Monday, June 4, 2012

Enjoy Eating Saturated Fats: They're Good for You. Donald W. Miller, Jr., M.D. - YouTube

Enjoy Eating Saturated Fats: They're Good for You. Donald W. Miller, Jr., M.D. - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

You can gain saturated fats from numerous sources of vegetables, fruits and nuts, to just restrict your choice of staurated of fats to animal meat products is foolish. Try avacadoes and raw coconut meat.

It takes a great man admit that he was wrong; especially when he will probably be derided for adopting this new correct view of heart disease. My hat is off to Dr. Miller!!!
If only 50% of the MD's in the USA had the integrity of Dr, Miller, what a great country this would be to live in.

  • are you out of your mind? our government subsidizes corn and soy. Not meat. Why do you think HFCS is dirt cheap? BTW, when you compare low fat to low carb, the low carb people lose more weight and have superior lipid panels (lower cholesterol, etc.)

  • are you purposefully dense or something? The entire point of this video is that fatty food and meats are NOT related to heart disease. The research was terrible. Why do you think people who go on the Atkins diet have superior lipid panels (and lose more weight) than people on low fat diets?

This is life changing. I lost 30 pounds eating high saturated fat and look 10 years younger. Don't listen to the US government, they are coporate controlled in everything they put out on diet. I started eating real food and less processed food and the weight came off and feel great!! It's not that hard when you do some investigation for yourself instead of doing what your told by a doctor who knows nothing about food.


  • it's sad to see all the ignorant replies, go ahead keep eating all the carbs and HFC's and margerine and then repost back in a few years if you are still alive....

You ever think that maybe obese doctors who have followed the advice of their fellow doctors for decades, and yet never lost weight, might have more reason to try to figure out why their peers' recommendations don't work?

Id like to point out the fact about what we've been doing to our dogs too. We have been making dry dog food high in whole grains and low in fat. Dogs, just like cows, get fat when fed grain. i really think this problem should be getting more attention.

Dr. Miller is not a very good presenter, however, the information he's sharing is very valuable and will help us make food choices that are nourishing to our mind and body. Meat does not have fiber, so eat lots of plants. Don't eat too much fruits because of its high fructose which leads to symptoms of fructose intolerance.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the sodas and (added sugar) yoghurts. Skip them as well. Skip every yoghurt that has another colour than white. In fact most of them have the same amount of sugar like your Dr. Pepper.
And the body of the speaker does not really convince me to eat more animal products. I dont know if he would have been a very succesfull hunter & gatherer.

Everybody repeats the same idea but the actual studies and the real scientists who look into this tell a different story. Now there is a lot of money in the all this , cholersterol is bad, must lower it to impossible levels so put everyone on drugs. A board of doctors under the pay of the drug companies sets the recommended levels of the supposedly bad cholesterol.

  • While i dont count my calories, after restricting carbs and ramping up bacon and butter comsumption i have gone from 13,8 to 9,3 body fat in one month, while gaining 10 pounds of lean mass.

  • Yes saturated is fine. Factory Canola, any bottled oil is far worse. Let's see, what's correct? Factory products that just recently ( last 60 years) you buy from industrial food suppliers or real animal fat people have eaten . They turned it upside down and convinced you - now you need to realize you may have been mislead. Remember when margarine ( a fake factory product) was healthy and butter was not? Or do you still believe that transfats are healthy ? They said it was.for so long.

Also, there are so many other good sources of info.They've really got people messed up and ithe wrong things have become entrenched in people's minds. Now everybody thinks that low fat is going to save them. Not true. It's the sugar, grains etc that are doing us in. Good fat is good. Good meat is gold.. Bad fat (industrial bottled stuff-all of it) is bad. Industrial meat, veggie grains you name it is likely bad.

I don't want to come off as one of those crazy conspiracy people but its strange how the American Heart Association approves of this low cholesterol diet and how most doctors are recommending this sort of diet. Cholesterol is actually Crucial for the nervous system, hormones, cellular membranes, and the list goes on. Just think WHO Is benefiting from this hypothesis that cholesterol is "bad" and the root of CHD

Food is the number one export in America. It makes sense that they would deem cholesterol as bad because then it benefits the food companies that sell hydrogenated & vegetable oils, and ultimately the pharmaceutical companies that sell drugs that lower cholesterol to the millions of potential consumers worried about being "healthy"

The next time you listen to a Lipitor commercial listen very closely to the side effects. "Lipitor is not for everyone including those with liver disease or POSSIBLE liver problems (how would you know if you have liver problems?) or women who are nursing, pregnant, or MAY become pregnant (which is basically ALL WOMEN WHO ARE CAPABLE OF BIRTH)

The Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences, conducts reports on this sort of thing. This is usually the best place to go if you want to find out whether or not a scientist is in the consensus view of science of or not. Dr. Miller, quite frankly, simply is not; transfat is not good for you, but neither is saturated fat.

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