Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bombshell of Foreclosure Fraud – Full Deposition of TAMMIE LOU KAPUSTA

Exclusive Bombshell of Foreclosure Fraud – Full Deposition of TAMMIE LOU KAPUSTA:

'via Blog this'

(Mers now suing itself)

TAMMIE LOU KAPUSTA having been first duly sworn or affirmed, was examined and testified as follows:


Assignments were prepared again from the casesum. All of our stuff comes from the casesum. They would be stamped and signed by a notary or not. Per floor we had a designated spot to place them and Cheryl would come once a day and sign them.

Q Sign them as what?
A As -

Q For the bank?
A Correct.

Q Or for MERS or whoever it was for?
A Correct.

Q Would these notaries be there watching her as she signed?
A No.

Q She would just sit there and sign stacks of them?
A Correct. As far as notaries go in the firm I don't think any notary actually used their own notary stamp. The team used them.

Q There were just stamps around?
A Yes.

Q And you actually saw that?
A I was part of that.

Q You did it? Are you a notary?
A No, I'm not.

Q Did you sign as a witness?
A I did not. I signed as a witness on one document and after that I decided that I didn't want to put my name as a witness anymore.

Q Tell me about the stamps. You stamped them?
A Yeah, I had stamps. Each team had a notary on them or notaries that I was aware of. Whether they were or weren't wasn't

Q You had stamps?
A Correct. We would stamp them and they would get signed.

Q Stamp them in blanks?
A Yes.

Q Who would sign them?
A Other people on the team that could sign the signature of the person or just a check on there or whatever.

Q Was that common practice?
A Yes.

Q Was that standard practice?
A Pretty much.

Q What about the witnesses?
A Those would be signed by juniors who were't

Q Standing there?
A Here, sign this. It has to go to Cheryl, sign it. Then it would go and sit at the desk where Cheryl would sign everything.

Q Out of view of the notary and out of view of the witnesses?
A Correct.

38 posted on Thu Oct 07 2010 22:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT) by Neidermeyer

To: Neidermeyer
It's sad. If this were a movie, or but some blogger's carefully crafted opinion - as strange as this may seem - this would be humorous.This is not a movie or anything like it.
It's really happening.
Wells Fargo Damage Control Attempt – FL Attorney General Reaches Agreement with Wells Fargo Providing More Than $388 Million in Mortgage Relief to Florida Homeowners
Error and Omission policies across the board face sobering exposure.
This is as series and hue as anything I can think of.

To: pburgh01
Countrywide did the same thing to me! They admitted that they had applied one of my payments to another person's account, but REFUSED TO FIX IT! They would promise me that it was being taken care of, but it never was. This went on for six months; I was writing letters, calling, etc.I finally got our State Banking oversight people involved, and they wrote a rather threatening letter. Whereupon, the problem was solved....BUT...and you won't believe this, I got a rather nasty phone call from one of the assts. to the CEO of Countrywide. He actually had the temerity to bitch me out for “getting those people involved.” "


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