'via Blog this'
(I just realized what a huge dick he actually is. Before i just thought he was stupid. this past year I realized he's actually evil.)
Two-thirds of Americans, in contrast, said they have a positive view of Bush's predecessor, former President Bill Clinton.
Of the other living former presidents, Jimmy Carter is viewed favorably by 54 percent of people questioned and George H.W. Bush gets a 59 percent rating.
I wonder how that feels, to know everybody thinks you're an asshole. I know some people think I'm an asshole, but I can't imagine knowing that my entire country thinks I suck as a person and at my job, and that I'm lazy and good for nothing. What goes on in the guy's head? He was on drugs in the past, so did he go back to being an alkie? Is he playing golf, unbothered, at his camp or whatever it is? Ranch? Does being surrounded by servants and bodyguards and yes-men take away the loneliness? Some men are so shallow they don't know how annoying they are. I suspect Bush is one of those guys. it's enough to make you want to pull a Clockwork Orange on him.
Sit him down in a chair, prop his eyelids opened, and show him all the horror he, DIRECTLY, caused. Ask him "why?," ask him did he know what he was doing...ask him does he really think he is better and worth more than other people and if so, what gave him that ridiculous idea?
He's like Rose's mom on the Titanic when she says the "better half" are getting lifeboats, so it's all good. (Who clapped when Rose spit a gob right in Cal's face. I did! Because I'm a bleeding heart, right? No, because Cal is a clueless dick, much like George Bush, only George Bush is, incredibly, not only real, still alive, and somebody not only married him but reproduced with him-so gross. There's an abstinence ad for you. "Stop the Insanity!")
Speaking of huge dick (a chick can be a dick, it's official.):

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