Friday, June 1, 2012

How Did CitiMortgage Get Endorsement Stamps From American Home Mortgage?

Banks Steal Homes, and I have PROOF « Foreclosure Defense & Strategic Default:

'via Blog this' "A bank (apparently Citimortgage, since it was the plaintiff) wanted to foreclose on the Note and Mortgage entered by Daniel and Christine Hunk, but needed an endorsement from American Home Mortgage.  But American Home Mortgage was out of business.  So Citimortgage took the endorsement stamp that had been used by Danielle Sterling (from when she worked at American Home Mortgage), stamped it on the Note, and forged her signature.
What’s the result?  If you look at the endorsement, everything looks normal.  It looks like the endorsements we all see on tens of thousands of notes in foreclosure cases throughout Florida.  But there’s the rub …
the endorsement looks normal, but it’s a forgery. 
For anyone who thinks this is “no big deal” or merely “sloppy paperwork, bear this in mind.  Foreclosure cases turn on endorsements like this.  Having a Note, endorsed in blank (or specially indorsed to the plaintiff) is almost always what a foreclosure plaintiff asserts as its standing to foreclose.  In other words, endorsements like this are what gives the bank the right to foreclose on a homeowner.  With an endorsement, the bank is probably going to win (and foreclose).  Without it, they’re probably going to lose.  Hence, if these endorsements are forged, as this one clearly seems to be, then banks are, quite literally, stealing homes that don’t belong to them."

All who work in mortgages are required to register in this national directory, and that registration includes disclosing employment history. NO record of any relationship with the original lender shows on her registration. This registry opens a few more cans of worms, as it is mandatory for companies and individuals. Wait! What am I thinking! Why would a little old registry matter when the Constitution and rule of law is being ignored and contorted so much that both are unrecognizable!

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