Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Worship Reason

The First Church of Common Sense Home Page:

'via Blog this'

The First Church of Common Sense originated as a comic relief to the rigid dogma of so-called "Christianity", with its foul-tempered and capricious bogey-man God. We oppose religious compulsion in all of its' insidious forms, from cults led by psychopathic "gurus" to fundamentalist "Christianity" and the anal-retentive oafs who lead it.
The First Church of Common Sense has taken off on its own power and evolved into a community of kindred spirits seeking to bring about positive, healthy change, while searching for truth, invoking the spirit of play and humor.
We are an organization of freethinkers, spiritual seekers, social activists, environmentalists, artists, poets, musicians, journalists, scientists, philosophers, survivalists, healers, mystics and more. We are people from diverse backgrounds and different walks of life, but we are united by common goals and a shared vision of a sustainable future for our planet, and an end to the cycle of dysfunctional abuse. We seek to share our gifts and strengths with others and to provide creative outlets for truly inspired artists and thinkers.
The First Church of Common Sense stems from the belief that the Creator has an incredible sense of humor, as evidenced by the utter folly played out daily all over the Earth. The potential for this absurdity to reveal itself in spite of (or because of) Man's best efforts to "make a better world", reveals to us a Divine Sense of Humor. The Creator is playing a Grand Joke, and once we get the Joke we are "saved".
While society is spiraling out of control on an inevitable course of self destruction, the "American Evolution" is gaining momentum. Discerning, open-minded and intelligent people are connecting in ever increasing numbers, seeking creative solutions to our common dilemmas in this perplexing world.
The First Church of Common Sense is for those who are secure in their beliefs and courageous enough to set about the task of disabusing themselves of the illusions that hold them captive; however, no illusions are offered to replace illusions being shed. What is offered is an avenue for sharing humor, strengths, talents and gifts while seeking solace during these confusing times.
The winds of change are blowing and the truth has a ring that can be heard in the dark of the deepest night. All it takes is a commitment for truth, a sense of humor and some common sense.
Those of us who are able to truly perceive reality beyond the veil of illusions, do not like what we see. We see society for what it is, and it is SICK. This society is nothing more than an oversized dysfunctional family in an abusive relationship with a fictional "God the Father", who grants us His approval for our folly as we appease His seemingly voracious appetite for adulation and human sacrifice.
Our leaders are nothing more than enablers who reinforce our collective denial and allow us to continue to destroy our planet as we feed our insatiable lust for consumer goods and other trappings of "the good life." Actually, there is nothing good about it, the damage done to our planet, our psyches, and Life on Earth itself, is becoming obvious to all except those who are in the deepest denial. It's time for us to wake up, it is time for action. We owe it to ourselves and to our children to stop the cycle of abuse and destruction.
We can no longer allow our laziness and complacency to lull us into a false sense of well-being. We can no longer close our eyes to what is going on around us. We can no longer allow ourselves to live lives of despair and defeat as we willingly participate in the madness and sickness that is "Society."
Margaret Mead said - "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." With that in mind, let us join forces and work together to bring about positive and healthy changes to our planet, in our lifetime. We can do it!
In these days of "Big Brother" and the "War on Terror", our civil liberties are rapidly disappearing as the Government increasingly intrudes into the lives of American citizens. Freedom loving Americans of all political and religious persuasions are now beginning to realize that we must put aside our differences. We must find the common ground we all stand upon, and unite, if we hope to preserve our beloved Freedom!
Are you tired of "New Age" charlatans, snake oil salesmen and pseudo-spiritual hucksters? Are you tired of rabid preachers who rant & babble about the Book of Revelation?
Are you looking for a place to share your ideas and talents?
Do you feel alone, alienated, overwhelmed and outnumbered?
Are you looking for a support group of conscientious and dedicated people who are on your wave-length?
Do you strongly suspect that the world is in deeper trouble than our "leaders" are telling us?
Are you tired of giving up your precious freedoms so that this increasingly paranoid and passive-aggresive society can have a false sense of security?
Have you had enough of the arrogant, avaricious, puritanical and short-sighted oafs who make the decisions and pass the laws that will decide our fate?
Have you lost patience with the cowardly, passive citizens who blindly go along with the status quo as long as their extravagant life-styles aren't inconvenienced?
Do you agree that is time for responsible social action and a return to sustainable living practices?

Are you ready to do something about it?

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