Whatever happened to Arno of White Power band Centurion? - YouTube:
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Back in the late 80s - early 90s, there was a Nazi band making the rounds out of Milwaukee, WI called Centurion. They had a decent enough following and were seen in various mainstream publications as well as a few anti-racist dossiers back in the day. Well, as these things generally go, people have moved on, and after the band broke up, their lead singer was no exception.

A former racist skinhead examines aspects of his past: Where did the hate begin? How did a teenaged alcoholic become a central figure in the white power movement of the late 80s and early 90s? What happened to bring about his drastic change of mind and heart? With a collection of reflective essays, disturbing flashbacks, and an interview,My Life After Hate scrubs scabs off the festering wound of racism, then soothes with the essential wisdom of forgiveness and compassion.
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