(This photo is sickening considering the damage this man caused. It must burn people up to see him so smug and happy looking.)
Who they are, how they differ from fundamentalists and mainstream Protestants, and what will be their vote in the 2004 election. |
Was George W. Bush Good or Bad for Evangelical Christianity's Image?
(Bad. I lived near diehard Christians and even they were like, "Mmmmm....Obama's a babykiller but I don't wanna vote for Bush." )
Responding to the question of whether George W. Bush was the most faith-based president in modern times, reader Darcy Grant says that Bush actually alerted many Americans to the dangers of a conservative evangelical worldview:
The sad thing is that George W. Bush's behavior in the White House did in fact represent the conservative evangelical form of Christianity in the United States, a form of Christianity that views the Bible as the inerrant, inspired, and infallible "Word of God." Although we (and others) paid a high price for it (and will continue to pay a high price for years to come), there is one good thing that came from the atrocities committed by the Bush administration: George W. Bush's behavior in the White House demonstrated very powerfully, for many Americans, the gross, practical outcome of a strictly conservative evangelical perspective.
UnChristian that Christianity—and evangelicals in particular—have a growing image problem.Time's David van Biema summarizes Kinnaman's research:
It used to be, says David Kinnaman, that Christianity was both big and beloved in the U.S.—even among its non-adherents. Back in 1996, a poll taken by Kinnaman's organization, the Barna Group, found that 83% of Americans identified themselves as Christians, and that fewer than 20% of non-Christians held an unfavorable view of Christianity. But, as Kinnaman puts it in his new book (co-authored with Gabe Lyons)UnChristian, "That was then."
Barna polls conducted between 2004 and this year, sampling 440 non-Christians (and a similar number of Christians) aged 16 to 29, found that 38% had a "bad impression" of present-day Christianity. "It's not a pretty picture" the authors write. Barna's clientele is made up primarily of evangelical groups.
On the other hand, the recent American Religion Identification Survey shows that evangelical Christianity is one of the few religious traditions that are growing in the United States.
(THAT is scary. Churches in the south really vie for attendees, though. They almost bribe people. They have coffee bars and picnics constantly. They have huge stages and put on massive holiday shows. Everyone smiles and seems so sincere, and maybe they are.
On the other hand, preachers are people, too. Some are just doing a job, some are outright out to swindle in a rogue-like way. I'd be more worried about the ones who are in little offshoots of Megachurches like Church of God and places like that.
Church of God, IMO, doesn't adhere to separation of Church and State. I'm guessing how it works is someone has an agenda, and they tell the little preachers how to brainwash the flocks not only every Sunday but Wednesdays and at Bible Camp and every other minute of the day. Church is the main activity. Everything else is a sin, pretty much, except eating. I think that the combination caffeine, sugar, and righteousness really hops people up. It's the only high they're allowed to feel. They believe what they say is right and they are trying to help, most of them, just like I do. I guess I'm as guilty as them for wishing they'd see my point, wich is: Life really could be a lot more fun than you're making it out to be, y'all.
It was a big thing to have nondenominational churches. If they accept everyone, and give you a car or whatever when you need it, they do engender loyalty. meanwhile, the reason you can't afford the car is because the church and government are in collusion in the first place, if you logically follow the chain of events.
For one example:
No birth control
Sex waits til marriage
Married at sixteen
No education
Husband gets sick
You got three kids
Car breaks down and you're broke
Church gives you a donated used car
But if you'd not have been taught sex was a sin you could have, without guilt-guilt inducing billboards are everywhere-gone to the Dr. or drug store, scored some birth control, had a great sex life beginning at a normal time for a young person to have one, sampled many partners and eventually chosen the best one for you at, I recommend, age thirty-five. At that point you smartly have one or maybe two kids, or none because you see your friends drudging through life with nothing and you don't need that! We aren't running farms so no need to multiply like a fruit fly. If your husband gets sick then hopefully you have something to fall back on, the church doesn't need to give you squat because rather than follow their archaic rules you behaved like a rational, responsible, reasonable person with normal appetites, desires, and drives.
See how that works? ergo if you don't listen to the church in the first place you generally don't wind up needing their help in the last place.)
How to square these two trends? It's the mainline Protestant and Catholic churches that are bleeding members, while evangelical and evangelically tinged nondenominational Christianity grows. As those movements expand and increase their political clout, non-Christians—including those who were formerly mainline Protestants or Catholics—develop more negative views about them. More demographic evidence that the culture wars are escalating.
The Bush Tragedy
In his 1999 campaign autobiography A Charge to Keep, George W. Bush describes a soul-searching conversation with the Rev. Billy Graham that prompted him to re-evaluate his life, accept Jesus, and give up drinking. In the summer of 1985, as Bush tells it, his father, the vice president, invited the famous evangelist to Kennebunkport for a weekend visit. Graham spent an evening taking questions from members of the family about faith. The next day, Graham took a walk along the beach with Bush's eldest son and asked if he was "right with God." Bush said he wasn't, but that he'd like to be.
"Something was missing in my life, and Billy Graham stimulated my heart—I would like to say planted the mustard seed which grew, and started me on a journey, a walk, to recommit myself to Jesus Christ," was how George W. put it in one interview during the 2000 campaign. The terms "heart," "walk," and "mustard seed" occur in every telling. The mustard seed is a parable from the Gospel of Luke. Jesus tells his disciples that the kingdom of heaven is like the tiny mustard seed that grows into a huge plant. According to Bush's story, the conversation with Graham took a year or more to germinate. But it was this conversation that prompted his change of heart, which in an evangelical Christian context means accepting Jesus as his personal savior. This born-again experience led him to begin "walking," or leading a righteous life. Finding God enabled him to quit drinking, gave his life meaning and direction, and made possible the successful political career that followed.
(My theory is that Graham came by to give George tips on how to pretend to be as phoney as possible, get elected, and get back to the business of scourging the world with Christianity. If they win I will be no doubt burned at a stake for speaking common sense. What a load of shit. That was nothing but a strategy meeting.)
A "steely stubbornness" is not always the best thing in a leader, idiot.
The Evangelical President: George Bush's Struggle to Spread a Moral Democracy Throughout the World
* Why Bush believes the Republicans will hold the White House in 2008-and his candid assessment of Barack Obama* Why the Supreme Court's ruling on the partial-birth abortion ban was a victory and vindication for Bush
* Why Bush is determined to press ahead with his policy in Iraq, despite his party's loss in Congress
* Why Bush has offered advice to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
* How the media has continuously underestimated President Bush, mocking him for his faith and ignoring his achievements.
The Evangelical President is an unforgettable glimpse of a President at war, supported by an evangelical belief that tyranny should be overthrown, democracy supported, and America defended, combined with a steely stubbornness to see those goals through.
from the ny times article, "Letter from Christians to George Bush:
We, who sign this letter, represent large numbers of evangelicals throughout the U.S. who support justice for both Israelis and Palestinians. We hope this support will embolden you and your administration to proceed confidently and forthrightly in negotiations with both sides in the region.
Genuine love and genuine blessing means acting in ways that promote the genuine and long-term well being of our neighbors.
As evangelical Christians, we embrace the biblical promise to Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you." (Genesis 12:3). And precisely as evangelical Christians committed to the full teaching of the Scriptures, we know that blessing and loving people (including Jews and the present State of Israel) does not mean withholding criticism when it is warranted. Genuine love and genuine blessing means acting in ways that promote the genuine and long-term well being of our neighbors. Perhaps the best way we can bless Israel is to encourage her to remember, as she deals with her neighbor Palestinians, the profound teaching on justice that the Hebrew prophets proclaimed so forcefully as an inestimably precious gift to the whole world.
Historical honesty compels us to recognize that both Israelis and Palestinians have legitimate rights stretching back for millennia to the lands of Israel/Palestine. Both Israelis and Palestinians have committed violence and injustice against each other. The only way to bring the tragic cycle of violence to an end is for Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a just, lasting agreement that guarantees both sides viable, independent, secure states. To achieve that goal, both sides must give up some of their competing, incompatible claims. Israelis and Palestinians must both accept each other's right to exist. And to achieve that goal, the U.S. must provide robust leadership within the Quartet to reconstitute the Middle East roadmap, whose full implementation would guarantee the security of the State of Israel and the viability of a Palestinian State. We affirm the new role of former Prime Minister Tony Blair and pray that the conference you plan for this fall will be a success.
Mr. President, we renew our prayers and support for your leadership to help bring peace to Jerusalem, and justice and peace for all the people in the Holy Land.
misc Bush businesses, not necessarily ex presidents
s Afilliations | |||||
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2. | George Washington Bush Associated names: G Bush | Available | Cedar Hill, TX Desoto, TX Houston, TX Missouri City, TX College Station, TX Fort Worth, TX Glendale, AZ Waipahu, HI Oklahoma City, OK U S A F Academy, CO Phoenix, AZ Honolulu, HI Luke Afb, AZ Colorado Springs, CO | Ponomo Investment Club |
12. | George W Bush Associated names: George W Bush George W Bush | Available | Augusta, GA Charlotte, NC | Trustee Auto Sales Llc |
4. | Georgetrenen Bush Associated names: T Bush Trenen G Bush George L Bush Geo Trenen Bush George Trenen Bush G W Bush T George | Available | Winter Haven, FL Lake Wales, FL State College, PA Cypress Gardens, FL | B S Property Management Inc B S Property Management Inc Premier Home Mortgage Of Maitland Inc Premier Title Of Central Florida Inc Tjc & D Management Inc W B Enterprises Of Polk County Inc 4him Realty, Inc B S Property Management, Inc B S Property Management, Inc D & K Development Of Central Florida, Inc Dannys General Remodeling, Inc Dickeymoe Drywall, Inc Dm Freight Services, Inc Dock Design By Kennedy, Inc Emerald Title Of Central Florida, Inc Extreme Pool Subs, Inc |
14. | Georgewilliam Bush Associated names: George William Bush | Available | North Fort Myers, FL Fort Myers, FL Cape Coral, FL N Ft Myers, FL | Presidential Ventures Inc Presidential Ventures, Inc Presidential Ventures, Inc |
16. | George Prescott Bush Associated names: Prescott G Bush | Available | Dallas, TX Fort Worth, TX Tallahassee, FL Coral Gables, FL Austin, TX Pinecrest, FL Miami, FL | St Augustine Partners Llc St Augustine Partners Llc St Augustine Partners Llc St Augustine Partners Llc St Augustine Partners Llc Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc |
21. | George W Bush | Mc Kinney, TX | Mckinney Downtown Property Owners |
23. | George Bush | Lewes, DE | Southern Accents Landscaping Inc Southern Accents Landscaping Inc |
25. | George W Bush | Available | Mckinney, TX | Gwb Properties Inc Gwb Properties Inc Gwb Properties Inc Gwb Properties Inc Abner, Inc Bartlett, Inc Bartlett, Inc Dallas Mcgruffey, Lc Dallas Mcgruffey, Lc Dallas Mcgruffey, Lc Dallas Mcgruffey, Lc George W Bush Properties, Inc Gopage, Inc Gwb Properties, Inc |
48. | George Bush | Louisville, KY | G & K Concessions, Inc |
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