Friday, June 22, 2012

Rush Limbaugh’s Wishes he could get a "Single White Slut."

Rush Limbaugh’s 14 Most Infamous Misogynist Moments | The Jane Dough:

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Soon after calling Sandra Fluke a "slut" for advocating for affordable contraception,Limbaugh blasted author Tracie McMillan for writing a book about the importance of healthy eating. He said, "What is it with all of these young, single, white women? Over-educated, doesn’t mean intelligent. Example, Tracie McMillan, the author of this book, seems to be just out of college and already she has been showered with awards.”

This kind of shinola you might expect in high school, in the seventies. Dude, only Christian girls in the Bible Belt are "sluts" nowadays, unless they have an abnormally low sex drive.

If you thought the title Secretary of State was prestigious, you thought wrong. This year,Limbaugh said of Hillary, "All she is is a secretary."

All? Even if that were so, secretaries do all the work and everybody knows it.

When Chelsea Clinton was 13, Limbaugh pointed to a photo of her during an episode of his show and said "Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?" Bullying a child, how grown up.

This one makes me so sad I don't even have a comeback. It's so easy to hurt young girls. Rush shows his petty, mean spirited, evil, repulsive, disgusting personality loud and clear. What makes me sad is that afterwards anyone still listened to him. Just saying that proves nothing relevant can ever come out of your mouth. How are you going to pick on a kid who didn't ask to be in the spotlight...It's almost like maybe he's actually a secret liberal. If that comment alone didn't turn people from respecting his judgemental and sexist opinion, what will. This is partly why religion is dangerous. It allows people to think males are more important than females. Southern people are especially prone to this phenomena. For the record, Chelsea Clinton is beautiful and who the hell is he to comment on her in the first place? He's so repulsive!

Perhaps the most memorable of Rush Limbaugh's misogynist moments: The Sandra Fluke Incident. Who could forget when, earlier this year, Limbaugh took it upon himself to call the Georgetown Law student a "slut." We certainly won't. And we doubt you will either.

Once again, he wishes.

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