Friday, April 26, 2013

Barium and Aluminum, Vaccines, Chemtrails, and Death

Reduction of Endotoxin Levels in Influenza Virus Vaccines by Barium Sulfate Adsorption-Elution:

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The level of endotoxin in influenza virus vaccine lots was reduced 10- to 20-fold after barium sulfate adsorption-elution. The amount of viral antigen lost was negligible.

Just a couple of years ago, an Arizona resident collected certified medical blood test documents from seriously ill Arizonians and sent them to various State and Federal elected officials demanding an investigation. The blood sample documents showed extremely highamounts of either barium or aluminum or both. None of those people worked or had worked with hazardous materials containing those items. Some were retired.
In the past couple of decades, death from respiratory disease in the US have been increasing. Asthma rates have more than doubled in the western world and Alzheimer’s’ disease andautism spectrum disorders have risen dramatically.
Barium can be linked to multiple diseases including respiratory diseases and aluminum to neurological afflictions.
Even if you’re not directly affected by these nanoparticles from chemtrails, your immune system is adversely affected and forced to work overtime with yet more environmental and food pollutants and toxins, leaving you more prone to infectious and autoimmune diseases. And in any case, if the soil is affected (which it is) you are affected.

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