypocrisy on their Facebook page, their response was to delete the page.

So if Snoopy's got help along the way like Gilchrist did, own up to it before some intrepid journalist, blogger or activist finds it. And if Snoopy's didn't get help along the way, then congratulations again. Either way, Obama wasn't talking about you. No matter how much you distort his words to make it sound like he did.

And with that, I'll step off my soapbox. I'm too big-and-tall for it anyway. Must be all those hot dogs. ;-)

16 hours ago ·  · 1

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