'via Blog this'Some people did not treat slaves well. They sometimes beat slaves, and they also punished them very badly. The main reason for this is because the owners had complete power over their slaves, and they thought their slaves would work harder if they were afraid of being punished by their owners. The slaves worked very hard, but the owners did not pay them. The owners considered them to be property (not people) that they could treat as badly as they wanted.
(In order to prevent the women and children in the family from feeling empathy for slaves, kids were taught in school that slaves were akin to "dumb animals."
Slave owners could not have thought this.
One of the means of coercion used was to threaten the family member or loved one of the disobedient slave, which is the same method used by the mafia today.
If you try to harm a baby Blue Jay, that bird will fly at you and peck your eyes out and not care if you kill it. You can not scare it with threats, nor can you scare ANY animal by threatening to harm it or it's family member. You can hurt an animal and scare it away or incite it to attack you, but you can't make it imagine you will torture it's child cruelly.
Animals don't reason like that, and they don't have the imagination to think you will torture anything, and they don't torture each other so they wouldn't know what to imagine.
It's the bad KKKarma of the south that many became so poor afterwards, but there is still money to be made with slaves there. Mexican slave labor does most of the work, now. Migrant workers work on farms. What will happen when America plunges into a depression like the last one? Americans will have to do the day laboring or risk not working at all. Will they stand up for their workers rights? Or will those rights be gone by then? Will we have to start from scratch? Watch fruit dying on the vine while people die on the streets, only to eventually ...what? Reinstate the social programs that were gutted? Are we really going to let it get to Grapes of Wrath proportions?
Education is SO important and parents have to supplement that education with accurate RECENT history. Teachers need to make the material relevant to children. Kids have no idea how politics affect their lives. kids don't seem to realize there's any connection whatsoever.
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