Friday, August 3, 2012

How China tortures its children to win gold - standing on a girl's legs as young boys hang from bars | Mail Online

How China trains its children to win gold - standing on a girl's legs as young boys hang from bars | Mail Online:

'via Blog this'

Torture or training? Inside the brutal Chinese gymnasium where the country's future Olympic stars are beaten into shape

Hard training: Her face etched with pain, a child trains for Olympic glory while her gymnastics trainer stands on her legs.

I cannot believe what "Rational Thinking" in Newcastle, UK, wrote. This is TORTURE. Might as well put the child in a rack and stretch her, ala medieval times. When a child suffers trauma this profound, she is a candidate for multiple personality disorder or what is now called dissociative identity disorder. That is, the trauma is so severe, the child cannot endure it, and forms a separate personality so she can hide the memory from HERSELF. This is often times a lifelong state. I know someone with this issue. He has to deal with it every hour of every day of his life. A "different culture" doesn't mean a different body or nervous system. One glance at that child, and the torture is obvious. The human body and mind can only take so much.

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