Tuesday, July 31, 2012

There are no Black Only Colleges

All black colleges exist which only allow blacks. What if some colleges did this for white only? Is this fair? - Yahoo! Answers:

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(I kind of wonder if this misconception got started because of "black neighborhoods," you know, like where you weren't supposed to go?)

All black colleges exist which only allow blacks. What if some colleges did this for white only? Is this fair?

Why would the blacks call the white colleges racist colleges because the whites don't call the black colleges racists and the white do not have their own version of the NAACP...etc...etc...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

It's definately a double standard.

Pretty much like the demise of men's clubs. (not the XXX type) You'll notice that womens clubs are still OK.

The most descrimated against individual in America is the white male.
  • 5 people rated this as good
Asker's Rating:
4 out of 5
Asker's Comment:
You are correct.

Other Answers (17)

  • Wow!!! You could never be so wrong!!!! Whites have NEVER been excluded from HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges & Universities). I know whites that have graduated from them and are very proud as they should be. Usually whites apply to HBCUs as a last resort to get a college education. If they meet the standards to attend, then they are most certainly accepted. Contrary to popular belief HBCUs do not have lower standards... they do not. You must be college material either way you go.

    Whites have never needed an organization such a the NAACP. Whites in America have never been an oppressed people. Check your history. Your question is very naive.
    • 1 person rated this as good
  • I don't think there are any black only colleges. I believe your statement to be false.

    I personally don't have a problem with segregated colleges if they are alumni funded. Why you gotta force things on people let us be who we are.

    Langston University was founded as a black college and was needed at the time because blacks could not attend regular colleges. To date it is still majority black but as someone said above whites receive reduced tuition and even scholarships to attend. For a poor white Okie it is a chance at a college degree at a discount price.
    • 3 people rated this as good
  • Well the MAJORITY of predominantly black colleges have been open since the time when it was impossible for black people to go to a normal college.
    Now it's simply their legacy. And they DO let other races in.

    The NEWER black-only colleges, on the other hand, operate within the double standard. And I don't agree with that.
    • 1 person rated this as good
  • Not true. That would be illegal. The last valedictorian At Morehouse College was white.


    The main reason that traditionally black colleges exist today is because for about 100 years white colleges wouldn't take blacks.
    The public black colleges in the south are a remnant of segregation under "seperate but equal"
    • 3 people rated this as good
  • No it is not fair...NOW. But it wasn't until the 1970's that blacks were allowed to go to the college of their choice, so it was necessary to open up all black colleges....HOWEVER, since blacks may now go to whichever college they are qualified to get into, all colleges should be open to all races.
    • 3 people rated this as good
  • If you feel that way why don't you go and register for class to prove your point?
    Better yet, hire a lawyer or even better - go see the ACLU!

    Chances are you'll do none of these because your happy to just b*tch, whine and cry about - poor, bitter, little man!
    • 4 people rated this as good
  • A white person can attend the black schools, and they can get minority scholarships. I do agree if it were a "white" college it would be considered shameful, and not allowed.
    • 3 people rated this as good
  • Untrue. While the majority may be black...they do permit white students to attend....it is just rare that white students will attend....but they are freely able to do so. http://abcnews.go.com/US/Story?id=487487…
    • 4 years ago

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