Monday, May 21, 2012

Ripoff Report | Genworth Life | Complaint Review: 815209

Ripoff Report | Genworth Life | Complaint Review: 815209:

'via Blog this'A typical response which I received from Ms. Kimberly Hudson, Manager, Life & Annuity Claims Department, states that “the information provided does not provide us with a basis to pay this claim under the terms of the contract.” 

I fully understand the terms of the contract.  However, based upon knowledge I have from several cases similar to my own, I am aware that claims are often given consideration and paid based on the circumstances rather than the terms of the contract.  I received a brochure from New York Life featuring testimony from Lynn Humphreys, the beneficiary of her husbands policy. Her case was very similar to my own.  The major difference being that her insurance company took the high road and considered her husbands illness as a factor in the cancellation of his policy, and ultimately paid her claim.  I have the brochure if you are interested.
I believe it is inherently wrong that someone should pay for something for the length of time that my husband paid for his life insurance, only to lose the entire benefit such a short period before it would be payable.  This becomes even more poignant in light of the fact that ill health played a major role in the ultimate outcome.  Wouldn’t it stand to reason that the medical conditions causing him to be ineligible for reinstatement might also be a factor in missing the payment?   We are talking about the loss of $250,000 over a $159.90 payment, a payment that had been made for over 10 years.

Fraud | Information Protection

Working to protect your personal information is one of our promises that enables us to help millions of policyholders secure their financial lives, families, and futures.Genworth is proud of its reputation, but fraudsters may try to misuse Genworth’s reputation, name and logo as part of a consumer fraud or identity-theft scam. Please review this important information to learn how to protect yourself from criminals and scam artists, so that you do not become a victim.

Types of Fraud

Lottery and Sweepstakes Scams - Criminals mail so-called "official" notices declaring that you have won a lottery or sweepstakes. The mailing includes a check with the name of a legitimate business, but the check is counterfeit. The recipient is instructed to deposit the counterfeit check and deliver the proceeds to pay taxes or other expenses to redeem the prize. After the criminal has the money, the counterfeit check is discovered to be a fraud and the victim loses the money. If you receive a check that looks like it is from Genworth in connection with a "lottery", that check is counterfeit and part of this type of fraudulent scheme.

Mail Fraud (Advance-Fee Frauds) - Similar to the Lottery and Sweepstakes Scams, fake notices are mailed from other countries (oftentimes purporting to come from foreign officials) saying they have millions of dollars they would like to deposit into your bank account -- if you first provide them with bank account numbers, advance fees, etc.

Check Scams - This involves the targeting of people who have placed ads in websites or magazines to sell items such as vehicles and property. For example, the scam artist calls the seller and offers to overpay for the item. The seller is sent a check for more than the purchase amount and is asked to forward the excess amount (often to an offshore location). The check can be personal, a cashier’s check or from a company. The buyer's check is eventually declined, and the seller is out the funds and the item that was “sold”.

Newspaper Ad Scams (“Fix Your Credit”) - Here, the fraud typically involves the use of small-circulation newspapers to publish fake classified ads (often stealing the name of a legitimate business) offering low interest rates or to repair credit. People who respond to the ads are asked to pay an advance fee or provide their personal information. If you see a classified ad that says someone from Genworth will help “fix your credit,” that is part of a scam. Do not respond to the ad (but do get in touch with us so we can help end the scam).
Inheritance Scams - Criminals notify you, generally by mail, that you are the beneficiary of a will or have received an inheritance from a stranger. This is a type of Advance-Fee Fraud similar to the Lottery and Sweepstakes Scams. If you receive an "inheritance" check that says it is from Genworth, that check is counterfeit and part of a scam.

Dumpster Diving - Thieves will rummage through trash looking for account statements and other financial or personal information that could be used to steal your money or your identity. You can protect against this behavior by properly disposing of your confidential information (for example, using a cross-cut shredder).

Plain Old Theft - Crooks steal purses and wallets with credit cards; they steal checkbooks; they steal mail and look for account numbers, letters offering pre-approved credit, and anything else of value.

Phishing - Someone “phishes” for your information by sending e-mails designed to appear as if they come from a legitimate source. They often will include company logos and trademarks as bait to lure the recipient into believing the e-mail is legitimate. The e-mail may even contain a link to a spoof copy of the legitimate website. E-mail recipients are asked to “update” personal information such as account numbers, social security numbers and passwords.Pharming - A criminal "pharms" for your information by redirecting you to a sham website without your knowledge or consent. The sham website may look like the actual site you had intended to visit -- and likely will include legitimate company logos and trademarks. By duping you into believing the sham is legitimate, the aim is to get you to provide your confidential personal information such as account numbers, social security numbers and passwords.

Spyware, Malware and Computer Viruses - These are computer programs loaded on to your computer, generally through the Internet and without your knowledge or consent. Some programs impair the performance of your computer, while others collect data that you type such as passwords, account numbers, etc.

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How to Report Fraud

Please contact us if you believe Genworth’s name was used in connection with:
  • Any type of fraud,
  • Any type of identity theft, or
  • A suspicious email or telephone call from someone that you suspect to be falsely representing Genworth.
Please provide us with a copy of the email, letter and/or check or, if you were contacted by phone, the date and time of the call. You also should notify your local police department.
How to Contact us

Telephone: 866-381-2906

Fax: 866-469-7901
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Additional Anti-Fraud Resources

To learn more about fraud and ways to protect your identity or report a consumer-type scam:

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Protecting Yourself Online

At Genworth, we have implemented technical, physical, and process safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Below are some areas where you can help protect yourself.

Protect Your Password

Keep your Genworth website username and password confidential to prevent unauthorized access to your account and personal information.

  • Use a strong password that has at least 8 characters with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.
  • Do not share your password with anyone.
  • Do not write your password down.
  • Change your password on a regular basis.
  • Do not use personal information, dictionary words, or easily guessed sequences as your password.

Healthy Computing Tips

  • Install anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware security software on your home computer and make sure it is set to automatically receive updates.
  • Keep your computer Operating System secure by setting it to receive automatic updates to apply the most recent patches and security fixes.
  • Use a personal firewall on your home computer to block unwanted communication or unauthorized access.
  • Avoid using free public wireless networks to access our secure websites, as you could expose your sensitive information to anyone using the same public wireless network.
  • Do not click on links in unsolicited emails as they could download malware to your computer.
  • Avoid opening or installing attachments from unknown or unsolicited email sources.

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Genworth Financial Securities Complaint & Legal Claims

Do you have a claim against Genworth Financial?
Important Information You Should Know:
Genworth Financial Securities Corporation is a securities brokerage firm which is licensed by FINRA. Firms licensed through the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, formerly the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), must comply with securities regulations and federal and state securities laws.  When these firms violate regulations or laws they can face actions by regulators or by federal or state criminal prosecutors.
Very few “securities police” have the impossible duty to attempt to govern billions of dollars 
in transactions each year, handled by hundreds of thousands of salespersons nationwide at thousands of securities firms.  Approximately 660,000 registered salespersons at 5,300 securities firms handle hundreds of millions of transactions annually for over 60 million investors.  It is impossible for securities regulators to police this activity.
Securities regulators and officials do not often recover losses for victims of securities fraud.  

 in FL
 (1 Result)

Business NamePhoneAddressCity, StatePossible Owners/
Associated Businesses
1.Genworth Life Insurance Company Of New York
AvailableAvailableNew york, NY
Richmond, VA
Tallahassee, FL
Landis W Atkinson
Steven K Beaver
Ward E Bobitz
Thomas E Duffy
Gary T Prizzia
David J Sloane
  • Erdene Materials Corporation
  • Erdene Materials Corporation
  • Webcam Live Llc
  • Zentrum Nakers Usa Inc
  • Stantec Planning And Landscape Architecture Pc
  • Jo Nic Management Llc
  • Global Dynamics Usa Inc
  • Lexitech International Inc
  • Open Tech Consulting Inc
  • Glendale International Corp
  • Caribbean Airlines Limited Co
  • Rj2 Enterprises Llc
  • Cfc India Services Private Limited Inc
  • Godiva Properties Limited Inc
  • Ffy Us Holdings Inc
  • Jennie Jewel Llc
  • Hotel Solutions Usa Inc
  • Jocone Llc
  • Skinfit Llc

Stock SymbolGNW

Address6620 West Broad Street Richmond VA 23230 United Stateswww

Genworth Financial Agency, Inc

AvailableRichmond, VAThomas E Duffy
Thomas M Stinson
  • Ifn Insurance Agency, Inc
  • Genworth Financial Agency, Inc
  • The Harvest Life Insurance Agency, Inc
  • Ltc Of Washington, Inc
  • Genworth Financial Agency, Inc
  • Ltc, Incorporated
35.Genworth Financial Agency, Inc

AvailablePierre, SD
Richmond, VA

  • American Bar Endowment
  • American Bar Endowment
  • American Bar Endowment
  • Frank Stinson Management Co, Inc
36.Genworth Financial Securities Corporation

AvailablePierre, SD
Richmond, VA

  • American Bar Endowment
  • American Bar Endowment
  • American Bar Endowment
  • Frank Stinson Management Co, Inc
37.Genworth Financial Agency, Inc

AvailableNashville, TN
Richmond, VA

38.Genworth Financial Securities Corporation

AvailableNashville, TN
Richmond, VA
Schaumburg, IL

39.Genworth Administrators, Inc

AvailableDallas, TX
Enfield, CT
Richmond, VA
Stamford, CT
John Amato
John Amato
Landis W Atkinson
Peter B Atwater
Peter B Atwater
Donald W Bania
Steven K Beaver
Ward E Bobitz
Ward E Bobitz
James J Buddle
  • Sun Life Administrators Us, Inc
  • Ge Group Administrators, Inc
  • Ge Group Administrators, Inc
  • Sun Life Administrators Us, Inc
40.Genworth Financial Agency, Inc

AvailableAustin, TX
Richmond, VA
Scott A Curtis
Eugene Koster
Geoffrey S Stiff
  • Ifn Insurance Agency, Inc
  • Capital Brokerage Corporation
  • Capital Brokerage Corporation
  • Genworth Financial Securities Corporation
  • Capital Brokerage Corporation
41.Genworth Financial Securities Corporation

AvailableAustin, TX
Lynchburg, VA
Richmond, VA
Schaumburg, IL
James J Buddle
Thomas W Casey
Scott A Curtis
Thomas E Duffy
Thomas E Duffy
Howard S Kite
Howard S Kite
Howard S Kite
Eugen S Koster
Gary T Prizzia
  • Ge Motor Club, Inc
  • Hochman & Baker Insurance Services, Inc
  • Genworth Financial Securities Corporation
  • Genworth Financial Securities Corporation
  • Hochman & Baker Securities, Inc
42.Genworth Financial Securities Corporation

AvailableOak brook, IL
Richmond, VA
Salt lake city, UT
Schaumburg, IL
John G Apostle
James J Buddle
Thomas E Duffy
Howard S Kite
Richard P Mckinney
Robert T Methven
Norbert M Mindel
Gary T Prizzia
David S Reedy
David S Reedy
  • Ge Motor Club, Inc
  • Hochman & Baker Insurance Services, Inc
  • Genworth Financial Securities Corporation
  • Genworth Financial Securities Corporation
  • Hochman & Baker Securities, Inc
43.Genworth Financial Group Retirement, Inc

AvailableRichmond, VA
Salt lake city, UT
Windsor, CT
Thomas E Duffy
J Kevin Helmintoller
Richard P Mckenney
Gary T Prizzia
Pamela S Schutz
Pamela S Schutz
Geoffrey S Stiff
  • Ge Group Retirement, Inc
  • Genworth Life And Health Insurance Company
  • Ge Group Retirement, Inc, Colorado Authority Relinquished October 2, 2006
  • Genworth Financial Agency, Inc
  • Ge Capital Assignment Corporation
  • East Hartford Summer Youth Festival, Inc Ehsyf
  • Sun Life Administrators Us, Inc
  • Genworth Financial Group Retirement, Inc
44.Genworth Financial Agency, Inc

AvailableRichmond, VA
Salt lake city, UT
Thomas M Stinson
  • Fee For Service, Inc
  • Ltc, Incorporated
  • Ltc, Incorporated D/b/a Ltc Of Washington, Inc
  • Genworth Financial Agency, Inc
  • Genworth Financial Securities Corporation
45.Genworth Life And Annuity Insurance Company

AvailableRichmond, VAWilliam E Daner
William E Daner
(VP / GC / AST S)
Thomas E Duffy
J Kevin Helmintoller
Gary T Prizzia
Pamela S Schutz
Geoffrey S Stiff
Geoffrey S Stift
Dennis R Vigneau

46.Genworth Financial Agency, Inc

AvailableRichmond, VAThomas E Duffy
Marie D Kdlendo
(VP / CON) 
Marie D Kolendo
(VP / CON) 
Gary T Prizzia
Thomas M Stinson
Michelle Trampe
(VP / CON)

47.Genworth Life Insurance Company

AvailableRichmond, VA

48.Genworth Financial Assurance Corporation

AvailableRaleigh, NC
Richmond, VA
James W Morris
  • Morris & Morris, Pc
  • West American Insurance Company
  • Kline Inc, Richard F
  • Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation Of North Carolina
  • Verex Assurance, Inc
  • Genworth Residential Mortgage Insurance Corporation Of North Carolina
  • Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation
  • Genworth Home Equity Insurance Corporation
  • Banner Life Insurance Company
49.Genworth Financial Securities Corporation

AvailableRichmond, VA
Schaumburg, IL

  • Nielsen Media Research, Inc
  • Genworth Financial Securities Corporation
  • Trade Insurance Services, Inc
50.Genworth Financial Group Retirement, Inc

AvailableRichmond, VA
As a long-term care insurance agent, I was very wary of representing a company that may not back up the promises I was making to my clients. Now, 17 years later, 2500 clients, over 250 claims, I can say I have been backed up 100%. I have seen Genworth pay claims as well as possible. Clients have been very satisfied, their families grateful. I have seen a couple of people lose their coverage, even though they had gotten 2-4 notices, their family got notices, and I even tried calling both the policy holders and their back ups. It is difficult to lose this coverage. One lady insisted she was too old to need her policy. I was in tears of frustration at her insistence she was dropping coverage. Months later, her son found her policy was cancelled (by her) and threatened all kinds of havoc if GNW would not reinstate her policy. It was too long ago to reinstate. Post 1996 GNW policies generally have a seven-month reinstatement if cognitive impairment is involved in the lapse. Policy holders, speak with your children. Tell them why you are buying this coverage. Family, respect your parents' wishes. Pay attention to their lives. Are they getting forgetful? You may need to take over their books. Make sure a lapse never happens on your watch!
Mr. ** purchased his long-term care policy on 12/17/1998. His policy ended 12/17/09 due to a lapse in payment. Mr. **'s step daughter Sue ** was mailed letters from Genworth notifying her of the policy termination. However, Ms. ** was in the process of moving from Idaho to Arizona and did not receive the letters. The policy's grace period ended 3/17/2010. On 3/20/11, TRESCO of Idaho was appointed conservator for Mr. ** due to dementia. On 12/13/11, TRESCO called Genworth to see if Mr. **'s medical documentation could be submitted to prove Mr. **'s need for benefits under his policy from December 2009 through March 2011 and currently. Mr. ** has paid over $110,000.00 in premiums. Genworth said no. I would like Genworth to consider providing Mr. ** with some benefits due to his time as a faithful client. Please respond to this letter within the next two (2) weeks. If TRESCO does not hear from a Genworth representative in this time frame, TRESCO intends to contact the Idaho Department of Insurance.
I've had great service from GE now Genworth. I think those that "assumed" their rate would stay the same either had an unscrupulous agent or are forgetting all insurance is likely to change over time. Those that missed payment for their policy, all policy applications have "emergency" contact information section to prevent the policy from lapsing, either they didn't assign anyone or the person they assigned didn't reply to the notice. Don't blame the insurance company, especially Genworth, Mutual, Hancock and Prudential. Finally, Genworth was spun off of GE Finance, the same people, just a different name. To check out a company's complaint rate (how well they treat customers) search by company and year here: **, and stop whining.
My husband had a term life policy with Genworth Life since 02/02/99. Unfortunately, we received notification just three weeks prior to his April 4, 2010 death that his policy was canceled and ineligible for reinstatement. The policy was terminated because he failed to make one quarterly payment for $159.90 prior to the grace period expiring in the fall of 2009. At that point, before a payment would be accepted, the company requested a review of his health. Unfortunately, he had major medical concerns at this juncture and was deemed uninsurable. It is my belief, and I have medical records to substantiate, that his medical condition during the period that his payment would have been accepted was a major contributor to the missed payment.
I have spent over a year appealing to Genworth to pay the claim based on the premise that an individual of sound mind would not intentionally let a long-term life insurance policy lapse when they were in such poor health. One response, dated February 22, 2011, which I received from Ms. Kimberly **, Manager, Life & Annuity Claims Department, states that the information provided does not provide us with a basis to pay this claim under the terms of the contract.
I fully understand the terms of the contract. However, based upon knowledge I have from several cases similar to my own, I am aware that claims are often given consideration and paid based on the circumstances rather than the terms of the contract. Coincidentally, I recently received something in the mail with testimony from Lynn ** in a case very similar to my own. It was part of a brochure from New York Life, my life insurance provider. The major difference between the cases was that her insurance company took the high road and considered her husband's illness as a factor in the cancellation of his policy, and ultimately paid her claim.
I believe it is inherently wrong that someone should pay for something for the length of time that my husband and I paid for his life insurance, only to lose the entire benefit such a short period before it would be payable. This becomes even more poignant in light of the fact that ill health played a major role in the ultimate outcome. Wouldn't it stand to reason that the medical conditions causing him to be ineligible for reinstatement might also be a factor in missing the payment? We are talking about the loss of $250,000 over a $159.90 payment, a payment that had been made for over 10 years.
It shouldn't be up to a company or individual to arbitrarily decide which claims will be paid. Consideration should be given to what the health of the insured was at the time the payment would have still been accepted before lapsing, the length of time the premium had been paid prior to being cancelled and the amount of time between the policy being cancelled and the death of the insured. Insurance is something that is often relied on for survival. The consequences to the beneficiary or living spouse, in a situation such as mine, are life changing and beyond devastating. The consequence is the loss to me, the surviving spouse and beneficiary, of his entire $250,000 policy.
My husband and I purchased long term care through GE. GE sold to Genworth. He died in 2000 after using $200 of his long term care at that time with GE. Our premiums were supposed to remain the same. It has been 14 years I have been paying promptly. Three years ago, I received a notice of an 11% increase with the option of cancelling or reducing my policy benefits. I paid it. Then this week, I received a notice of 18% increase. Again, I could cancel the policy if I wish. I am 73 and there is no way to negotiate like you can with an auto policy. I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau, and I will advise every group I am in not to buy any insurance from Genworth. I will also contact my Congressman. I will call them again this week.
Can only ask automated service. Several minutes of waiting and no operator answers the phone. Need to pay bill.
My mom had a policy with Genworth for many years. She has now been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and has lapsed payment due to her diagnosis. Unfortunately, almost a year passed before we realized this. She paid $56,000 to this company and is unable to recoup any of this investment.
My mother has been paying them for 20 years and because of her dementia, she missed paying some of her premiums. Although we had doctor's letters stating she was unable to care for herself during this time, they denied not only her claim but also her reinstatement. My mom paid around $20,000 to them for nothing. This is a complete ripoff and you would be well advised to stay clear of these crooks.
Myself, at age 64, and my sister, age 73, and her husband, age 82, and numerous GE now twisted into Genworth LTC are suffering from delayed and now denied Genworth Long Term Care Insurance, that was enrolled with GE in the 1990's and now involuntarily twisted into being Genworth Insureds!

Our long term care insurance premiums were hiked by 11% this month. We purchased this insurance when it was GE owned with the understanding that our premiums were locked in.
Now that Genworth has assumed the insurance that rate lock has dissapeared.
Now we may have spiraling premiums and may have to give up coverage.
I received a notice that a 9% premium increase will be made. This is a long-term care policy in effect since 1992. I see no justification for any increase since the policy pays a fixed dollar amount in event of a claim. It does not pay based on increased charges by care facility. My wife and I are both covered. We purchased early to assure affordable rate.
It is not practical to change insurance companies due to higher premium at our ages of 75 years. They seem to have us over a barrel.

I wish I had done online research before applying for a life insurance policy with Genworth Life! They debited my bank account for two months premiumpayments in advance of the agreed upon date which was to be a month later, and they did this before telling me the results of their lengthy and incompetently administered medical tests and before telling me if I had been approved for their policy. They also gave me a 40 minute interrogation and called three times after that to ask me to submit to a 40 minute interview, which I had already done; they called TEN times to ask for my driver's license information after I had repeatedly told them that I don't drive!!! I have ordered my bank to stop payment on any further requests from this incompetent and unethical company. 

The reason I applied for a policy is that they offer the lowest premium and highest coverage for a man of my age; some things really are too good to be true, as I will never deal with a company such as this. How would I know if they would ever pay off after my demise? I already have two smaller policies with Northwestern Mutual Life and NY Life, both wonderful and competent companies, and was looking to boost the value of my estate; I will look elsewhere. 

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