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In the United States, some states permit marriages for same-sex couples, but due to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal government does not recognize same-sex unions.
Here's what I think:
The first marriage is usually for love, and that practically never works out.
The second is more practical: You got young kids and you need help. Single moms have it hard, but the ones who can manage to stay single often do. It’s actually easier to raise a kid on your own without a man vying for your attention.
The reason gay marriage threatens the "sanctity of marriage" and “the family” is the this:
The only reason, really (practically speaking) to get married is to protect the family legally and financially. When you have kids, it really helps to have a partner to help guide them and raise them. Someone to be there while you run to the store, somebody to care for them (that you trust!) should you enter a coma…a back-up. This person usually ends up being the second husband who is only marginally better than the first. Women tend to choose the same types over and over, even when they think they are not.
Once gay marriage is allowed, women will realize, “Hey, I don’t need to put up with some dude’s shit at ALL. I’ll just say I’m gay and raise my kids with my best friend, who also is stuck with an (choose or mix and match) abuser asshole drunkard_____ fill in the blank whatever.
Their are myriad types of douchebag men who can and will fuck up a girls' life, and once you spawn their seed, you’re more or less stuck with them for better or worse, one way or another, unless they are so self-destructive they manage to do away with themselves somehow or other. Generally, they are just destructive enough to make your life a lingering, living, lifelong hell on earth.
Somebody will catch on to the best friend thing and what’s going to happen then is this:
It’s going to be like the marrying for citizenship thing. People are going to have to PROVE they are gay. In the case of women it’s not going to be easy, you aren’t going to get pregnant with a woman if you’re a woman yourself. If you’re caught with a guy there’s the “I’m bisexual” loophole.
Women are going to get sick of living a lie, pretending they are gay or bi just to have someone not a dick (and, most importantly, without a dick, because dick's are best when absence makes the heart grow fonder) there for them to make medical decisions and take over if they drop dead (and they pledge to reliably do the same and know that their daughters are protected and not just left with some dude they know has a kinky fetish which may or may not include Catholic Schoolgirl outfits.)
Eventually women are going to want the same rights as gay people, just like they wanted the same rights as black people. Men thought the vote was the beginning of the end? Just wait until gay people get married. Men will become totally extraneous, just like women are to men, right now.
It’s already happening. Most men I know are out of work whereas all but one chick I know is working. They are working shit jobs, usually, but they are employed. Once women are allowed to team up, pool their finances, and legally support each other they will.
Imagine not having to put up with:
Unwarranted jealousy (like you have time to fuck the neighbors while wiping his kids snotnoses all day, cooking and cleaning.) “You can MAKE time. You made time for ME.” “Oh, fuck you, you dick.”
Drunk assholes breaking shit either because they are clumsy or some unidentifiable bug crawled up their ass.
Jerk-offs thinking they should get to control the woman because they have they outside job and they control the car because they think they bought it. The kid came out of the woman, so in many a man's mind it's like the woman brought home a stray cat and it's her job to look after it, and now he has to hand over some money for something that is, crazily, all on her, now. She should be grateful just to have food on the table, all he does for her. not lide she didn't just CREATE A HUMAN BEING AND PUSH IT OUT OF HER VAGINA. Now that's some magic, and she did it for YOU, you asshole, because she did love you, but lately you're just a gimongous asspain, so fuck you.
Men who call women frigid because they don’t want to have sex anymore, ignoring the fact that since cohabitation this man stopped brushing his teeth, put on twenty pounds (they they admit to but really it’s forty,) and considers beer an essential food group. Also, men don't seem to know the meaning of "depilatory." Women have been shaving, electrocuting, creaming, tweezing and Epiladying their hair for approximately five to twenty-five years before they even met you. You are really going to walk around with no shirt and that hairy-ass back? And no wonder you can't hear shit with those ears. Please.
Men who get whiskey dick on a regular basis and blame the woman's fifteen lbs of baby weight for it, “You’ve let yourself go.” “Oh, double fuck you.”
It’s gonna be a whole new world.
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