Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Badge Abuse: Judge Impregnates Witness | Spread Liberty News

Badge Abuse: Judge Impregnates Witness | Spread Liberty News:

'via Blog this'"by Shannon Jones
Sometimes it is overlooked that police officers and sheriff’s deputies are not the only employees of the criminal justice system who have the capacity to abuse their power.
Judge Wade McCree, 3rd Circuit Court Judge in Michigan, has made headlines twice: once after sending a shirtless picture of himself to a court bailiff, and most recently for impregnating a witness.
The witness, Genine Le’Shay Mott, has come forward with hundreds of text messages from the judge proving that the two had an affair. After she found out that she was pregnant, the judge texted her urging her to have an abortion; the text reads, “You’ll get whatever you want 4 it.”
Mott and McCree met when she came to court seeking child support from her ex. She states that they had sex in his judicial chamber. Even more shocking is that he let her have a say in the sentence her ex-faced in court.
McCree: “OK, The math will be based on his failures since being placed on probation, but if U’r right, the threat of jail will loosen his purse strings!”
Mott: “OK, So let’s go with what you proposed… Go 2 jail (150 days), release upon payment of $1,500. Or get a tether and bring back w/n 30 days $2,500 or serve 9 months! Bonus: Pay w/n 30 days, remove tether. Now back 2 us … what are we doin’ after court Thursday?”
The ex that is spoken of in the above messages did in fact, go to jail.
McCree and Mott’s relationship ended after his wife found out about the pregnancy. McCree then filed a complaint with the Wayne County prosecutor, saying that Mott was stalking him. The prosecutor refused to bring up charges against Mott because of a lack of evidence.
McCree could face a criminal complaint for obstruction of justice, as well as repercussions for his misconduct, which may entail the loss of his job. He already has a censure on his background for the picture he sent to his fellow employee.
Image Reference"

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