Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Face Reading and What Doctors Do Not Do

Face Reading. Wrinkles, markings, acne can indicate health issues throughout the whole body. Diagnostic tool, face reading, MISHIO KUSHI:

'via Blog this'

What is your body telling you?


The Mishio Kushi Theory contends that a weakness or toxicity in a certain organ or gland can cause acne on certain areas of the body.
All natural practitioners know that topical treatments are either short term remedies or more often contribute to the acne problem.
This may explain why some people who, while working with acne, get results from chickweed while others get similar results with BP-X or when they balance the hormones.
Adding validity to this theory is the fact that, a lot of women break out with pimples on their chins just before menstruation; which would indicate a dysfunction in their female reproductive organs.
Acne is often thought of as a normal part of adolescence. This is not true, acne is merely a symptom that is accentuate by the rapid growth and change within an adolescent's body.
Toxins often cleanse through the skin, when the other eliminating systems are sluggish; hormonal imbalances   over stimulate the oil glands and impurities in the blood will often affect the skin.  All of these can clog pores.  Acne is the body's reaction to those clogged pores.
The Mishio Kushi theory, though not a science, can be helpful when trying to pinpoint a reason why one has acne .  Thereby, enabling one to treat the cause instead of the symptom.
  1. The forehead- Intestine - toxic - Cascara Sagrada and Psyllium.
  2. Above eyebrows - Liver - toxic - Liver Cleanse (formally LIV-A), flush, Chinese Blood Build (BP-C) or Enviro-Detox.
  3. Between eyes - Spleen - Uva ursi, I-X.
  4. Bridge of nose - Male reproductive - Sarsaparilla or Saw Palmetto.
  5. Cheeks - Lungs - toxic - ALJ or LH
  6. Tip of nose or on ears - Heart - Gingko and Hawthorn and Vitamin E.
  7. Creases at base of nostrils - Brain - Gotu Kola or L-Glutamine.
  8. Upper lip - Stomach - Food Enzymes, Proactzyme and slippery elm.
  9. Lower lip - Intestine - see #1
  10. Corners of mouth - Fallopian tubes - Vitamin A, D and E
  11. Chin - Uterus /Ovaries- Female Comfort (formally FC w/Dong quai or FCS II}
  12. Jaw line - Female reproductive - NF-X
  13. Chest- Lungs - See #5
  14. Back - Intestine - See #1

B. What's in a wrinkle?

We don't seem to listen to what our bodies are telling us anymore.  I have heard numerous times from people that they go to a doctor with a symptom, go through a lot of test to have the doctor tell them there is nothing wrong.  If you feel that there is please don't listen to them.  More accurately it's not that there is nothing wrong but rather that they cannot find out what is wrong.
Listen to your body.  It is trying to tell you something.  I had a close friend who several years ago went the doctors complaining that she felt tired and had numbing of the extremities.  After several thousand dollars worth of test at a leading diagnostic clinic in Atlanta Georgia's hospital was told that there was nothing physically wrong with her and told her husband to take her to a psychiatrist.  Mary Jane died two years after the testing of Multiple Sclerosis.
Years ago when you would go to a doctor, he would check you out by looking at the tongue, in the eyes, and generally probing and looking to see what the body was saying about your health.  Now they give you a piece of paper for blood test and scans, which tell you how you look compared to others who have taken that test.  CAUTION!!! Average does not mean Healthy or Normal!!
The average American's health is going down hill.  The charts that doctors use to graph your health are reflecting that decline.  For instance, if someone who in 1920 was diagnosed as having a hypo (underactive) thyroid, the same numbers today would be considered normal, because they have changed the number of the norm.
There are many more outward and inward reflections of your body's health.  The following is just to give you a sample of what your body does to get your attention.  This article is meant to help encourage you when there is a contradiction (If the doctor says there is nothing wrong.  If your doctor has found something and there is no physical sign for it, listen to the doctor.)

Below is a picture that indicates what the body is saying.
  1. Oily T-zone - Caused by dietary oils including milk products.  If the body is overtaxed with fats it try's to eliminate the fat through the largest eliminating organ of the body: the skin.  It may also indicate the possibility of cholesterol build up in arteries.  Possible changes include:  Cut out milk products use non saturated fats to cook in such as olive oil.  Herbally you might want to look into chickweed.
  2. Enlarged Pores - Long term consumption of white sugar products.  If it's overloading the skin, chances are the pancreas could also be overloaded.  Possible changes-cut out white refined sugar.  Herbally you may want to take chromium which symptom of deficiency is craving sugar.
  3. Pallid complexion (pale and ashen) - Mineral and nutrient deficient, especially iron and chlorophyll.  Mineral deficiency symptoms also described as "not feeling sick, just not feeling well".   Anywhere from 21 to 78 minerals are needed.  Possible changes - Eat more naturally and organically.  Herbally:  Colloidal minerals, mineral maintenance, Mineral Chi.
  4. Deep  creases in ear lobe - signs of heart problems.  Possible changes - check cholesterol and nourish heart.  Herbally: Gingko and Hawthorn,Mega-chel, Vitamin E and minerals.
  5. Crows feet - Excessive intake of tannic acid Coffee, Tea and Soda)  Tannic acid (increases uric acid) also robs the joints of natural sodium contributing to arthritis and gout.  It also destroys the lining of the stomach.  Possible changes - Cut out coffee, tea and soda (I believe you will never get rid of arthritis if you continue drinking them)  Herbally: Eat more celery and goat's whey.  I like JNT-A concentrate and Una de Gato.
  6. White exposed below iris - eating dead foods (it is said only live foods can truly nourish the body.)  Possible changes - Eat as much raw vegetables and fruits as possible (including the seeds!).  Cooking kills many of the properties in these foods.  As a rule of thumb, the longer the food will last on the shelf, the less it has to offer nutritionally.  Herbally: Herbs are food, drying takes out less value than cooking (30% opposed to 65%).
  7. Bags beneath eyes - lack of rest, kidney problems or kidneys needing flushed out.  Again the uric acid could encourage arthritis and gout.  Possible changes - Drink plenty of "good" water.  Cut out all coffee, tea, soda and artificially colored drinks.  Herbally: Urinary Maintainence (formally URY), Combination K, Chinese Kidney Activator (formally K-C) and Hydrangea.
  8. Frown and smile lines - Improper assimilation of fatty acids.  Possible changes - cut down on fat.   We as a nation eat entirely too much fat.  Herbally: PDA and chickweed.  Proper food combining.
  9. Swollen upper eye lids - proper ratios of potassium and sodium which can also cause gallstones, kidney stones and high blood pressure.  Possible changes - Water pills drain potassium out of the body. CAUTION:Too much of the isolated mineral potassium supplement can adversely effect the heart.  Do not take without guidance from a competent health practitioner.  Try first to get the potassium from your foods such as: Bananas, oranges and baked potatoes (with skins).
  10. Lines on neck - Sometimes indicates improper assimilation of fatty acids, but usually mean thyroid problems.  Possible changes - add kelp to food instead of salt.  Herbally: Thyroid Activator (formally KC-X), Target TS II, TS II with hops or if just slight Kelp.
  11. Dark Circles under the eyes - a lack of rest but if this is not the cause then look to the liver.  The liver may be toxic and needs flushed.  Or it may be weak (caster oil packs or vitamin A).  Dark circles can also indicate allergies, usually stemming from the liver.  The most common allergies are wheat and dairy.  Most allergies are caused by the not enough toxicity being expelled from the body.  First look at liver, then bowel, then kidney, then respiratory, then skin.  Possible changes - Eat a high fiber diet.  Avoid all unnecessary chemicals.  Herbally: Cascara Sagrada, LIV-A (my favorite) for liver and bowel.  Urinary Maintainence and K for Kidney.  Sinus Support (formally SN-X) or ALJ for respiratory.  For skin, dry brushing or loofah and ginger bath.
  12. Pale lips - anemia (not ingesting, digesting or absorbing iron).  Iron filled foods are raisins, cream of wheat and dandelion.  Iron should always be taken with Vitamin C. Possible changes - avoid milk it binds iron.  B12 is also needed for iron utilization.  Herbally:  IX and Vitamin C.
  13. Mousy hair - Poor over all health.  Lacking minerals especially silicon.  Possible changes - Eat better meals, more raw veggies and fresh fruits.  (sometimes accompanies eating disorders).  Herbally: HSN-W and Colloidal minerals.
  14. Thin Hair - Thyroid or lack of silica
  15. Psoriasis - usually liver involvement.  Ask your local herbalist for a liver/gallbladder flush.  Beta-carotene (if liver is not weak just toxic).  Herbs historically used for liver are Chinese Liver Balance (formally LIV-C), Liver Cleanse Formula (formally LIV-A) and LIV-J.
  16. Acne - Usually toxic bowels, hormone imbalance, too fatty diet, and impurities in the blood.  For bowels see #11.  Hormones imbalances - check out liver, and look towards gonadals such as black cohosh for estrogen, wild yam for progesterone and saw palmetto or sarsasparilla for testosterone.  For cleansing liver BP-X or LIV-A.
  17. Mole - Simptom of liver. Often a sign on a genetic weakness on the liver. For accompanying symptoms of liver.
  18. Skin Tag - Liver weakness.
  19. Hairy Eye brows - Ancestors were heavy meat eaters.
  20. Enlarged Upper lip - Weakness in stomach.
  21. Enlarged Lower lip - Weakness in Intestine.
There are other signs involving the fingernails which may indicate deficiencies.  If you have a symptom, realize your body is telling you something.  If you're  not sure what it is saying, read books on natural healing or contact an herbalist or iridologist and have them help translate it for you.
The focus of this site is to "educate, validate, and suggest alternative methods for the treatment of health conditions," which are not readily available to those who go through mainstream programs.
To help ensure good results, high quality foods and supplements are vital. Knowing that the cost of supplements can get overwhelming, we provide a wholesale store.
This is a courtesy, not a requirement for you to ask your questions. We are here to help people, not just gain customers.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
***When working with natural health it is beneficial that you have an understanding of the signs of a healing body. ***

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