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Ayn Rand Fanboy Paul Ryan Used Social Security “Hammock” to Put Himself Through College | |
By: Blue Texan Friday January 28, 2011 10:30 am |
John Galt would be outraged at his complacency and dependence.
Turns out, when Ryan was an able-bodied young lad, he used that hammock to pay for his college education. (h/tGottalaff)This is a future in which we will transform our social safety net into a hammock, which lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency and dependency.
College costs have skyrocketed since Ryan entered Miami University in 1988, yet Ryan wants to slash the very system that he benefited from because it produces “dependency.”On the day Paul Davis Ryan was born in 1970, President Richard Nixon unveiled his record-setting $200.8 billion federal budget proposal for the upcoming year – a budget that included a large increase in Social Security payments. [...]
One day as a 16 year old, Ryan came upon the lifeless body of his father. Paul Ryan, Sr. had died of a heart attack at age 55, leaving the Janesville Craig High School 10th grader, his three older brothers and sisters and his mother alone. It was Paul who told the family of his father’s death. [...]
With his father’s passing, young Paul collected Social Security benefits until age 18, which he put away for college.
Figures. This is a guy who requires his staffers to read Atlas Shrugged, and we now know that Ayn Rand was a big welfare queen herself.
162 Responses to “Ayn Rand Fanboy Paul Ryan Used Social Security “Hammock” to Put Himself Through College”
perrylogan January 28th, 2011 at 10:40 am
If anyone needs a safety net, it’s the libertarians.
Always the hypocrites these jerks! I’m soooooooooooooo tired of being lectured to by these retards.
These are some pretty scary times. The top 2% just got $300 Billion and our Government is full of insane Tea Partiers and an equally insane Republican House majority. They’re now going after everything, as they know Obama rolls over like a dog on virtually everything. Imagine if the GOP pulls of what it’s trying to do, the US will be done very, very quickly. This guy has the same glazed over look as Boehner and Cantor.
theloneapple January 28th, 2011 at 10:44 am
I feel badly about the young Ryan discovering his father like that. It’s sad and I don’t wish that on anyone especially a 16 year old boy. I don’t know what happened to that kid over the years because right now he comes across as a tad callous towards people who are less fortunate in life.
Just another Right Wingnut kook who is also a big Hypocrite… I know IOKIYAR but ya gotta call them out for such hypocrisy…
Social Security is mainly for people who have reached retirement age after having worked forty to fifty years.
I would think that would justify them lazing around in a hammock.
Guess Ryan wants us all to drop dead on the job instead.
I would think that would justify them lazing around in a hammock.
Guess Ryan wants us all to drop dead on the job instead.
In response to dakine01 @ 7
But of course then They can use the money we paid in for all those 40-50 years for “Other” purposes, like Wall Street, couldn’t they use More money to gamble with..
His father paid for this benefit.
Should teenager Paul and his siblings have forfeited this death benefit?
As far as I have seen, Ryan has not advocted getting rid of this benefit, nor of Social Security, which has been raided by both parties for the past decades.
Let’s be fair.
Should teenager Paul and his siblings have forfeited this death benefit?
As far as I have seen, Ryan has not advocted getting rid of this benefit, nor of Social Security, which has been raided by both parties for the past decades.
Let’s be fair.
dr pimento January 28th, 2011 at 10:49 am
I had lost both my parents by the age of 17. I was fortunate to qualify for Social Security and Veterans’ benefits (my dad was a disabled WWII vet) to attend college. I would not have been able to go were it not for those two programs. For Paul Ryan to consider cuts to the very programs from which he benefited is political cannibalism. Does he also eat his young? How do a$$holes like this get elected?
At the Rand celebration he spoke at in 2005, Ryan invoked the central theme of Rand’s writings when he told his audience that, “Almost every fight we are involved in here on Capitol Hill … is a fight that usually comes down to one conflict–individualism versus collectivism.”Let’s make it simpler: Assholes versus Not Assholes.
Fixed it, Rep.
Oval12345678akaJamesKSayre January 28th, 2011 at 10:51 am
If you’re not a flaming hypocrite, you just can’t be a real Republican…
Let me start by saying that when I worked full time for So Many years, while I was also raising three children and running the house, I might add, I used to espouse my opinion that I wasn’t sure if SS would still be in place by the time I would need it. I also would say that I was glad that the portion that I contributed to SS was, at least, paying for my dad’s checks. My dad, who survived WWII, worked his butt off for his family, who lost his retirement funds in the Lincoln Savings disaster, and who left me nothing but great memories when he died.
Now, I have no savings. Little equity in my house, at this particular time.
BT, I’m pretty sure you saw my posts about needing to get a job now to help pay for some of my son’s college tuition. One and one-half years from now, but, hey why wait until the last minute? /big S
My friends at the Lake don’t hear me say this very often, but Fuck Ryan and His MFing Hammock. God’ll get him for this. (In my best Maude imitation.)
Now, I have no savings. Little equity in my house, at this particular time.
BT, I’m pretty sure you saw my posts about needing to get a job now to help pay for some of my son’s college tuition. One and one-half years from now, but, hey why wait until the last minute? /big S
My friends at the Lake don’t hear me say this very often, but Fuck Ryan and His MFing Hammock. God’ll get him for this. (In my best Maude imitation.)
EarthquakeWeather January 28th, 2011 at 10:59 am
Did we expect anything different? Major dick.
Requiring Staffers to read Atlas Shrugged, though, that surprises even me. My god that amounts to hazing.
Requiring Staffers to read Atlas Shrugged, though, that surprises even me. My god that amounts to hazing.
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