'via Blog this'[-] 1 points by Builder (1089) 1 month ago
Can you point me to some links about flourine and the effects on the pineal gland?
It is unbelievable that a byproduct of the aluminium industy can be foisted upon the populace simply because it can't be contained, even in high quality stainless steel canisters.
It used to be used as rat poison, but it has a half life of many thousands of years, so the boffins decided it needed to be watered down somewhat before it could be released.
Democracia Real Ya: Five Reasons to Take The Streets
Posted 2 months ago on April 16, 2012, 10:37 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
We will take to the streets on May 12th in a creative, nonviolent popular demonstration to continue working toward a May 15th in defense of the people!
On May 15th, 2011, millions began a process of social change, delivering a clear and unequivocal signal that we are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers, and stating publicly that our current representative democracy is dying. The political class and the powerful have not gotten the message. Despite the growing protests and cries of distress from the 99%, these elites are exploiting the crisis to plunder the common wealth and endangering the lives of the people.
Capitalism has decided to cancel democracy and bankers now rule us. Clearly, this 1% of the population is legalized crime in power. The party system lead us to this disaster and now the 99% must take the reins of our own destiny. We demand a new constitutional power to regain the sovereignty that belongs to us. Therefore, this 12th and 15th of May, after a year of unanswered protest, we will return to the streets with a majority calling for a consumer strike and urging more legitimate demands and protests everywhere.
Some of us have organized and are building alternatives and solutions with our own hands, but in the face of repression and blockades imposed on us by the state, who are jeopardizing the integrity of the people with inhumane measures, we are forced to demand our basic needs for survival. Thus, in order to ensure the 99%'s right to exist, we demand:
- Not one more euro to rescue banks. We demand a citizens' debt audit. We will not pay illegitimate debt created by those who caused the crisis.
- Free and quality education and health care. Do not cut public spending or privatize public services.
- Fair distribution of labor, living wages, and an end to precarious labor. No retirement at 67 and withdrawal of the Labor Reform.
- Guaranteed right of access to decent housing. Retroactive foreclosure foregiveness. Social rental housing. Promotion of housing cooperatives.
- Tax reform that allows a fair distribution of the wealth we collectively produce. Universal basic income for all people.
being shipped into India and across the Globe........Afghanistan now the largest Heron Supplier in World.......thanks to the US Military Leader Patearus.
References: Books by Margaret Mead, Reissued with New Introductions for the ... www.interculturalstudies.org/Mead/book-descriptions. First published in 1964. Edgar Snow: www.answers.com › Library › Biographies Edgar Snow An American journalist and author, Edgar Snow (1905-1972) ... Snow trekked across China, ... in 1937 of his book "Red Star Over China" Snow reputation of interviews with Chairman Mao and Premier Chou En-lai, to honor Edgar Snow, his remains are buried on the campus of Peking University. Heroin - Havocscope Black Marketwww.havocscope.com/heroin/ Apr 2, 2012 – Data on the trafficking of opium and the prices of heroin worldwide. ...Source: Amie Ferris-Rotman, “Lifting the veil on Afghanistan's female addicts,” Reuters,April 1, 2012. ... State officials in the India state of Punjab estimate that over 50 ...strives to beat the Taliban trap,” Google News, February 27, 2012.
It is also known that General Petraeus now the Head of the CIA was documented in talks with Drug Lords in Afghanistan.
It is also known that NATO and American Forces control the skies over Afghanistan so shipments of Heron over the 10 years time frame are absolutely known, whether by land or by air.
It is also known that the billions of dollars from Heron sells has to have gone into Global Bank accounts through the Bank known as HSBC.
Note: That will never happen again!!! I-We are very concerned that Petraeus using the CIA as did GHW Bush, & the Bush Family, will launder money from Afghan Heron Operations. Their percentage in kickbacks for the 100’s of billions dollars laundered, will be used to destabilize other regions around the Globe. As they have done this in the past. They could and most likely are undermining India and China Societies with Heron from Afghanistan. How to Stop it, Once and For All: USA Corporations have made huge investments in China and India and have gained huge cash flows and profits. Together we will demand that it be stopped, the Heron Trade from Afghanistan, once and for all. It should have been stopped years ago. Why wasn’t it! Follow the money! The pay offs and money laundering! All of it is International and National Criminal Racketeering. ..