Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mortgage Loan Investigations - Rocket Docket

War on the Home Front | Mortgage Loan Investigations | Securitization Audits | Foreclosure Expert Witness Services:

'via Blog this'

"...When we’ve got a property with a homeowner in it, taking care of the property AND PREPARED TO PAY SOMETHING. Use the Rocket Docket money to force the banks to keep them in that property.  The mechanism that exists is Florida Statute 69.021.  When a judge has a homeowner or tenant in court, she uses the 69.021 procedures and establishes a payment that owner or tenant must make to stay in the home.
All the vacant, abandoned and forgotten properties, let the banks take them back through in rem proceedings and start getting them back to work serving their useful function as shelter and homes for people that need them.  Get contractors to work clearing them.  Get real title attorneys to work clearing title and purging the putrid soup that exists in title ownership.  For all those borrowers that are ready to walk away….real deed in lieu’s….here’s your keys, here’s your home in good shape.  Let me get on my way figuring out how to make a living and keeping food on the table for my family.
So there you have it.  Two tracks, The Responsible and Realistic Docket running right alongside the Rocket Docket.  Investment and Vacant properties, you shoot down the Rocket Docket…..Bye Bye.  Homestead and inhabited properties…the committee will determine what your payment is, you sign a contract to pay the payment, mow the lawn and pay the insurance and you’re safe and secure in the home for the short term while we figure out how to unscrew our selves from this economic black hole that we’re in."

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