Tuesday, April 30, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Hot-headed NYPD sergeant allegedly chokes fellow officer in midtown station house - NY Daily News

EXCLUSIVE: Hot-headed NYPD sergeant allegedly chokes fellow officer in midtown station house - NY Daily News:

'via Blog this'“He attacked me and I’m a police officer. What do you think he’s going to do to the public?” Trujillo added. Last year, a Manhattan jury awarded 1992 Playboy Playmate Stephanie Adams $1.2 million for injuries she suffered in a scuffle with Rajan in midtown. The award was reduced by the judge to $362,000.
Rajan testified that he forced the sexy centerfold to the ground in a “controlled drop,” in case she had a weapon. But he later admitted her clothes were so tight that there was no place she could conceal one.

FDA: Plan B will be over the counter for women 15 and over

FDA: Plan B will be over the counter for women 15 and over:

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“While we fully support this expansion of access to birth control, we continue to believe that the administration should lift all unnecessary restrictions to emergency contraception,” Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said in a statement.

Teacher says kids yelled as Ohio boy pulled gun - Yahoo! News

Teacher says kids yelled as Ohio boy pulled gun - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'Green Township police said there were at least 21 other students in the first-period classroom Monday morning at the all-male Catholic school west of Cincinnati. Teacher Michael Holman told police he was at his desk when he heard yelling, then saw the youth struggle briefly with the handgun, put it to his right temple and fire.
He "discharged one round into his head," the police report stated.
The student is a junior and an honors student. He made the top honor roll on the most recent academic report and has been active in Boy Scouts. School spokesman Greg Tankersley said he has an extensive record of community service, and has been "highly involved" in school life.

During a heavy night of drinking, man teaches wife how to shoot a gun, wife shoots husband dead | FreakOutNation

During a heavy night of drinking, man teaches wife how to shoot a gun, wife shoots husband dead | FreakOutNation:

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Police Chief John Egan said Sunday, “It was a reckless act. They were drinking for hours and they were handling firearms.”
The couple’s children, ages 5 and 2, are now staying with relatives, an arrangement that was approved by Delaware County Children and Youth Services, Egan said.

Measles outbreak: City hospitals continue to receive new cases – The Express Tribune

Measles outbreak: City hospitals continue to receive new cases – The Express Tribune:

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(Regardless of why, the vaccine is not working.) On the other hand, health authorities claim that the situation was not alarming.
According to reports, the outpatient departments (OPDs) of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) and Polyclinic receive 20 to 25 measles cases every day. Sources at the Children Hospital at Pims said that the OPD receives over 120 plus cases every month.
“There has been an outbreak of measles in the twin cities since December 2012, but the health authorities are still declining to accept it,” said Dr Tabish Hazir, head of the paediatrics department at the Children Hospital.
“It is a bitter fact that despite mass anti-measles vaccinations and all-out efforts to contain the disease, cases continue to surface,” he said.
Dr Tabish said that since January this year, over 550 children have been clinically diagnosed with measles at Pims. Out of these, 180 plus cases were reported from urban areas of Islamabad, 40 from Bhara Kahu, 25 from Alipur Farash, 15 from Bari Imam and 126 from Rawalpindi. The rest were from other parts of the country. So far only one death has been reported at Pims, he said.
While talking about the causes of the measles outbreak, he said that there was an urgent need to study the epidemiology of the disease, as more than 50 per cent of the children brought to the hospital were those who had already been vaccinated against measles.

Mucuna pruriens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mucuna pruriens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

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Medicinal uses

The seeds of Mucuna Pruriens have been used for treating many dysfunctions in Tibb-e-Unani (Unani Medicine), the traditional system of medicine of Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicineM. pruriens has been shown to improve dopamine levels in rats.[4]
The plant and its extracts have been long used in tribal communities as a toxin antagonist for various snakebites. Research on its effects against Naja spp. (cobra),[5] Echis (Saw scaled viper),[6] Calloselasma (Malayan Pit viper) andBangarus (Krait) [7] have shown it has potential use in the prophylactic treatment of snakebites.
M. pruriens seeds have also been found to have antidepressant properties in cases of depressive neurosis when consumed.[8] and formulations of the seed powder have shown promise in the management and treatment ofParkinson's disease.[9]
Dried leaves of M. pruriens are sometimes smoked.[1] The herb contains L-DOPA, a precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. The L-DOPA content increases when extracts are prepared. L-DOPA converts into dopamine, an important brain chemical involved in mood, sexuality, and movement.

Senators Face ‘Serious Backlash’ After Failure to Support Background Checks

Senators Face ‘Serious Backlash’ After Failure to Support Background Checks:

'via Blog this'In a new poll by Public Policy Polling, five Senators in Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, and Ohio are feeling the wrath of the public after failing to support a background checks measure, in what PPP called “serious backlash”. According to the poll, Senators Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Mark Begich (D-AK), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Dean Heller (R-NV) face lowered approval ratings and a public less likely to support them in the next election.
Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling, concluded that the lowered approval ratings are a direct result of the failure to support the background check measure, “The background checks vote is a rare one that really is causing these Senators trouble back home. All five of these Senators, as well as Kelly Ayotte, have seen their approval numbers decline in the wake of this vote. And the numbers make it clear that their position on Manchin/Toomey is a major factor causing the downward spiral.”
In Arizona, Republican Senator Flake’s approval rating dropped to 32% with a 51% disapproval. He is now more unpopular than even Mitch McConnell. In Arizona, 70% of the public supports background checks. Fifty-two percent of voters say they’re less likely to support Flake in a future election because of this vote. To demonstrate just how extreme the rejection of background checks is, the poll determined that only 19% of the public say they will be more likely to support Flake in a future election due to his vote.
Contrast Flake’s lowered approval ratings with Pennsylvania Republican Senator Toomey’s, who saw an increase in approval after co-sponsoring the bipartisan background check measure (Manchin/Toomey).
In Ohio, Republican junior Senator Rob Portman plunged a net 18 points in approval, from 35% approval and 25% disapproval to just 26% approval with 34% disapproval (net -8). Portman lost support across the board. No one seems to approve of the Ohio Republican. Some of his loss in approval among Republicans is more likely tied to his support for gay marriage, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll.
In Alaska, Democratic junior Senator Mark Begich lost approval from Democrats and Independents after failing to support background checks, with 41% approval rating and a 37% disapproval, down from 49% approval and 39% disapproval. Begich got no bounce from Republicans after his vote, so he basically alienated his base for nothing.
Popular Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski has lost a net 16 points in approval due to her rejection of background checks. Forty-six percent of voters approve of her now, with 41% now disapproving of her. Prior to the vote, she enjoyed a 54% approval rating and only 33% disapproval. The bad news is that while Murkowski predictably lost Democratic support due to her vote, she also failed to gain Republican support by voting with the NRA.
Nevada Republican junior Senator Dean Heller fared better than the aforementioned, with 44% approval to 41% disapproval, but he lost critical support from Independents.

Cows eating candy -Not A Joke!

Cows eating candy during the drought:

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(I thought this story was fake!)

This is not news. My husband used to build silos and we toured a working farm in Wisconsin back in 1980 where the farmer literally had tons of candy brought in on dump trucks to feed his beef cattle. He said he could get them from calves to market weight in as little as 3 months on a sugar based diet...yum...no one ever said. I suppose though that it is not any worse than (genetically modified franken) corn, which is NOT their natural food source. One of the many reasons I do not eat beef.

(And we wonder why America is so fat.)

HIV treatment dead end: US vaccine failures prompt end to trials — RT USA

HIV treatment dead end: US vaccine failures prompt end to trials — RT USA:

'via Blog this'US authorities have announced the cessation of clinical trials in the US after a vaccine designed to prevent the spread of HIV was revealed to be ineffective. The four-year trial failed to stop or reduce HIV infection in some 2,500 participants.
The trials, carried out by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), began in August 2009 and mark the latest in a series of failed attempts at tackling the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Exactly 2,504 volunteers across 19 US cities – all gay men or transgendered people who had sex with men – participated in the massive federally backed study, which hoped to determine whether a vaccine program could prevent HIV infections or reduce the ‘viral load’: The amount of virus in the blood of infected patients.

The HVTN 505 vaccine was given to 1,250 participants, with 1,244 receiving a placebo. The volunteers were initially administered a series of three immunizations over the course of eight weeks. These DNA-based vaccines, designed to alert the immune system, were then followed up with a single ‘booster’ injection in the 24th week.

Results were analyzed on Monday, prompting a supervisory panel to swiftly halt the program. Forty-one infections were detected among those who had received the real vaccine, versus 30 in the placebo group.

Vaccines also failed to reduce infection levels in the blood. “The DSMB found that the vaccine failed to reduce viral load among volunteers who acquired HIV infection at least 28 weeks after entering the study,” the NIAID said in a statement released on Thursday.

Vaccine-maker Merck destroys its tarnished reputation with $1500 payment to those it killed | The Refusers

Vaccine-maker Merck destroys its tarnished reputation with $1500 payment to those it killed | The Refusers:

'via Blog this'To be eligible for compensation, the group members would have to have suffered a heart attack after taking Vioxx for a certain period.
Gerard Dalton, representing the claimants, said the successful applicants would receive a maximum of $2000 if they were alive and $1500 if they were dead …
“I don’t just consider myself to be a street sweeper,” Justice Jessup said.
“I want to know what’s really lying around and whether people’s interests or rights are being affected …
Vioxx was withdrawn from sale globally in 2004 following concerns over its side-effects.

Congressman introduces bill requiring study of autism rate in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated | The Refusers

Congressman introduces bill requiring study of autism rate in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated | The Refusers:

'via Blog this'"Also, so some who have suggested that the increase in Autism is due to better diagnosis, you don’t go from 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 80 in three decades due to better diagnosis alone. And, if that were the case, where are the tens of thousands of autistic adults in their 40s, 50s and 60s. While better diagnosis may be a factor, common sense says there is a real increase and something is causing it."
HON. Bill Posey
Of Florida
Friday, April 26, 2013


MB Comment: The CDC has refused to study the autism rate in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated kids, because they are a captive agency of vaccine manufacturers. The former head of the CDC is now the head of Merck vaccines, the largest US vaccine manufacturer. CDC officials have been disrespectful, bumbling fools when required to testify before Congress.
The CDC is reluctant to compare autism rates in unvaxed vs. vaxed because it will likely show the same thing as the following study and survey, a huge increase in autism risk in the vaccinated. Of course such data will indict the CDC and expose their responsibility for creating the biggest epidemic in US history: Vaccine-induced autism.
1) Children who receive the entire 3-shot series of Hepatitis B Vaccine have a 9x higher rate of developmental disabilities than unvaccinated children. Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1-9 years
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, September 2008 Carolyn Gallagher* and Melody Goodman
2) Vaccinated children have higher rates of autism and ADHD than unvaccinated children.
Generation Rescue: Unvaccinated children phone survey. All vaccinated boys, compared to unvaccinated boys:
- Vaccinated boys were 155% more likely to have a neurological disorder (RR 2.55)
- Vaccinated boys were 224% more likely to have ADHD (RR 3.24)
- Vaccinated boys were 61% more likely to have autism (RR 1.61)

Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World

The way the author ties in positive thinking brainwashing to political apathy in the last chapter was very well done too and I couldn't agree more with her conclusions. As someone involved in trying to fire people up to participate in activism I absolutely find the 'nicey nicey at all costs' mindlessly positive attitude to be an enormous obstacle in effecting real positive change. Just enormous. 

Expressing legitimate anger is helpful and necessary. If you do this it passes quickly! Far better to vent for a little while to friends who understand than to repress all your feelings and so end up feeling unhappy far longer, in the end.

Hypocrite Sheeple Mom Risks Kids Lives With Dangerous Vaccines, But Won't Risk Her Own

Your Unvaccinated Kid Is Not Welcome To Play With Mine - Mommyish:

'via Blog this'"Vaccine efficacy depends, in part, on “herd immunity,” and by choosing not to inoculate your child, you are failing the herd. I hold you responsible for the unnecessary illness of babies who were too young to yet be vaccinated. I definitely blame you for your own child’s sickness – and I just have to remind you that it was preventable.

(Who asked you? Judge not. It's a fact the unvaccinated have stronger immune systems then vaccinated kids. You are saying you should make a healthy kid less healthy to protect some random unknown baby? Keep your little babies home! Especially if they are sickly! You are going to blame other parents for not protecting YOUR child? That is YOUR job. That's what I did when my kid was a baby. My job. Unless you are shoving your kid in a daycare, and yes, then the kid will get sick all the time and no amount of vaccine is going to help it. That's how daycare babies roll.)

"And now I’ll go and risk negating just about everything I’ve said so far by disclosing that I don’t like the flu vaccine. I don’t get one (except in 2009, when I was pregnant and the CDC told me that swine flu was practically targeting pregnant women), and I’ve never gotten the shot for my children. They were both theoretically protected by the vaccine I received while pregnant and still breastfeeding, but last winter we all went vaccine-less
I say this not to paint myself as a worthless hypocrite, but to offer proof that I’m not simply a “do as you’re told by the government” non-thinking type. Maybe if you know that I don’t get a flu shot every year, you’ll let my words in when I say you should opt in on the MMR vaccine. It’s a long shot, but I have to try. The health of the herd is at stake."
(Guess what? To me, MY kid matters most, and I am not fixing what isn't broken. An immune system is a terrible thing to destroy.)

Vaccinated Children Five Times More Prone To Disease Than Unvaccinated Children

Vaccinated Children Five Times More Prone To Disease Than Unvaccinated Children:

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What The Study Revealed

Released as its own preliminary study back in September 2011, the survey includes data on 8,000 unvaccinated children whose overall disease rates were compared to disease rates among the general population, the vast majority of which has been vaccinated. And in every single disease category, unvaccinated children fared far better than vaccinated children in terms of both disease prevalence and severity. In other words, the evidence suggests that vaccines are neither effective nor safe.

"No study of health outcomes of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated has ever been conducted in the U.S. by CDC or any other agency in the 50 years or more of an accelerating schedule of vaccinations (now over 50 doses of 14 vaccines given before kindergarten, 26 doses in the first year),"wrote Louis Rain back in 2011 for Health Freedom Alliance about the survey.

How The Health Of Vaccinated And Unvaccinated Children Compared

As disclosed at VaccineInjury.info, vaccinated children are nearly twice as likely as unvaccinated children to develop neurodermatitis, for instance, a skin disorder marked by chronic itching and scratching. Similarly, vaccinated children are about two-and-a-half times as likely, based on current data, to develop a pattern of migraine headaches compared to unvaccinated children.

Baby dies just days after immunizations - YouTube

Baby dies just days after immunizations - YouTube:

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My dautgher passed away at 16 months (6 months ago) after getting 4 shot's. she died within 12 house in her sleep.one of the shot's was a DTaP and another was a Hep A. They told me they don't know her cause of death and they can't prove it was the shot's.But they told me it wasn't SIDS because in california it stop's at 12 months.No mother need's to lose their baby.She was my life and I hope they will stop this!!!!!!!

Babies DO NOT NEED VACCINATION after they are born, because their IMMUNE SYSTEM IS NOT YET MATURE, and they are not able to produce antibodies. Until the age of 6 months, babies depend on the antibodies from their mother milk. They are giving vaccines to kids for diseases they can not even contact at that age, like hepatitis A, a disease people contact if they eat or drink something that has been contaminated with human body waste products, tetanos etc.

To Defend Police, City Cites Officers’ Laziness - NYTimes.com

To Defend Police, City Cites Officers’ Laziness - NYTimes.com:

'via Blog this'“It’s a question as to why they can see activity when they are being paid overtime as opposed to not being able to see activity when they are on straight time,” Mr. Esposito testified.
Officers who complained about quotas were resistant to doing their job, city lawyers suggested.
In one of the surreptitious recordings made by a Bronx police officer, Pedro Serrano, his precinct commander suggested that the low number of stops that the officer conducted — just a few for an entire year — indicated that he was derelict in his duties when on patrol.
“We’re still one of the most violent commands in the city,” Deputy Inspector Christopher McCormack said on the tape. “And to stop two people, you know, to see only two things going on, that’s almost like you’re purposely not doing your job at all.”

Monday, April 29, 2013

Washington lawmakers quietly approve bill to re-criminalize some marijuana possession | The Raw Story

Washington lawmakers quietly approve bill to re-criminalize some marijuana possession | The Raw Story:

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The Senate passed the measure unanimously on Saturday, according to The Associated Press. The governor was expected to sign the bill as soon as Monday, but had not yet by early afternoon. Scientists at the Washington State Patrol’s Forensic Laboratory Services warned recently that last November’s election changed the definition of marijuana to such an extent that nearly all plants seized by police could be considered hemp.
The trouble arises where the law draws the line between hemp, an industrial fiber that contains virtually no psychoactive drug, and its more intoxicating cousin marijuana. The state’s law currently says that if tests show more than 0.3 percent of marijuana’s “delta-9 THC,” then its a drug, but anything less is considered hemp and therefore not a drug.
Crime lab experts warned that the language does not account for changes that happen to marijuana when it is burned or cooked, causing a plant that might have a low amount of psychoactive drug in it to become very potent once ingested. 

(I don't even smoke pot but I am enraged over this. God just let people get stoned. For Christ sake. This is so stupid.)

Government Funded Phone App Tracks “Vaccine Refusers”

Government Funded Phone App Tracks “Vaccine Refusers”:

'via Blog this'"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
C. S. Lewis

When Dealing With Crazy Is Better Than Calling the (Crazier) Cops

Schizophrenic. Killer. My Cousin. | Mother Jones:

'via Blog this'Mark didn't want to call the police. For one, he didn't think Houston was dangerous, just upset, despairing. Also, Mark read the news. The Santa Rosa cops had killed two mentally ill men they'd been called to intervene with in the last six years, one case resulting in a federal civil rights suit. This is not a problem unique to Santa Rosa—or to greater Sonoma County, which in 2009 paid a $1.75 million settlement to the family of a mentally ill 16-year-old whom sheriff's deputies shot eight times. There's no comprehensive data yet, but mental illness appears to be a factor in so many arrest-related deaths that the Justice Department .... ...the Justice Department has considered adding mental-health status to its national database of such deaths. Just last year, for example, the DOJ found the Portland, Oregon, police department had a "pattern or practice of using excessive force…against people with mental illness," including eight shootings in 18 months and the beating to death of an unarmed man in 2006.

"All those kids get shot by the police," he told Marilyn. "Just let me handle it."
So Mark didn't call the police, and Houston didn't get any additional help. Ten days before all the really bad things happened...

 Ten percent of US homicides, he estimates based on an analysis of the relevant studies, are committed by the untreated severely mentally ill—like my schizophrenic cousin. And, he says: "I'm thinking that's a conservative estimate."

Tennessee Republican attacks ‘disgusting’ Humane Society over ‘tape and rape’ | The Raw Story

Tennessee Republican attacks ‘disgusting’ Humane Society over ‘tape and rape’ | The Raw Story:

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Kayci McLeod of the Human Society had written to Holt earlier this month to ask him to oppose legislation that would criminalize activists who exposed animal abuse on factory farms and in slaughterhouses.
Holt, who sponsored the bill in the Tennessee House, was apparently not too pleased to have received the correspondence.
Tennessee state Rep. Andy Holt (R-Dresden) described the Humane Society as radicals and accused them of promoting rape-like tactics against farmers, according to emails released Friday.
“I am extremely pleased that we were able to pass HB 1191 today to help protect livestock in Tennessee from suffering months of needless investigation that propagandist groups of radical animal activists, like your fraudulent and reprehensibly disgusting organization of maligned animal abuse profiteering corporatists, who are intent on using animals the same way human-traffickers use 17 year old women,” he replied.

What you can do about Colony Collapse Disorder - Honeybees - Silence of the Bees | Nature | PBS

What you can do about Colony Collapse Disorder - Honeybees - Silence of the Bees | Nature | PBS:

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Children at private schools face greatest risk from measles epidemic, but Measles is not fatal to children, thankfully

Children at private schools face greatest risk from measles epidemic, warns leading doctor | Mail Online:

'via Blog this'He said private schools were a 'law unto themselves', and warned both pupils and the wider population were being put at risk from infectious diseases because the schools do not have proper policies to protect children and are bad at keeping adequate medical records of pupils from abroad.

Vaccines shunned by some as others struggle for access - CNN.com

Vaccines shunned by some as others struggle for access - CNN.com:

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Your right Katy there isnt a fund for "tylenol or clomid.... yeah people dont go into hysterics over minor side effects such as the ones caused by tylenol or clomid as you say,of course we go into "hysterics" over having a perfectly normal developing child until they are vaccinated and their child is instantaneously having seizures and will live with their parents for the rest of their lives...YES we do go into hysterics these are children who are becoming seriously disabled after vaccines, these kids don't qualify for any funds from vaccine comp funds for fevers and rashes the child is nearly completely disabled to qualify. I am not implying every child will have an adverse effect but you have to educate yourself on the ingredients and possible side effects and if you choose to go ahead and use the vaccine and your child does have an adverse response you will have at least went into it with your eyes wide open.....EDUCATE!!!

  • Minnesota Department of Health proposing changes in school immunization rules | BrainerdDispatch.com | Brainerd, Minnesota

    Minnesota Department of Health proposing changes in school immunization rules | BrainerdDispatch.com | Brainerd, Minnesota:

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    CPS Breaks Up Happy Families and Endangers Children

    CPS Takes Baby After Mom Asks For 2nd Opinion From Doctor Part 2 - YouTube:

    'via Blog this'Published on Apr 28, 2013

    Links to everything I talked about in this video:
    Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvSSP...

    Please Visit:

    For Web Hosting or Design from a Liberty-minded company, visithttp://www.GeekGhost.net and use coupon code: MatLarson10 for 10% off any service or product.

    Sacramento CPS Kidnaps Child - YouTube

    Sacramento CPS Kidnaps Child - YouTube:

    'via Blog this'Published on Apr 26, 2013
    SACRAMENTO, CA - When Alex and Anna Nikolayev learned they would have a second one-hour visit Friday at the hospital with their baby boy Sammy, the news came as the one happy moment to cap off a difficult day.

    "It's like everything in your stomach is turning and then you see his toothless smile and it kills everything in you ," Anna said, "It was nice. At least for one hour."

    Little Sammy has been in protective custody since Wednesday, when police and Child Protective Services took the baby from his mother's arms. The move came a day after the family thought a dispute with Sammy's doctors had been resolved.

    Alex and Anna said they've known about Sammy's heart murmur since he was born, and he was regularly seeing a Sutter cardiologist every two to three weeks. Also, the couple reiterated on Friday, that even when doctors at Sutter began talking about surgery, this was not a surgery to take place immediately. This was something the parents understood would be scheduled two weeks later, and no one ever gave them any reason to believe Sammy's health was in any imminent danger.

    The couple admitted they left Sutter Memorial without a proper discharge on Tuesday, but they said it was only because they were unhappy with Sammy's care, and they took the 5-month-old to Kaiser Permanente to get a second opinion.

    PREVIOUS STORY: Couple fights to get baby back from CPS, police

    On Thursday, the family met with leaders of Sacramento's Slavic community hoping to get help. That resulted in a one-hour visit with Sammy, but the couple's attorney said they were not allowed to see the boy's medical chart. The parents said they did not have a chance to talk to doctors about Sammy's health either.

    Then on Friday, the couple and their attorney managed to secure a second one-hour visit with Sammy, but only if they agreed to much stricter pre-conditions.

    "She called us back and said we can have this visit at 6 o'clock without any video camera in the room, without taking any pictures," Anna said, describing her conversation with CPS. "My whole family is waiting for pictures in Germany,,,,

    CPS Takes Child After Mom Gets 2nd Opinion - YouTube

    CPS Takes Child After Mom Gets 2nd Opinion - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/nrtQaxzjv0Y"

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    CPS likes the white blue eyed babies. They can adopt them out for more money. The parents did the right thing in getting publicity. Call your congressman. Make as much noise as possible.

    Senator Corker Gets a Prank Call from an Angy Mom (VIDEO) | Liberals Unite

    Senator Corker Gets a Prank Call from an Angy Mom (VIDEO) | Liberals Unite:

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    Live Action's Latest Abortion Clinic Undercover Video A Bust | Blog | Media Matters for America

    Live Action's Latest Abortion Clinic Undercover Video A Bust | Blog | Media Matters for America:

    'via Blog this'Live Action and its founder, Lila Rose, have a long, disreputable history of perpetrating hoaxes and concocting false allegations against abortion rights supporters, Planned Parenthood in particular. This latest "undercover video" project is timed to coincide with the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortion provider facing multiple murder charges resulting from the monstrous and horrific procedures he is alleged to have carried out under the guise of women's reproductive health.

    Hundreds Die in Bangladesh Factory Collapse As Retailers Reject Better Safety Standards

    Hundreds Die in Bangladesh Factory Collapse As Retailers Reject Better Safety Standards:

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    (This is why I have a sewing machine, and, even though it's killing me that I'm such an idiot I can't figure out the directions, I WILL master it. Or I will wear rags.)

    Raymond Buys, 15, dies after hell camp his mom, Wilna Buys sent him to

    Boer Genocide: Raymond Buys, 15, dies after hell camp:

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    Others believe, however, that the camp may have been a recruitment centre for the AWB’s paramilitary wing, the Ystergarde (Iron Guards). Calitz’s sister suggested this in an interview with IOL in 2007. AWB leader Eugene Terreblanche denied this claim at the time, however, saying: “I don’t know who [De Koker and his co-accused]. The Ystergarde has in any case been disbanded and has definitely not regrouped.”
    In 2009, when De Koker stood trial for the deaths of Calitz and Van der Walt, he got off with a suspended sentence over Calitz’s death, and escaped charges altogether for Van der Walt’s death, because it was ruled to have been caused by a heart attack. This time around, De Koker and employee Erasmus have pleaded not guilty to charges of murder, child abuse and neglect, failure to provide adequate clothing, food, housing or assistance and two charges of assault, in a case postponed from November last year. The damaging testimony of Buys’s tent-mate, Gerhard Oosthuizen, may help to shore up the state’s case.

    gys nezar wilna buys vereeniging magistrates


    VEREENIGING, SOUTH AFRICA - APRIL 25: Gys Nezar and Wilna Buys at the Vereeniging Magistrate's Court on April 25, 2013, in Vereeniging, South Africa. Wilna's son Raymond sustained fatal injuries while at the Echo Wild Game Rangers training fascility, operated by Alex de Koker and Michael Erasmus. (Photo by Gallo Images / Foto24 / Bongiwe Gumede)

    His mother Wilna and her fiancee Gys Nezar told Sondag journalist Riaan Bam that her son ‘fought bravely for his life and that he now is with dear Jesus.’

    (I can't believe she didn't kill herself. I am not saying that to be mean, I really can't believe anyone could live with that kind of guilt.)

    Van Ronge accused De Koker of deliberately discrediting the AWB by using the organisation’s logos and flags to lure people to his training camp – but that the AWB have nothing to do with this and that De Koker isn’t even a member.


    Raymond Buys, 15, dies after hell camp

    Afrikaans youth  ‘tortured and starved’ for 10 weeks, says his mother; third death at the Echo Wild Game Rangers camp run by Alex de Koker… two deaths were recorded on death certificates as ‘natural deaths’…

    http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2013-04-29-raymond-buys-15-years-old-dead-for-not-being-manly/#.UX737St4YU8 A truly shocking story is currently unfolding in the Vereeniging District Court. The owner of a “game-ranger training camp” with links to far-right groups stands trial for the torture and murder of a 15-year-old boy in his care in 2011. 

    Iron Guard-murders of effeminate teens at South African Ranger Training Camp

    Man up or die | murders of effeminate teens at South African Ranger Training Camp | O-blog-dee-o-blog-da:

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    Buys was sent to the camp by his mother, Wilma Buys, because she thought “this course to make him a better man, to give him a better future.”
    However with a little bit of digging, the gay reparative undertones would start to emerge.  de Korker 49, and his employee, Michael Erasmus, 20, have been charged with and pleaded not guilty to the 2011 murder. Charges include  child abuse, neglect and two cases of assault with intent to cause serious physical injury.
    The trial began in the Vereeniging District Court this past week.   The Court heard about the alleged torture that led to Buys’s murder. Gerhard Oosthuizen, 19, reportedly testified that Buys, with whom he shared a tent during the training course, was chained to his bed every night, was refused permission to visit the toilet and forced to eat his own faeces. According to Die Beeld Newspaper, Oosthuizen told the court that Buys was extremely weak and unable to do the manual labor the boys were forced to perform. Buys was often beaten with planks, hosepipes and sticks when he did not do his duties properly, Oosthuizen said.
    Shortly before Buys was admitted to hospital, Oosthuizen reportedly saw De Koker and Erasmus electrocuting Buys, who was naked and tied to a chair.