I'm recommending this book to you: "Deadly Spin," an expose of the health care system. It was written by an insider who all of a sudden decided he wanted to stop screwing people over.
The scariest part of this book is at its very end. Wendell Potter has put together the buying-up of the newspaper industry with the new age of spin-dominated politics, and warned us of a future with less and less honest information available to the masses.
(That's you.)
Using misinformation, front groups to suggest that any sort of reform is bad, these organizations have been directing America down a path with overgrown foilage and rough terrain where the patient must always suffer.
(people with insurance, also you, for now.)
Is "Universal Healthcare" the way to go? I don't know but I do know that the insurance industry is scared of it.
(So it's probably good. I am scared of the insurance industry. The couple times I've tried to utilize insuranse in the past few years they did not do anything they were supposed to do.)
"Universal Healthcare" has been demonized by the insurance media and politicized without looking at it as a possible choice or considering it logically or fairly.
'ObamaCare' is not a 'cure-all.' For example, it will not stop employers from only offering high-deductible plans such as the $30,000 for some families in Maine. Nor does it remove the ERISA liability protection for employer-sponsored plans.
The lengths to which health insurers go and the collusions in which they participate are extraordinary. They routinely deny coverage to people who need it and drop coverage of people who become ill.
(That coverage you have and never use is going to waste. How much have you paid them over the years. Are you expecting them to keep you insured if you get very sick? Once you're out of work for a while with no hope of going back that means you don't have a job, without a job you can resort to Cobra, if you can afford it. If you have a house to sell you can sell that but medical bills can easily exceed the cost of several houses in no time. You need to start taking WAY better care of yourself, STAT. That attitude you have of blaming the victim is going to be turned around on you when your lungs or liver start to go.)
They hire outside PR firms who form bogus grassroots groups who lobby in favor of health insurers. They provide statistics to back up all of their false claims that any kind of healthcare reform is bad.
...despite the fact that the U.S. spends more per capita on its health care plan than every other country in the world. The country that was ranked #1 by the WHO was France which [gasp!], employs a universal health care system for its citizens.
(I figured since you are interested enough to bring up politics every time we hang out together I should recommend some books. When you start up with me I usually take some time to research whatever we talked about, but then it's really frustrating when it turns out you can't go into things in any kind of depth. You like to say, "I'm entitled to my opinion" but you're actually spouting some opinion you heard on the radio in thirty seconds on the way to work. I'd rather you either know what you're talking about, or not bring up the vapid one liners you heard on the radio or from the TV.
Oftentimes when someone finally pisses me off enough for me to really snap on them, that's it, so possibly we aren't friends any more. If that's how you want it, then fine. If not, either we can not talk social issues, or if we do talk about them educate yourself from more than conservative radio and the news (I get my news from several sources and you can easily get "google alerts" regarding issues which you care about and that, unless it becomes censored like the mainstream media, should give you news from a variety of sources), because the tv and radio sources are biased.
If you actually care, you dig a little deeper, and if you do not really care, then why are you getting yourself all worked up over shit?
I know you are "done with school" but once you stop using your brain it begins to atrophy. Do you really want to be a patsy and a pawn for people who have no interest in you, your health, your job, your life, or your family? They want to suck you dry until you drop dead and then they get the rest.
Unless you suddenly get rich-doubtful, especially if you sell the one thing you have a hope of owning, your underwater house (one more time, you are angry at the wrong people!)-you will end up needing some kind of unaffordable care at the end of your life. Unaffordable is not a typo. It's all going to be unaffordable, as it already is. When that happens the only way you can get supplemental help is to "spend down your assets" so that means if you want to leave anything to your husband, you can't. More likely you will outlast your husband, and he will be the one to have to liquidate everything.
The one exception used to be they wouldn't take your house, but that could change if it hasn't already. Do you want to be old and in poverty? The administration you root for wants you to be, and the minute they get your last penny, they will put you in some filthy rusty needle back alley nursing home, neglect and abuse you until you drop dead-as long as the hospital is getting some kind of payout they might keep you on some sort of life support, but that doesn't mean they are going to do shit-all for the bedsores.
common in America's nursing homes, especially in the south. TN is possibly the worst in the country. This is what understaffing does. This is what it means when people go in private nursing homes that have to please "Investors."
I've talked to people in the north about elder-care and how it is there. One volunteer said that it's the ones with no family who are the worst off, and if you put somebody in a nursing home they will take better care of them as long as they know you'll be checking up on a regular basis. By regular I mean daily.
I know you don't want to hear it. I can not help having to say it. This is "capitalism." This is life with "Conservatives" in charge. When money is more important than people, this is what you get.
The conservative, religious right are the ones who nickel and dime people through life, and then bottom line them to death.
If you don't want to go this way, I suggest you do a little research into how this might be prevented. Hint: not by voting for that asstard, Romney.
...And it has nothing to do with Obama-it's been this way, before him. I have seen it with my own eyes. You know this.)
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