Thursday, June 21, 2012

Will John McCain/neocons invade a soveriegn country in his first term?

Will John McCain/neocons invade a soveriegn country in his first term?:

They really thought that dick-head was going to win!?

'via Blog this'

ons invade a soveriegn country in his first term?
<< < (3/4) > >>
Yes they will. It'll be Poland, cuz everybody forgets about them.
First Watergate Now Gunrungate:
Yes, President McCain orders the overthrow of Hugo Chavez, invades Venezuela, and seizes their oil fields as an energy source for America for the forseeable future.
NOVA Green:
No....  not "invade", airstrikes, quite possibly.

I think it's ridiculous that there is no option for non-Democrats or Republicans to vote "No".
Intellectual Terrorist:
Quote from: Nelson Rockefeller on September 17, 2008, 09:34:26 pm

Yes, President McCain orders the overthrow of Hugo Chavez, invades Venezuela, and seizes their oil fields as an energy source for America for the forseeable future.

You can't be for real.
Yes, he will invade Canada.

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