Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Did the US cause Fallujah's birth defects? - Inside Story Americas - Al Jazeera English

Did the US cause Fallujah's birth defects? - Inside Story Americas - Al Jazeera English:

'via Blog this'New research is underway on the alarming increase in birth defects in the Iraqi city of Fallujah.

In November 2004, the US led an assault on Fallujah - a stronghold of opposition against the US occupation, west of Baghdad. Intense bombardment left many of its buildings destroyed and displaced much of the 300,000-strong population.

"'Shake and bake' is an instance of using white phosphorus offensively, in the language we were using at the time, to smoke insurgents out of their fighting holes then using high explosives to kill them later."
- Ross Caputi, a former US marine
Eventually, the US was forced to admit that amongst its arsenal was white phosphorus - a substance the Pentagon described as a 'chemical weapon' when it was used by Saddam Hussein against the Kurds.

In addition, eyewitnesses claimed the US military used "unusual weapons".
Subsequent investigations have focused on the possible use of depleted uranium by the US for its armour-piercing qualities. The US, however, denies using such weaponry.

Research has shown elevated levels of radioactivity in Fallujah and across Iraq.

Iraqi physicians have also long reported a spike in cases involving severe birth defects in Fallujah since 2004. They have reported children born with multiple heads, serious brain damage, missing limbs and with extra fingers and toes.

A report published in 2011 on the level of uranium and other contaminants in hair from the parents of children with congenital anomalies in Fallujah partly concluded that: "Whilst caution must be exercised about ruling out other possibilities, because none of the elements found in excess are reported to cause congenital diseases and cancer except uranium, these findings suggest the enriched uranium exposure is either a primary cause or related to the cause of the congenital anomaly and cancer increases. Questions are thus raised about the characteristics and composition of weapons now being deployed in modern battlefields."
"Some kind of dust or material, whether it's uranium, whether it's some chemical we don't know, must've got into the air, must've got into people's bodies and into their food and their water … there are traces, most of the material are inside the individual parents."
- Dai Williams, a weapons researcher
Al Jazeera's Sebastian Walker reporting for the programme Fault Lines examined the legacy of the US occupation in Iraq and described what he saw on a road trip across Iraq after the withdrawal of US troops.

"What we found by visiting the general hospital there is that there are extremely high rates of birth defects, some five times the international norm, and many of the doctors who work in those hospitals believe that this is a direct result of the kind of weapons the US forces were using in those campaigns."

Many researchers say uranium from the shelling may be to blame. However, no conclusive proof of a link has been established.

In this episode Inside Story Americas asks: Is the US being honest about the use of unconventional weapons, and the possible link with the rising incidence of birth defects in Fallujah?

Joining the discussion with presenter Shihab Rattansi are guests: Ross Caputi, a former US marine who fought in the battle for Fallujah in November 2004 and co-founder of the Justice for Fallujah Project; Dai Williams, a weapons researcher whose work focuses on community health in conflict zones associated with new types of weapons; and Raed Jarrar, an Iraq analyst and the executive director for a Washington-based global strategy firm.
"The promises at that time were that the US will go in and get rid of all the bad guys and rebuild the city, [but] that did not happen. We saw a total destruction of Fallujah and the use of so many unconventional weapons ...."
Raed Jarrar, a Middle East and North Africa expert

US forces used the chemical in the Iraqi city in November 2004, purportedly to light up the battlefield.
Its use is legal as long as civilians are not targeted.
The US has used white phosphorus in some form or another since World War I.
US officials initially denied its use in Fallujah, but in 2005 General Peter Pace confirmed it.
White phosphorus particles burn through clothes to the bone, stick to skin and cannot be relieved by water.
The substance spontaneously ignites at about 30 Celcius, and continues to burn until it is deprived of oxygen.
Depleted uranium bullets were used heavily in the second battle for Fallujah, in tank armour and to 
  • TiredOfBsToo Top 50 13 hours ago
    In Japan it was nuke-em, VietNam... Agent Orange, Iraq depleted Uranium etc. etc....... The world is a testing ground for US weapons of mass destruction that keep on giving long after their initial use.  A shame really that being the lone super power, it chooses to act like an out-of-control bully using whatever it wants to get it's way regardless of the aftermath instead of, showing the world how the lone super power can contribute to the improvement of life for all of the world's citizens and the planet's ecosystem.
  • They have used actual radioactive Uranium instead of depleted uranium in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon.
    That's what Dai Williams repeatedly said. They (US and Israel) are war
    mongers and mercenary regimes, they have no respect for human lives-not
    their victim's, not their soldier's, not innocent babies'.
  • There has to be a reason why some countries (hint... 2)  have been warring continuously with others since the end of WWII... lack of respect for human life fits perfectly into a war mongers character!
  • Now what is happening to the kids and especially the babies in Fallujah is terrorism in the literal sense and if we go by the definition. How can white phosphorous and uranium be used by the American military in the first place? This is wickedness. Thanks to the Iraqi doctors, independent investigators and reporters for keeping an eye on this story. The most disgusting part of the chemicals is innocent Iraqi children and their parents will be feeling the effects for years to come. Children are still being born with defects in Hiroshima, Vietnam, Chernobyl and other countries to this day. The documentary about the children of Fallujah is the most difficult to watch. Hopefully Libyan children will avoid this horror. 
  • TiredOfBsToo Top 50 4 hours ago in reply to Aan B
     I feel sorry too for all of those poor families who were horribly killed or faced the terrible aftermaths for merely having been in the way of those whose greed knows no bounds!
  • I guess the deliberate gassing by Saddam of his own people is forgiven now. I gues it's ok to to plant bombs in markets now. Phosphorous is a natural chemical to be found in many places in the world. It is also a trace element in your body. Phosperous is used mostly to destroy equipment not to use against enemies combatants. It can also be used in star shells to light up an area but when it stops burning there is no more phospherous. If it does not physically attatch to you you suffer no harm. Wasn't Fallujah a urban combat setting. I believe it was. As such, there is no need to use uranium depleted shells as they only work against armor or hardened  targets of which there were none in Fallujah. Since there was no enemy armor there was no need for depleted rounds. If you shoot at a home the round will go straight through and cause no damage. Finally, if we were so greedy we would be pumping that Iraqi oil right now and sending it to the US.
  • Depleted uranium is used in anti tank rounds due to its penetration power. It serves no use against houses or civilian dwellings. Agent orange was a huge mistake on the part of the govt. but it did not realize the after effects as US soldiers were also effected. As for being a bully were we a bully in WW2, Korea, Serbia, Libya or Iraq. Even in Afganistan the actual downfall of the communist govt. was performed by 90% Afgans. It was not until OBL that the US started sending large ground forces. Incidentally, who else had the will to do anything to help anyone else. I did not see the EU save the Muslims in Serbia did you? When N. Korea invaded the south who volenteered to step up. Without the US 3/4 of the world would be living as East Europe did under the old USSR. I have no problems with anyone pointing out mistakes. However, taken in context no country is so innocent either. Furthermore, no country has contributed as much to the benefit of others as the US. Look at all the science we have provided. Look at all the medicines we have provided. Which other country has helped with the AIDS initiative in Africa as an example. Look at the peace corps. or Dr's without borders all US initiatives. Who foots the bill for the UN medical staff. I am soooo tired of everyone pointing out the bad things and neglecting the good. The people of the US give far more than any others to help ungrateful people around the world. The people of the US bar NONE have been the most generous people in world history and yeah we are not perfect but neither are you all. Look at the nobel peace prizes for medical reasearch and science etc... We are under no obligation to share any of it yet we do so freely. We are under no obligation to help anyone or save anyone yet everyday Americans die on foreign soil. When was the last time you saw Egyptian, Russian, Chinese, Iranian or EU helecopters dropping food supplies during the monsoon season in se asia. Who were the first to help the people of Haiti (hint : not the Cubans). American citizens of thier own free will (at no cost to the Chilean govt) went and helped the Chilean miners. Did you see anyone else I didn't. The US is far from the world bully and you should thank your F***** lucky stars everyday that that the US never turned into a Stalinist Russia or a Nazi Germany.
    Depleted uranium is used and manufactured in these countries:
    U.S., the UK, France, Russia, China, India, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Pakistan, Thailand, Iraq and Taiwan.[citation needed] DU ammunition is manufactured in 18 countries. Only the US and the UK have acknowledged using DU weapons.[33]
  • The US will definitely not become like Stalinist Russia...Putinist Russia is more likely our fate.
  • Lucas Hardy 14 hours ago
    The entire World must Unite and STOP the U.S.A & Deport America from the Planet Earth before they Destroy us all.
  • Deport from Earth? What exactly do you mean by that?
  • Get a dictionary look up "Deport" then look up "Mars" 
  • As an American who has opposed the war in Iraq and Afghanistan since day one and is just as sick of Washington's brutal and hypocritical policy as you are, I have no desire to be "deported to Mars." But I can certainly nominate several corrupt officials for such an honor. Just make sure they have no way to return when they get there!
  • Clarence Lee 14 hours ago
    Thanks for putting together this panel.  This topic needs higher awareness.
  • Chris S 10 hours ago
    The only way to stop the US is economically, in other words stop any and all financial dealings with the US and at the top of the list would be China and the Saudi's, in other words, the US must be isolated and controlled and rendered inert.
    Sad thing is it is the Government that is the problem and not so much the people, so the people of the US need to rise up against their government and take their country back and make it the beacon of light and hope and not the Grim Reaper or Bringer of Death and Destruction as it is now!
  • UNDOUBTEDLY!  Sue the terrorists  invaders
  • This amount to war crime by a criminal country who  is bend on destrying the world.However,is left for Iraqis to find justice anywhere,anyhow.
  • Liam 02 11 hours ago
    Bid bad-ass Barack Obama just threatened Iran with military strike. This country is pathetic. Lets hope Romney doesn't threaten to kill all gays, Barack will soon follow suit. Dumbbells
  • Obama and Mitt,Romney are both the same sh....Don't trust them, ever again.
    They need to  a big kick on their behind and the American people should look for someone with human qualities to lead their country. The two bossos are clowns who every time they open their  filthy  big mouth insult the Muslims people and always so arrogant, as to threaten at the same time, even if other countries  don't do anything  to them
    I just hope that their Nuclear arsenal blow on their face, even if I die along with them...
  • nvragn nvragn 12 hours ago
    They have used actual radioactive Uranium instead of depleted uranium in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon. That's what Dai Williams repeatedly said. They (US and Israel) are war mongers and mercenary regimes, they have no respect for human lives-not their victim's, not their soldier's, not innocent babies'.
  • FYI: There's no real difference between "actual" and "depleted" uranium. Both are radioactive. "Depleted" is essentially a propaganda term, one of numerous military-speak euphemisms the  nuclear warriors have used since 1945 to make killing people with nuclear weapons sound less like the mass murder it is.
    I agree that DU should be (and probably technically IS) illegal under existing treaties, and its effects are horrible, but we really need to use awareness of it to rekindle a global opposition to ALL nukes. With around 5700 of them ready for use on short notice and many more in storage supposedly awaiting destruction, the dangers of regional war spiraling into civilization- and maybe species-destroying nuclear winter we saw in the 1980s haven't gone away. (Some of you in Britain might recall the film "Threads;" the nuclear war in that film started in Iran.)
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  • hjolko 0 minutes ago
      From  Twitter
    Did the US cause Fallujah's birth defects? - Inside Story Americas - Al Jazeera English via @ajenglish //que triste
  • Expressray7 0 minutes ago
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    RT @AJEnglish: Tests on hair of #Fallujah parents with deformed babies reveal enriched #uranium. @AJInsideStoryAm discusses |
  • farah8787 0 minutes ago
      From  Twitter2 more retweets from gnesa_llocs  desunovabeach 
    RT @AJEnglish: On @AJInsideStoryAm :Was the #US in fact telling the truth in denying the use of depleted #uranium in Fallujah? |
  • jkhmlf 0 minutes ago
      From  TwitterOne more retweet from Alyy_E
    RT @ASE: RT @FatimaAnsari_: @ASE Deformities spike in the Iraqi city, did the US cause Fallujah's birth defects?
  • ASE 0 minutes ago
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    RT @FatimaAnsari_: @ASE Deformities spike in the Iraqi city, did the US cause Fallujah's birth defects?
  • FatimaAnsari_ 0 minutes ago
      From  Twitter
    @ASE Deformities spike in the Iraqi city, did the US cause Fallujah's birth defects?
  • FatimaAnsari_ 0 minutes ago
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    As deformities spike in Fallujah, has #US has been honest about weaponry used during the 2004 assaults? #Iraq
  • trueking7 0 minutes ago
      From  Twitter
    RT @AJEnglish: Tests on hair of #Fallujah parents with deformed babies reveal enriched #uranium. |

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