Monday, July 2, 2012

The Human Trafficking Project: Organ Trafficking: A Fast-Expanding Black Market

The Human Trafficking Project: Organ Trafficking: A Fast-Expanding Black Market:

'via Blog this'

  1. Anonymous10:45 AM
    2 weeks ago the bodies of 10-12 Mexican children were found in Mexico City that were all butchered for their organs. My colleague witnessed this horrific find first hand while on a trip with the Mexican police trying to identify stolen merchandise. Very sad how these things do not make it to the news nor do people seem to care.
    1. If it were reported on then people would care, as this is the real case with regard to the public's awareness of an issue. The problem is that we have a media that is so terribly and fundamentally biased because of its owned by corporations. People care, how can they not? It could be them or their children that are victims of this brutality. Thank you for your input, the story, it is disgusting that people can be reduced to this, as both victim and perpetrator.
    2. If it were reported on more, people would care and if people were empowered with the information and remedy for this abuse, it would be feasible to curb it. It is very alarming how human life and all life is treated.

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