Friday, August 3, 2012


Video shows Turkish police beating handcuffed woman at station... but now SHE faces jail for 'reckless behaviour' | Mail Online:

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A group of Turkish policemen have sparked national outrage after they were caught on camera repeatedly slapping a woman in the face, throwing her to the ground and pulling her hair.
CCTV footage shows Fevziye Cengiz, who had been arrested after a nightclub raid for not having her ID, being beaten at the Izmir police station even after she had been handcuffed.
A high-ranking Turkish government minister is now calling for the speedy punishment of the officers - who are facing 18 months in prison for 'causing injury through excessive force'.
Scroll down for video...
Beaten: Fevziye Cengiz, who had been arrested after a nightclub raid for not having her ID, was taken to a police station in Izmir
Beaten: Fevziye Cengiz, who had been arrested after a nightclub raid for not having her ID, was taken to a police station in Izmir
Fevziye Cengiz
Victim: Fevziye Cengiz
Victim: Fevziye Cengiz pictured in the immediate aftermath of the beating (left) and this week (right)
But, in a bizarre twist, Cengiz herself is facing six years in jail for 'resisting arrest and reckless behaviour'.
Fatma Sahin, Turkey's family and social policies minister, said: 'The incident in Izmir is unacceptable and we definitely consider this incident as one for which the perpetrators should be punished.
'There is political will and state authority to take the required action in a speedy way. Therefore, both legal and administrative investigations have been launched and those policemen are suspended.'

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